
成人之美  chéng rén zhī měi








  • 成人之美”不但是一个修养,更是一项美德。
    Helping someone to fulfill his wishes is not only a kind of culture, but also a virtue.

  • 所谓“君子成人之美”,这是孔夫子留下的格言。
    What is called that the gentleman helps somebody in doing well is the adage of Confucius.

  • 从大自然到一个微笑,我们都要学会感激,并懂得成人之美
    Learn to appreciate and savor the wonderful things in life from people to food from nature to a smile.

  • 只要努力前进,加上对手成人之美的犯错,冠军就没什么问题了。
    If we do not make mistakes then we will be closer.

  • “这样的话,”那人说道,“你就拿去好了,因为我最喜欢成人之美。”
    "Well, " said the man, "you may have it for I always like to oblige a friend.

  • 可见,政府要成人之美,好事还要做到底,应尽快发产权证,简化手续才是。
    Clearly, the government should dictate, a good thing to do to be made as soon as title cards, simplify procedures are.

  • 孔子说:“君子严格要求自己,小人苛刻要求别人。”(三)君子成人之美,不成人之恶。
    A gentleman sets strict demands on himself while a petty man sets strict demands on others.

  • 寻求和接纳回归人性的善的教化,是教育本然而应然的意旨,是教育“成人之美”的真谛。
    Seeking and admitting the humanistic, kind cultivation are the natural wish of education and the true meaning of education that let us realize our wish.

  • 这就需要女人有一个明确的意识,随时随地做到为他人着想,隐忍自己的失意,以就成人之美
    Besides, having distinct consciousness could brings on considering for others and forbearing from disappointed things therefore they will be honored by others.

  • 子曰:“君子成人之美,不成人之恶。小人反是。”孔子说:“君子帮助别人成全其好事,不帮助别人做坏事。
    Confucius said: "A gentleman helps other to do what is pleasing, but never helps them to do evil."

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