
思潮起伏  sī cháo qǐ fú






  • 阿尔伯特思潮起伏,心情激动。
    Albert's thoughts whirled, and he was thrilled and excited.

  • 艺术能让人思潮起伏,艺术也能让人心旷神怡
    Art is good for the Sichaoqifu, art can also be relaxed and happy people.

  • 被他的思潮起伏所苦恼,他的头慢慢低下去了。
    Thus a prey to the conflicting movements of his thoughts, he dropped his head.

  • 因我的思潮起伏,叫我答覆,为此我内心十分急躁。
    Therefore various thoughts succeed one another in me, and my mind is hurried away to different things.

  • 因我的思潮起伏,叫我答覆,为此我内心十分急躁。
    My troubled thoughts move me to reply for I have been feeling impatient.

  • 读完了李光耀内阁资政回忆录下册后,使我思潮起伏
    After having read the Senior Minister's memoirs, From Third World To First, many thoughts came surging into my mind.

  • 那一天余下的时间,他便是这种样子,内心思潮起伏,外表恬静自如;
    He remained in this state during the rest of the day, a whirlwind within, a profound tranquillity without.

  • 你曾否试过彻夜难眠,思潮起伏,想的尽是同一个问题,却苦无出路?
    Have you ever just awake at night and gone over and over the same questions and never come up with the right answer?

  • 作为一种政治思潮,新保守主义在其历史发展过程中跌宕起伏,一波三折。
    As a political thought, neoconservatism has experienced ups and downs in its historical development.

  • 我们也听得出一种思潮活动在这一片声音里,在这里遥远的北海边听见它起伏
    we Find also in the sound a thought, Hearing it by this distant northern sea.

  • 我们也听得出 一种思潮活动在这一片声音里, 在这里遥远的北海边听见它起伏
    we Find also in the sound a thought,Hearing it by this distant northern sea.

  • 索福克勒斯在很久以前在爱琴海上听见它给他的心里带来了人类的悲惨浊浪滚滚的起伏景象;我们也听得出一种思潮活动在这一片声音里,在这里遥远的北海边听见它起伏
    Sophocles long ago Heard it on the Aegean, and it brought Into his mind the turbid ebb and flow Of human misery; we Find also in the sound a thought, Hearing it by this distant northern sea.

  • 思潮起伏造句相关
