
怪模怪样  guài mó guài yàng







  • 他们穿著那种制服看起来怪模怪样的。
    That uniform makes them look absurd .

  • 玛丽怪模怪样地看着汤姆。
    Mary looked at Tom very oddly.

  • 警卫们穿着那种制服看起来怪模怪样的。
    That uniform makes the guards look absurd.

  • 我们看到他怪模怪样的衣服都笑了起来。
    We laughed at the sight of his strange clothes.

  • 我们看到他那怪模怪样的衣服都笑了起来。
    We laughed at the sight of his strange clothes.

  • 她的眼光,不知不觉地往他怪模怪样的形体上瞧去。
    Her eyes involuntarily glanced towards his singular figure.

  • 他指著那堆干草问:“那两个怪模怪样的东西是什么?
    He pointed to the truss of hay, and asked, "What are those two strange things?"

  • 他指着那堆干草问:“那两个怪模怪样的东西是什么?
    He pointed to the truss of hay, and asked, "What are those two strange things?"

  • 他矮矮胖胖,和蔼可亲,留了一嘴怪模怪样的牙刷式的小胡子。
    He was short and tubby and amiable with an odd little toothbrush moustache.

  • 乔治:(怪模怪样)大踏步走进来的啊,你们大堂的门又坏了。
    GEORGE: [makes some weird motions] I walked in, your lobby door is broken again.

  • 从这怪模怪样的小机器里传出了他自己的声音,念的正是那首歌谣。
    Out of the odd little instrument came his own voice, saying the poem.

  • 怪模怪样的老夫人尖声大笑着走开了,惹得全市场的人都听到了。
    Laughing so shrilly that all the market-place could hear her, the weird old gentlewoman took her departure.

  • 衣服永远晾不干:粗花呢和羊毛衣物会长虫,有时长出怪模怪样的植物。
    Clothes never dried: tweed and woolen coats housed living things, sometimes sprouted mysterious vegetations.

  • 骆驼更多了,随后看见一些长得怪模怪样的兔子,体形有小袋鼠那么大。
    Climbing slowly at first, more llama, then some weird-looking rabbits the size of wallabies, and then some things that looked like alpaca.

  • 一些怪模怪样的“怪兽”模型被摆放在展厅中,其中多为塑料或皮革制造。
    Some uncanny "monster" model was placed in the hall, many of whom are manufacturers of leather or plastic.

  • “请,先生,”他举手碰了碰遮阳帽沿,那帽子怪模怪样地扣在他后脑勺上。
    "Please, sir" he said, touching his sun hat, which was stuck on the back of his head in a somewhat ludicrous fashion.

  • 毛胚小姐用爪子托着自己怪模怪样的头,透过抹布的洞看他。那老鼠走得很近了。
    Miss Moppet holds her poor head in her paws, and looks at him through a hole in the duster. The Mouse comes very close.

  • 斯奎拉大叫着。但动物们注意到他那闪亮的小眼睛向鲍克瑟怪模怪样地瞥了一眼。
    cried Squealer, but it was noticed he cast a very ugly look at Boxer with his little twinkling eyes.

  • 文祥也有点心惊,他怕的不是生命受到威胁,而是这些人怪模怪样,一个个反常的德性。
    Wen Xiang was slightly alarmed. He wasn't afraid of the threat to his life, but rather of the bizarre appearance and behavior of these people.

  • 文祥右边有一大片空位子,没有多久,便来了七个怪模怪样、肤色各异、身材不一的人。
    On Wen Xiang's right, there was an area with many empty seats. Before long, seven strange looking people approached, each of different skin color and appearance.

  • 他指着那堆干草问:“那两个怪模怪样的东西是什么?”牧童们上前来翻寻,发现了那只鹿。
    He pointed to the truss of hay, and asked, "What are those two strange things?" When the stable boys went to look, they discovered the hart.

  • 谈话变得越来越乏味,就在这个时候小偷怪模怪样地打了一个哈欠,同时像狼一样嚎叫了一声。
    As the conversation began to flag, the thief yawned terribly and at the same time howled like a wolf.

  • 单从举止外貌来说,那种庄严神气,就使那群高视阔步的武夫们即使没有显得怪模怪样,也是俗不可耐了。
    Even in outward demeanour, they showed a stamp of majesty that made the warrior's haughty stride look vulgar, if not absurd.

  • 从新的观点来看,曾经意味着严重畸形的怪模怪样的突变,只不过是一次翻转,仅仅是偏离了平均变异而已。
    A monstrous mutation, once implying freakish severity, was newly seen as simply a flip, a mere deviation from the average variation.

  • 这样一来,一度意味着严重到畸形程度的怪模怪样的突变,从新的观点来看,也就不过是偏离了平均变异而已。
    A monstrous mutation, once implying freakish severity, was newly seen as simply a flip, a mere deviation from the average variation.

  • 如果瞧见这个怪模怪样、浑身皱巴巴、脑袋形状像个茄子的小东西的人是你,你会对如此疯狂的事物作何反应呢?
    And what do you do with something as wild as this weird squashy little guy with a head shaped like an eggplant?

  • 她也确实迈进非常小的一步,她的铅笔怪模怪样地举在小本子上面,嘴里重复着那个公式:“…这儿不招待黑人。”
    And she did step a very short step closer, with her pencil poised incongruously over her pad, and repeated the formula:"…don't serve Negroes here."

  • 你瞧---”他把镜子递给奇诺,教给他怎么用,于是奇诺—他从来没看到过一颗放大的珍珠的表面---看见那怪模怪样的表面,不由得大吃一惊。
    He offered the glass to Kino, showed him how to use it, and Kino, who had never seen a pearl's surface magnified, was shocked at the strange-looking surface.

  • Java是炙手可热的Internet软件技术中的一种,而这些技术孕育了WorldWideWeb、“内部网”一类令人敬畏的词儿以及名片上和电视广告中那些怪模怪样的地址。
    Java is one of the hyped-up Internet software technologies that have spawned the World Wide Web, awful words like "intranet", and those strange-looking addresses on business cards and TV commercials.

  • java是炙手可热的internet软件技术中的一种,而这些技术孕育了worldwideweb、“内部网”一类令人敬畏的词儿以及名片上和电视广告中那些怪模怪样的地址。
    Java is one of the hyped-up Internet software technologies that have spawned the World Wide Web, awful words like "intranet", and those strange-looking addresses on business cards and TV commercials.

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