
惊恐万状  jīng kǒng wàn zhuàng








  • 他看见尸体时惊恐万状
    He was filled with astonishment at seeing the dead body.

  • 人们惊恐万状,尖叫着奔向出口。
    People ran for the exits, screaming out in terror.

  • 惊恐万状的人群朝紧急出处口跑去。
    The panic-stricken crowd rushed to the emergency exit.

  • 孩子们见到死尸惊恐万状
    The child shuddered at the sight of the dead body.

  • 他看见尸体时惊恐万状
    He was filled with astonishment at seeing the dead body .

  • 她看见他跌下惊恐万状
    To her horror, she saw him fall.

  • 老太太问,惊恐万状
    asks a little old lady, terrified.

  • 惊恐万状,你可以感受到她的声音在颤抖。
    She was panic-stricken You could feel the quiver in her voice.

  • 她发现自己被困在出故障的电梯里,惊恐万状
    To her horror, she found herself trapped in a broken lift.

  • 目瞪口呆惊恐万状,连一句话也说不出来。
    He was too stunned and shocked to be able to say a word.

  • 惊恐万状,并开始尖叫,“帮我,帮我,帮我!”
    He's terrified and starts screaming, "Help, Help, Help! ""

  • 惊恐万状地在这条路上来来回回地跑,大喊救命。
    He was running up and down the path in a state of panic, crying for help.

  • 这样羊群就天天都要被追杀,惊恐万状,羊群赶紧请上帝换一头狮子。
    This should be pursued and killed sheep every day, panic-stricken, hasten to ask God for a flock of sheep lion.

  • 但近来,随着惊恐万状的投资者对交易退避三舍,信贷市场也陷入了困境。
    But lately, credit markets have been hobbled as fearful investors back away from trading.

  • 与南方宿敌阿兹台克不同,面对新出现的骑兵,奇奇梅克军队并未惊恐万状
    Unlike the hated Aztecs to the south, the Chichimeca have never viewed horses with terror.

  • 雷声使所有的牲口惊恐万状,它们开始四下狂奔,许多小牛在慌乱之中被踩死。
    The thunder made the animals afraid; they started running wildly, and many young cows were trampled to death in the rust.

  • 猫主人,惊恐万状,由疾病预警,倾销他们的宠物在大街上,以全由专门收集队。
    Cat owners, terrified by the disease warning, are dumping their pets in the streets to be picked up by special collection teams.

  • 此时此刻的汤姆对这种等同“迫害”的治疗已经麻木不仁,老太太对此惊恐万状
    Tom had become indifferent to persecution by this time. This phase filled the old lady's heart with consternation.

  • 我会坐在卷缩成湿泥土中,惊恐万状,因为欢呼的子弹和迫击炮坠毁下来在我身边。
    I would sit huddled into the wet mud, terrified, as the hails of bullets and mortars crashed down around me.

  • 羽蛇祭司们通常挥舞玛喀霍特战棍,身穿令敌人惊恐万状的奇特战袍,作战极为强悍。
    Fearless in battle, wielding a maquahuitl club and wearing outlandish battle dress to disturb their enemies, these priests are fearsome foes!

  • 惊恐万状的黄鼠狼在草地上逃窜时发出的尖叫声,透过破碎的窗子,隐隐传到他们耳中。
    Through the broken windows the shrieks of terrified weasels escaping across the lawn were borne faintly to their ears;

  • 惊恐万状的黄鼠狼在草地上逃窜时发出的尖叫声,透过破碎的窗子,隐隐传到他们耳中。
    and in five minutes the room was cleared.   Through the broken windows the shrieks of terrified weasels escaping across the lawn were borne faintly to their ears;

  • 他用那只大手抓住阿纳托利制服的领子,向左右摇晃,直到阿纳托利脸上现出惊恐万状为止。
    With his big hand he clutched Anatole by the collar of his uniform, and proceeded to shake him from side to side, till Anatole's face showed a sufficient degree of terror.

  • 美国及我们的朋友再次处于十字路口,一边是和平的世界,另一边是充满混沌和惊恐万状的世界。
    Once again, this nation and all our friends are all that stand between a world at peace, and a world of chaos and constant alarm.

  • 当强震袭来时毛顺玉从设在一层的店里冲到了街上,和邻居们一起惊恐万状地看着眼前发生的一切。
    When the quake struck, Ms. Mao ran into the street from her shop and cowered with neighbors.

  • 虽然与原版的编舞有些细小的改动,可我未曾见过女芭蕾舞演员被魔王的符咒迷惑得如此惊恐万状
    Though only nuances of the original choreography had been altered, I had never seen a ballerina look so spookily possessed by an evil spell.

  • 他降低了他的头部,并再次带着巨大的阴茎进入他的嘴再次顶进自己的小康向惊恐万状的斗争,在他的腹部。
    He lowered his head and again took his huge penis into his mouth again, jacking himself off to the terrified struggles in his belly.

  • 这是许多机构经理人2008年下半年都曾遇到的两难处境,当时,大部分资产类别都因为这样那样的原因让市场惊恐万状
    It is a dilemma that many an institutional manager faced in the latter part of 2008 as most asset classes were frightening for one reason or another.

  • 一刹那间,男人、女人、小孩,所有的人都奔到甲板上,人们半裸着身子,奔跑着,尖叫着,哭泣着,惊恐万状,一片混乱。
    One of a sudden, men, women, children, everyone ran on deck, a half-naked body, running, screaming, crying, terrified, a mess.

  • 一条狗能轻易地忽略国庆节那天的车辆起爆和满天烟火,却在训练场上表现惊恐万状,这可能正说明了这种习得性的负面联系。
    The dog who can easily ignore a car backfire or firecrackers on the Fourth of July, but panics on the training field may have learned a negative association.

  • 惊恐万状造句相关
