
一举一动  yī jǔ yī dòng








  • 我们新来乍到, 得注意自己的一举一动
    We're newcomers here and must be careful with what we do.

  • 他模仿父亲的“一举一动”。
    He modeled himself on his father.

  • 卡罗列在天堂看到了孩子们的一举一动
    From the Heaven above, Colore watched what her children did.

  • 他模仿父亲的一举一动
    He modeled himself on/after his father.

  • 对于了解他的一举一动,我感到不知所措。
    I am totally at a loss to understand his behavior.

  • 他模拟父亲的一举一动
    He modeled himself on/after his father.

  • 我的一举一动将会影响这些纯洁孩子的一生。
    My every move will affect the purity of a child's life.

  • 克里丝蒂艾伦:看,他们监视着我们的一举一动
    Christie Allen: Look at this. They've been monitoring everything we do.

  • 她的一举一动都那么有气质,一看就知道是个有教养的人。
    She carries herself with so much class . You just know she was raised well.

  • 而是,老闆们的一举一动。我觉得,我可以做的比他们更好!
    I will be a boss, a more popular boss than they are.

  • 她的一举一动都那么有气质,一看就知道她是一个有教养的人。
    She carries herself with so much class, so you just know she was raised well.

  • 你的思维影响你的一举一动,次数过多无法计算不足以保留下来。
    Your thoughts affect every part of you in ways much too numerous to ever keep track of.

  • 细菌是如此的微小,周围化学分子的一举一动都会对它们产生影响。
    Bacteria are so small that they are influenced by the movements of the chemical molecules around them.

  • 独立储户们在购买债券后必须全天候、全方位地监管公司的一举一动
    Household savers must monitor the actions of firms in a timely and complete fashion after purchasing securities.

  • 虽然有许多人密切的注意他们的一举一动,他们还是努力不懈往前做下去。
    Although there are many people watching at them, they still continued what they are working on.

  • 监视用户或操作系统中的一举一动,对检测到的恶意程序可迅捷作出反应。
    Monitors every action executed by the user or the operating system and reacts promptly when a malicious program is detected.

  • 在女儿训练的时候,伊万的漂亮妈妈也一直坐在场边静静地看着女儿的一举一动
    In her training, Ivan's mother has been pretty quiet sitting in the court looked at her daughter's every move.

  • 从蓝鲸到乌龟,许多的海洋生物都会被安装特别的卫星跟踪装置以记录其一举一动
    Creatures ranging from blue whales to turtles will be fitted with satellite tracking devices that will record their every movement.

  • 在注意着她一举一动的同时,他比以往更加确实地知道,自己必须和她认识,立即。
    As he watched her he knew more surely than ever he must get to know her, now.

  • 朋友,环境保护其实是很小的事情,我们的一举一动都可以随时加入环保的队伍中。
    My friends, actually, environment protection does not stress on great affairs, our behaviors and manners are all concerned with environment protection.

  • 这种公司社交活动不过是办公室工作的一种延伸--你的一举一动仍被密切地关注着。
    Think of company social functions as an extension of your office -- your behavior is still being closely watched.

  • 只要按照妳自己的方式行事,一定可以吸引对妳的一举一动都大加赞扬的爱人的目光。
    Do your own thing and follow your dreams and you will attract a lover who wants to compliment your every move.

  • 人们认为总统的一举一动对所有人来说意味着一切,奥巴马总统将不得不开始做选择了。
    A man who has often been accused of being all things to all people will have to start making choices.

  • 虽然自己的眼睛已渐渐复原,但秀彬还是假装看不见,以方便自己监视艾莉的一举一动
    Although her eyesight is recovering, Xiubin continues pretending to be blind so as to gather evidence by monitoring Aili's movements.

  • 她的一举一动——无论它的直接目的或动机何在——也被理解成她想如何被对待的暗示。
    Every one of her actions—whatever its direct purpose or motivation—is also read as an indication of how she would like to be treated.

  • 职业顾问表示,在经济衰退时期,那些担心自己饭碗不保的人更应小心他们在网络上的一举一动
    People concerned about their careers should be extra careful about what they post on the Internet during a recession, career counselors say.

  • 职业顾问表示,在经济衰退时期,那些担心自己饭碗不保的人更应小心他们在网络上的一举一动
    NEW YORK (Reuters) - People concerned about their careers should be extra careful about what they post on the Internet during a recession, career counselors say.

  • 当我没有进入社区前,我希望有一个地方可以让我从一举一动中去觉知,让我不再昏沉地过日子。
    Before I came into the commune , I hope there have a space where I can watch myself , not living in the dark.

  • 妈妈的一言一行、一举一动教育了我,让我学会了宽容,学会了理解,学会了广博,学会了为他人着想。
    Mother's words, every move of my education, I learned tolerance, learned to understand and learn the extensive, learned to think for others.

  • 现在,他们借助最新监视科技,也就是所谓的「黑色直升机父母」,即使不在孩子身边,也能全面监控孩子的一举一动
    And now the latest 'black-helicopter' technology allows them to track their children's every movement even when they are nowhere near their side.

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