
扫地出门  sǎo dì chū mén







  • 他们剥夺了大批华侨劳动人民的生活资料, 然后将他们扫地出门
    They deprived a large number of the overseas Chinese of their means of livelihood and drove them out of their residences in dire poverty.

  • 现在,有两种方法将它扫地出门
    Now there are two ways to get it out the door.

  • 重建这个君主制可能被扫地出门的国家。
    and restructuring the state, with the monarchy probably being shown the door.

  • 甚至鱼内脏中的弧菌都会被“扫地出门”。
    They're even flushed out of fish organs.

  • 英国的不可信可能要被扫地出门或粉碎,但什么是错?
    The untrustworthy British may have to be swept aside or crushed, but what is wrong with that?

  • 星期五发红包,星期一整个团队就被扫地出门,就是这种机制的真实写照。
    Friday red hair, the whole team on Monday swept aside to benefit, is a true portrayal of such a mechanism.

  • 然而,如果他们不愿意做投资,只是让你去解决,你可能就要被扫地出门了。
    However, if they're not willing to make the investment and are simply telling you to fix it, you could be out the door.

  • 更何况,说不定还能以低价合同招揽到即将被扫地出门的马布里或者廷斯利呢。
    Perhaps much less, can also gather by the low price contract to soon Mabry who or Tinsley makes a clean sweep.

  • 甚至有许多人认为以火箭目前的阵容深度,球队完全可以考虑将海德扫地出门
    Many people believe that even a rocket to the current depth of the lineup, the team can be swept aside to consider Hyde.

  • 如果今天这场战败,那麽光芒明天会有极佳的机会在这四连战中把洋基扫地出门
    If this game is a loss, then the Rays had an excellent chance to sweep the four game series.

  • 父母“狠心”地将孩子“扫地出门”,促其远行,是为了让雄鹰找到自己的天空。
    parents "hard-hearted "adopted child" driven out ", to promote their long journey, is to enable the Eagle to find their own sky.

  • 但对于大部分年长的工人来说,却似乎很难避免被扫地出门,让位给年轻的接班人。
    but for most older workers, there appears little (that) they can do to resist being swept aside, in favor of younger replacements.

  • 因为一旦出现系统性风险,好公司好股票还有可能翻身,但垃圾股可能将你扫地出门
    Because the event of systemic risk, so the company could turn a good stock, but you will probably refuse swept aside to benefit a share.

  • 他只是不知道什么时候会被球队主席鲍勃·范德维德和总经理奥提斯·史密斯扫地出门
    Hejust doesn't know when he'll be excused by team President Bob Vander Weide and General Manager Otis Smith.

  • 他说是美国制造了新自由主义模式,并把它强加于委内瑞拉,强调要把新自由主义扫地出门
    He said the United States is a neo-liberal model, and it imposed on Venezuela, should be stressed that swept aside to benefit a neo-liberalism.

  • 哈灵顿和杰克逊像失败者一样被交易离队,还是老尼尔森和总经理穆林被球队高层扫地出门
    Harrington and Jackson were the same as the losers leave the transaction, or general manager Don Nelson and Mullin have been swept aside to benefit a high-level team?

  • 突然,你是在与将软件扫地出门的人们交流,而不是与正在将软件扫地出门的人对话,这有很大的区别。
    All of a sudden you're talking to the people who get software out the door, not the people who talk about getting software out the door, and that's a big distinction.

  • 甚至在约阿施正式入主王宫前,百姓就顺服上帝,拆毁了耶路撒冷巴力的庙,将巴力崇拜从犹大扫地出门
    Even before Joash was officially taken to the throne room, the people obeyed God by tearing down the temple of Baal in Jerusalem, thus abolishing Baal worship in Judah.

  • 临时政府已宣布退出美洲国家组织。他们发动军事政变把总统赶下台后,该组织也正考虑把洪都拉斯扫地出门
    The government there has pulled out of the Organization of American States, just as the group was considering kicking the country out after it overthrew the president in a military coup.

  • 自从在去年赛季中段组成艾弗森和安东尼的组合后,掘金已经连续两次在季后赛首轮被联盟的超级强队扫地出门
    Since pairing Allen Iverson and Carmelo Anthony at midseason last year, the Nuggets have twice been outclassed in the first round by one of the league's heavy weights;

  • 多数人已经深深卷入与911和其它叛逆行为相关的75,000死亡将会被暴露公开,在有罪的人是“被扫地出门”之前。
    Many have deep involvement in the 75, 000 deaths associated with 911 and other treasonous actions that will be exposed, publicly, before the guilty ones are "swept from the board".

  • 当然,湖人在第3场比赛中似乎打算将掘金扫地出门,他们在下半场只让对手拿到38分,并将对手的命中率限制到37。2%。
    Certainly, the Lakers appeared to land a knockout blow to the Nuggets in Game 3, holding them to 38 points in the second half and 37. 2 percent shooting for the game.

  • 一些短期任职是非常不合适的并且也是他们自己协商分手的。但许多别的情况是被扫地出门的因为他们表现出无力改善商业业绩。
    Some of these short-timers were simply a poor fit and left of their own accord, but many others were ushered out the door because they appeared unable to improve the business's performance.

  • 布拉格耶维奇被形容为一个“愤世嫉俗,粗鲁,腐败的政客”,一位参议员说,“他应该被扫地出门,并且被禁止再一次进入议会。”
    Prague Alexeyevich been described as a "cynical, rude, corrupt politicians, " says one senator said, "He should be sacked, and are prohibited from entering the parliament once again.

  • 以色列军队曾想把他们一家人扫地出门,他们让温室和果园变成一片荒地,包括170棵椰子树,这些作物原先给他们带来相当的财富。
    The military tried to prise the family out of the house. It made a wasteland of the greenhouses and fruit orchards, including 170 palm trees, that provided their relative wealth.

  • 他连跳两级加盟了沃特福德俱乐部,但是在上个赛季后半程和阿森纳二线队踢了一场比赛之前,他看起来很可能被这家俱乐部扫地出门
    He leapt two divisions to join Watford but was likely to be shown the door there before he played against Arsenal's second-string late last season.

  • 假如哈马斯被扫地出门,那么伊斯兰主义者就可能指望萨拉菲斯特成为复兴巴勒斯坦的下一股力量---当然这是以色列所不愿意看到的。
    If Hamas is booted out, Islamists could yet look to the Salafists as Gaza's next force for renewal—and rejection of Israel.

  • 曾经的MVP本赛季送出了职业生涯最高的助攻,在与金州勇士的对决中向世界宣告去年季后赛被二三流球队扫地出门的尴尬往事不会重演。
    The reigning MVP has this season dished assists at a career-high level, making his performance against Golden State double and triple-teams in last year's first round seem unlikely to repeat.

  • 此间妇联的统计显示,在上海的离婚案例中,大多数是女性主动将丈夫“扫地出门”,女性在情感﹑经济﹑社会角色上的自主程度之高,可见一斑。
    This is shown in statistics from the Women's Federation. Women initiate most divorce cases in Shanghai. In this, the extent of womens emotional, economic and social power can be seen in one glance.

  • 他的公司把他扫地出门,并于1997年出售给了WizardsoftheCoast,这个狂想的暴发户出版商对游戏规则进行了大刀阔斧的修改。
    His company, having thrown him out, was sold in 1997 to Wizards of the Coast, an upstart fantasy publisher that made sweeping changes to the rules.

  • 扫地出门造句相关
