
恣意妄为  zì yì wàng wéi








  • 政府恣意妄为不顾人民的权利。
    The government is riding roughshod over the people's rights.

  • 这唯有通过绝对的恣意妄为才能实现。
    This can only be attained through absolute arbitrariness.

  • 任这样的人在社会上恣意妄为是危险的。
    To give a loose to such men on society is dangerous.

  • 而现在克里姆林宫已经觉得可以恣意妄为了。
    Today it feels it can do whatever it likes.

  • 恣意妄为的布什之后,她的冷酷与算计也不会有太大改观。
    And her coolness and calculation may not go down so badly after the impetuousness of the Bush years.

  • 但现在,这种蛮荒网络上恣意妄为的行径正在法庭上受到挑战。
    But now these ways of the wild, wild web are being tested in court.

  • 察其原因,不外有少数顽固分子,不顾民族国家利益,恣意妄为
    The reason is that a handful of die-hards are behaving unscrupulously to the detriment of the national interest.

  • 私利欲望贪得无厌随时轻松越过自家后院的藩篱在光天化日之下恣意妄为
    Human expediency and lusts go beyond limits and are pursued willfully in the light of day.

  • 除非生命中有你,否则,即使能恣意妄为,能染指任何想要的,我也不会快乐。
    Even though I could gratify every caprice and my hands on every object of desire, I would not go into rapture, unless with you in my life.

  • 大约两年前,在冰岛首都雷克雅维克,挪威人利用特权恣意妄为,激怒了冰岛人。
    IN REYKJAVIK almost two years ago the Norwegians were throwing their weight around and the locals were furious.

  • 波兰和匈牙利贵族有能力为该国王室套上类似《大宪章》的枷锁,使其无法恣意妄为
    The Polish and Hungarian aristocracies were able to impose their equivalents of the Magna Carta on their monarchs;

  • 在短短的5年里,他用手中的权力,使自己成了一个忘乎所以、随心所欲、恣意妄为的人。
    In 5 short years, he uses the power in the hand, make oneself became the person that a forget oneself, follow one's inclinations, arbitrary absurd is.

  • 为了调和社会转型期的各种矛盾和冲突,她宽容世俗欲望,但绝不纵容人性之恶,恣意妄为
    In order to conciliate the conflicts and clashes at the time of society transition, she tolerates people's desire, but she never connives human's evil;

  • 中国官僚和许多普通民众怒火中烧:西方敌对势力恣意妄为,他们又一次妄图阻挠中国的崛起。
    Chinese officialdom and many ordinary citizens were furious: another petulant effort by Western fors to thwart China's inexorable rise.

  • 恣意妄为多年之后,银行们已几乎停止同业借贷,此时,美国国会正在考虑是否为它们提供支持。
    After years of profligacy, banks have all but stopped lending to each other as the US Congress decides whether to extend support.

  • 我认为,设立撤军最后期限会挫折伊拉克人民的锐气,会导致凶手们在中东地区恣意妄为,也会让人觉得美国没有守信誉。
    I believe setting a deadline for a withdrawal would demoralize the Iraqi people, would encourage killers across the broader Middle East, and send a signal that America will not keep its commitments.

  • 一只「巨大」的兔子显然一直在英格兰北部一座小村子里的多处菜园恣意妄为,连根挖起韭葱,津津有味地大啃芜菁,气得当地的园丁直跳脚。
    A "monster" rabbit has apparently been rampaging through vegetable patches in a small village in northern England, ripping up leeks, munching turnips and infuriating local gardeners.

  • 我认为为撒军设置时间表会使伊拉克人民士气受挫,会鼓励广大中东地区的凶手恣意妄为,会给人们发出一个信号,那就是美国人民不守信用。
    I believe setting a deadline for a withdrawal would demoralize the Iraqi people, would encourage killers across the broader Middle East, and send a signal that America will not keep its commitments.

  • 现阶段下,各种制度性与非制度性权威对农民权益的恣意妄为,以及国家法律在面对权利时所表现出的尴尬,使农民权益的保障问题显得很必要。
    Therefore, we must recognize and protect the land rights and interests of peasant, and development can"t go to again the son of old way that deprives peasant of land rights and interests available."

  • 从前,英国的孩子相信,他们每年都有权力在一个晚上随心所欲,恣意妄为,并且做什么都不会被惩罚。他们还把这一晚美其名曰“淘气之夜”。
    Long ago, British children believed that every year they were entitled to one lawless night of pranks they could not be punished for, and this was called Mischief Night.

  • 潘基文可能也是如此,一如他声称的,尤其是如果他想赢得七十七国集团(G77)信任的话,G77是发展中国家组织,如今正越发武断与恣意妄为
    Mr Ban could do the same—especially if, as he claims, he wants to win the trust of the increasingly assertive and obstreperous group of developing countries known as the G77.

  • 恣意妄为造句相关
