
一干二净  yī gān èr jìng








  • 我知道你会把我忘得一干二净
    I know you'll forget all about me.

  • 关系一告吹,她便能将你忘得一干二净
    She forgets about you, the moment you turn her off.

  • 玛尔塔:我知道你会把我忘得一干二净
    Marta: I know you'll forget all about me.

  • 他把饭碗舔得一干二净
    He gave the bowl a thorough lick.

  • 他们二人对酌,把一瓶高梁酒喝得一干二净
    They killed a bottle of kao liang between them.

  • 一些小事都忘得一干二净了,大事震天动地!
    Some have completely forgotten the little things, big crews are moving in!

  • 偶认为,到明天清晨,他会忘得一干二净
    I don't think he'll remember a thing tomorrow morning.

  • 如果我是你的话,我会把整件事忘得一干二净
    If I were you, I would just forget about the whole thing.

  • 我本该昨天回信的,但我把这件事忘得一干二净
    I should have answered the letter yesterday, but it went right out of my mind.

  • 我干在那儿,把台词忘得是一干二净,太可怕了。
    I just dried out there, it was terrible.

  • 或许是时间遗弃了我,距离又将我扼杀的一干二净
    Time might have abandoned me, space then kills everything about me.

  • 有些人当面千恩万谢的接受,转个身却忘得一干二净
    Then there are those who appear to gratefully accept criticism, then turn around and forget everything.

  • 倒是把之前买的饼干,火腿肠,还有猪油膏吃得一干二净了。
    Daoshi to buy before the biscuits, ham sausage, as well as pigs eat erased the ointment.

  • 难怪酒吧生意越来越红火,只是要把生意忘得一干二净却不太容易。
    Not surprisingly, the bar scene is thriving, but people usually find it hard to get their minds off business.

  • 一下子我也想不起来,我只知道今天确实有要事要办,我都给忘得一干二净了!
    I can't think of anything at the moment, but I know there is something important I have to do today. It just slipped my mind!

  • 我不想帮。他从不去改变自己的坏毛病。把我们为他所做的一切都忘得一干二净
    I don't want to. He never changes his bad habit. And forget everything that we did for him.

  • 投入资金股市可有风险,我就听说过很多老年人投入资金股市,结果赔得一干二净
    LL: Yes, my pare notnts HAs finished the. But, them HAs too invested some of theirs nest egg in the stock market.

  • 当然,莎梨。对不起让你等了这么久。如果你没提醒我的话,我可能会忘得一干二净
    Sure, Sherry. Sorry to have kept you waiting. If you hadn't told me, I probably would have just forgotten all about them.

  • 我把蜗牛的事已忘得一干二净,罗伯特忽然提出一定要我留下来吃晚饭,这才提醒了我。
    I had forgotten all about the snails when Robert suddenly said that I must stay to dinner.

  • 她一直期待着一份情人节的惊喜,不过她的男朋友好像把这一天是怎么回事忘得一干二净了。
    She kept waiting for her valentines surprise but her boyfriend seemed like he had forgotten what day it was.

  • 在我看来,那些盲目推崇数字革命的贸易协会、出版物和会议可能已经把历史忘得一干二净了。
    In my opinion, those who blindly praised digital revolution of trade associations, publications and conferences may have the history behind it.

  • 我一走出帐篷,就把别林斯基夫人给算卦的事忘得一干二净了,因为我的妻子正匆匆向我跑来。
    As soon as i went outside , i forgot all about madam bellinsky because my wife hurried towards me.

  • 成群的短尾猿守候在附近,即便收割中的谷物,稍不留神,谷穗和种子就会被它们吃得一干二净
    Even as the crops are being cut, troops of macaques are waiting in the wings ready to mop up  any overlooked ears and seeds.

  • 所有人都娇宠我,对我好——只有你,只有你把我忘得一干二净,只有你,只有你从来也没认出我。
    Everyone, everyone, has been eager to spoil me; everyone has loaded me with kindness. But you, only you, forgot me. You, only you, never recognized me.

  • 你年初订的目标是否已在实行?还是已忘得一干二净?一起来探讨实行的困难,以及迈向目标的点子。
    Do you still remember your goals? What are your difficulties in achieving them? Let us learn the various ways to achieve them.

  • 队伍那时就人心散了,纽约球迷恨得牙痒痒的,他们特有的大都会自豪感,在流水般的失利中,被冲刷得一干二净
    At that time the ranks of the people scattered on the New York fans Hende teeth itch, specific to their city's sense of pride in the flowing water as the defeat, was completely washed too.

  • 当跨西伯利亚铁路(经过黑龙江入海口处)建成之时,黑龙江的战略价值——这个曾经强有力的理由,被粉碎的一干二净
    The once powerful argument about the Amur's strategic worth was shattered for good when the trans-Siberian railway was built, bypassing the river's mouth.

  • 我一走出帐篷,就把别林斯基夫人给算卦的事忘得一干二净了,因为我的妻子正匆匆向我跑来。“你躲到哪儿去了?”她不耐烦地问。
    As soon as I went outside, I forgot all about Madam Bellinsky because my wife hurried towards me. 'Where have you been hiding?' she asked impatiently.

  • 时光倒流,我现在仍依稀记得许多星体的情况,这要感激二年级时的索奇蒂小姐,没有她激情洋溢的讲课,我可能早就忘得一干二净了。
    And going back furter, I can still recall things about the planets that I should have long ago forgotten if not for the enthusiasm of my second grade teacher, Miss Sorchiotti.

  • 他们认为要做好这一件事,必须得去做前一件事,要做好前一件事,必须得去做更前面的一件事。他们逆流而上,寻根探底,直至把那原始的目标淡忘的一干二净
    They think this is one thing to do, we must have to do one thing before, it is necessary to do one thing before, we must have more to do in front of one thing.

  • 一干二净造句相关
