
想方设法  xiǎng fāng shè fǎ







  • 我们应该想方设法提高生产率。
    We should by all means raise productivity.

  • 他在想方设法要弄一张木偶戏的票子。
    He was angling for a ticket to the puppet show.

  • 这家航空公司想方设法吸引更多乘客。
    The airline takes every possible measure to have more passengers.

  • 我妈妈总是想方设法让我们吃健康食物。
    My mother has always make sure we eat very healthy.

  • 周星星这个民工,想方设法,还是买不到票。
    Week star, or the migrant workers, trying to buy tickets.

  • 我们越来越多的客户正在想方设法利用新闻内容赚钱。
    More of our customers are finding ways to use news content to make money.

  • 许多企业都在想方设法降低运营支出,为“过冬”提早打算。
    Many companies are trying to reduce operating expenses, as a "winter" ahead of intention.

  • 多年来,密歇根一直努力吸引新企业,并想方设法留住已有企业。
    For years, the state has sought to attract new businesses and cling to existing ones.

  • 他还是想方设法组成颇为象样、有时也不免令人好笑的英语句子。
    Although he managed to put together a fairly decent, if sometimes comical, English sentence.

  • 他们唯一可以做的事并且想方设法做的事,就是竭尽全力把他引入非洲。
    The only thing they could do was to try and reintroduce him to Africa, which they managed to do.

  • 与不得不想方设法把所有的东西想明白相比,立刻得到答案要轻松一些。
    It's easier to get the answer right away, rather than to have to figure everything out.

  • 颠峰和低谷只是其中的一部分,但这样的好处就是我要想方设法取得提高。
    Highs and lows are just part of it, but that is good because that is how I can develop.

  • 而且,是他们想方设法创造了更美观、更有趣、更具视觉震撼效果的电影。
    And they are basically creating the means to make movies better and more interesting and more visually spectacular .

  • 如果你对这些问题的答案都是肯定的,那我相信你今年会想方设法与众不同。
    If you answered yes to either of these questions then this year I dare you to be different.

  • 在经济大萧条时期他们遇到了很多麻烦,但是他们最终想方设法度过了难关。
    During the depression years they had a great of trouble, but somehow or other they were able to hang on.

  • 这个问题在男孩中间尤为突出,政府教育家们正在想方设法使教育赶上潮流。
    The problem is more acute among boys, and Goverment strategists are looking at ways to make education trendy.

  • 一个作者,想方设法在一部成功作品的掩护下,把自己低劣、粗糙的作品推销出去。
    That writer could attempt to palm off an inferior and immature production under the cover of one successful effort.

  • 为了接待每年数以百万计的外国游客,我国旅游部门正在想方设法改善旅游住宿设施。
    To receive millions of foreign visitors annually, tourism departments in our country are trying every possible means to improve accommodation facilities(conditions).

  • 现在即使有人想方设法要乘虚而入,他们也会发现越来越难找到不论合法或是不合法的工作。
    Even if people manage to get into the European Union illegally now, they will find it increasingly difficult to obtain work, either legal or illegal.

  • 他们曾有一两次想方设法单独见面了,可是斯台普顿跟踪了他们,见他们在一起时并不高兴。
    On one or two occasions they did manage to meet alone, but Stapleton followed them and was not pleased to see them together.

  • 为了享受政府明年的一项高额补贴,德国的准妈妈们目前正在想方设法将产期推迟到明年1月1日。
    Expectant mothers in Germany are doing what they can to put off giving birth until January 1 when a generous government aid program takes effect.

  • 后者的例子中,他甚至于可能想方设法(包括“性别转换手术”)使得他的身体符合女性的自我形象。
    In the latter case he may then even try everything possible (including a "sex change operation") to make the body conform to the feminine self-image.

  • 不管怎样,你都是想方设法地去了解与记忆这些知识,因此分享想法的小组,会更好的服务于你这个目的。
    You are, however, trying to better understand and remember the subject itself, so group exercises where you share ideas are great for this purpose.

  • 在梦里都期望见到的你,有一天真的在我眼前时,我却总是想方设法地逃避。出于一份友情,还是一份懵懂?
    In dreams expect to see you, one day really in my eyes, I have always trying to escape. Out of a friendship, or an ignorantness?

  • 渐渐的,外婆也就不管了,随便我怎样想方设法去摘樱桃,外婆总是倚着门,放一只脚在门槛上,微笑着看着我。
    Gradually, the grandmother also whether, and how I tried Quzhai casual cherry, and grandmother always leaned against the door, put one foot in the threshold, smiling at me.

  • 为了合理的展示这张图标,我真的需要一个四维的屏幕。然而,由于政府的削减,我只能想方设法提供一个二维的屏幕。
    To show this diagram properly, I would really need a four dimensional screen. However, because of government cuts, we could manage to provide only a two dimensional screen.

  • 随著中国的劳动力与原材料成本日益攀升,越来越多的出口企业正在避免使用美元或是想方设法抵消美元不断贬值的影响。
    Rising numbers of Chinese exporters are shunning the US dollar or devising ways to offset the impact of the falling currency as they confront rising labour and raw material costs at home.

  • 我们确实是沐浴在由机构反射出来的荣誉中,而我们也会想方设法维护自己的成员关系,使别人知道且能认识到我们的好运气。
    We in truth bask in the reflected glory of the institution, and we seek ways of asserting our membership so that others will know and can recognize our good fortune.

  • 只为今天,我会做自我调整适应事物本来的面目,而不是想方设法使每一件事满足自己的欲望。当机会来临的时候我会抓住它。
    Just for today I will adjust myself to what is, and not try to adjust everything to my own desires. I will take my "luck" as it comes.

  • 不过,新加坡社会现在是以英文作为第一语文,连年轻的中文老师的第一语文也是英文,所以,我们必须想方设法,改善中文汉语的教学。
    However, English is the first option in Singapore society, even the young Chinese teachers' first language is English, so we have to try every means to better the Chinese teaching.

  • 想方设法造句相关
