
情投意合  qíng tóu yì hé








  • 昨天的晚会上,安妮和马克情投意合
    Anne and Mark really hit it off at the party last night.

  • 男人最好的财富是一位情投意合的妻子。
    Man's best possession is a sympathetic wife.

  • 我们两人都喜欢足球,是情投意合的好朋友。
    We both like football, he is a man after my own heart.

  • 我是在课堂上认识辛迪的,还真是情投意合
    Cindy and I met in class and really hit it off.

  • 我们情投意合。大约一星期后我们就在一起了。
    We just clicked straight away. It was about one week after that we got together.

  • 例如,情投意合的性关系通常被视为一件好事。
    For instance, sex in the context of a loving relationship is generally regarded as a good thing.

  • 约翰和我两人都喜欢足球,他是情投意合的好朋友。
    ex: John and I both like football, he is a man after my own heart.

  • 约翰和我两人都喜欢足球,他是情投意合的好朋友。
    e. g John and I both like football, he is a man after my own heart.

  • 有没有可能同她重新过以往那种情投意合的生活呢?。
    Would it be possible to start the old life over with her?

  • 卢克和玛拉的关系从钦慕变成了爱恋,两人情投意合
    Luke's alliance with Mara Jade grew into admiration, then affection -- emotions that were reciprocated.

  • 迈克在七年级时来到了我的学校,我们马上变得情投意合
    Mike came to my school in the seventh grade, and we immediately clicked.

  • 这种愉快的竞赛使我们马上情投意合,坐在一起,共饮潘契酒。
    This pleasant rivalry put us at once upon friendly terms, and I sat up and drank punch with him.

  • 再次鼓足勇气纳闷自己为什麽说不出情投意合的话语,你变得很笨。
    Take another shot of courage wonder why the right words never come , you just get numb.

  • 他也许给他自己找到了情投意合的有钱的配偶,他现在简直要发疯了。
    He had very likely found a match that would suit him, some wealthy girl, and now he's half-crazy.

  • 开始,两个人还能情投意合,可是过了不久,就经常为一些小事争吵不休。
    Begin, two people still can hit it off perfectly, but passed before long, often quarrel for a few bagatelle endlessly.

  • 老师我很困惑,我想知道如何才能找到和我情投意合的伴侣。您能帮帮我吗?
    Twacter, I'm confused, how do we find our soul meat ?Can you please help me ?

  • 老师,我很困惑,我想知道如何才能找到和我情投意合的伴侣。你能帮帮我吗?
    Teacher, I'm confused, how do we find our soul mate? Can you please help me?

  • 他们祈祷,希望它有一天在它的新家,在那遥远的国度找到一个情投意合的公主。
    They prayed that he might one day find a suiable princess in the far-off land that will be his new home.

  • 许多本地人,都会在周日的时候带上一瓶酒和情投意合的朋友们坐上船在运河上游弋。
    Many locals while away Sundays cruising through the canals with a bottle of wine and some good company.

  • 用心去发现,再找一个跟你情投意合的女孩吧,不要试图去让她改变她的信仰,这样做是绝对不好的。
    Go with your gut instinct and find a new object for your affection, since converting to her faith is something that has apparently never crossed your mind.

  • 姑娘,无论你嫁给谁,这都没有关系,只要他跟你情投意合,是上等人,又是个有自尊心的南方人就行。
    It doesn't matter who you marry, as long as he thinks like you and is a gentleman and a Southerner and prideful .

  • 经过一段时期的恋爱后,若双方情投意合,愿意结为终身伴侣,小伙子就赠给姑娘一包茶叶或其他礼物。
    After a period of love, Qingtouyihe if the two sides are willing to become For Life, the young man to give her a pack of tea leaves or other gifts.

  • 她们无不想找一位情投意合的如意郎君终生厮守,可她们的从良,总是以爱情和友谊为择偶标准,但是却历经坎坷。
    Sell laugh ?They are all looking for a Qingtouyige the Ruyilangjun Sishou life, from their good, always love and friendship for the Spouse Choosing standards, but after bumpy.

  • 我需要一个与我情投意合并且能在侍奉主的道路上相互扶持的男人成为我的丈夫。我需要你是一个虔诚的基督新教徒。
    I need a sincerely Christian who would like to help me in the rugged road of serving God to become my soulmate and husband.

  • “ 如果根据应聘者是否与老板在棒球队、发型或拿铁咖啡的喜好上情投意合来做决定, ”他说, “那就是错误的。
    'If they're recruiting on the basis of similarities of baseball teams, hairstyles or latte taste, ' he says, 'that's going to be a mistake.

  • 在公司里、社团中一定会遇到一些情投意合,无论从何种角度看都是极为合适的对象,遗憾的是双方却已经各自有了家眷。
    In a company or an organization, there are two persons who are congenial to each other by various aspects. However, each of them has family.

  • 最近更是又在完善自己的新网站,这将揭开中国鹊桥网络集团新的篇章。为你快速找到一个情投意合的伴侣提供了更好的平台。
    Our entire Breitling Replica Watches collection offers that something extra, we make sure that the quality and build of the watches is second to none.

  • 目前一个人在深圳(分居状态),希望能寻找一个情投意合的温柔女士,一起看看书,听听音乐,间或外出旅游,共享温馨浪漫的感觉。
    Well educated, resposible, funny mature man keep alone in Shenzh, like reading, music, traveling, etc. Want find a lovely, kindly slim lady to share happy hour together.

  • 他们即将见到的她还是同样的忠诚吗?在那漫长的孤独生活中,她一直在干些什么呢?有没有可能同她重新过以往那种情投意合的生活呢?
    Would they find her still the same, faithful?What had she been doing during that long solitude?Would it be possible to start the old life over with her?

  • 还有别的好处,他要会见情投意合的收藏者,要获得教益,要去交流体会和交怎么配衣服可爱炫舞换藏品,展示最新发现,这样朋友的圈子就会越来越大。
    There are also other benefits, one wants to meet like-minded collectors, to get advice, to compare notes to exchange articles, to show off the latest find, so one's circle of friends grows.

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