
怒不可遏  nù bù kě è







  • 我对这个决定几小时怒不可遏
    I raged for hours at the decision.

  • 当发现车被盗了,我怒不可遏
    When I found my car stolen, I saw red.

  • 朱庇特见到这种情况怒不可遏
    Jupiter, observing the condition of things, burned with anger.

  • 当他听到她要退学时,他简直是怒不可遏
    When he heard she was going to quit school, he simply blew up.

  • 当他听到人家说他不诚实时,他怒不可遏
    When he hear that he have be called dishonest, his anger know no bounds.

  • 说他不高兴是重事轻说(他已怒不可遏)。
    To say that he was displeased is an understatement, ie He was furious .

  • 你是否有时会怒不可遏
    Do you sometimes erupt in anger?

  • 终于宙斯也怒不可遏,再次以神的形态出现。
    Zeus eventually becomes angry and reappears in his enlarged godly form.

  • 我听到如此残忍对待动物,气得我怒不可遏
    When I hear of cruelty to animals it makes me see red .

  • 对此我当然是怒不可遏,将他们狠狠地训一顿。
    Of course I was furious, training them to a hard.

  • 他说当她知道了他还有另一泰籍情人后,怒不可遏
    he said the woman became angry after learning that he had another Thai lover.

  • 假如有人告诉他说金酒只不过是氯化高铁,他一定会暴跳如雷怒不可遏
    had any one told him that the elixir of gold is nothing but the perchloride of iron.

  • 她吵起架来,有一副特别的样儿:跺脚,双方绞扭着马甲裙……怒不可遏
    She had a way of stamping she foot and twisting her hands in her pinafore … furious.

  • 婚后因妻子还是频繁跟男网友邀约见面,丈夫怒不可遏,对妻子拳脚相加。
    After marriage, the husband discovered that his wife was still frequently meeting up with guys she met online, and he became really angry.

  • 看门人怒不可遏地瞪了她一眼。“等一下!在我回来之前你们谁也别动。”
    The butler glared at her, furious. "Just a minute! Don"t do anything until I return. "

  • 过了一周,买主回到店里,怒不可遏地质问道:“你卖的鸟怎么不会说话”
    After a week the man came back into the store very irritated, "The bird you sold me doesn't talk. ""

  • 将近40年后,伦兹尼追溯到这个曾经的阿尔及利亚学生在新闻发布会上怒不可遏
    Nearly 40 years later, Mr Lenzini tracked down the Algerian former student who provoked that comment at a press conference.

  • 代表们把佩林当作是里根的化身而极力欢迎,他们对“自由媒体”对佩林的污蔑怒不可遏
    Mrs Palin was greeted like the reincarnation of Ronald Reagan by the delegates, furious at her mauling at the hands of the "liberal media".

  • 是我震惊的是,他怒不可遏的对我说,如果我对妈妈提起任何这类事情,他要活剥我的皮。
    I was shocked when he flew off the handle and told me if I mentioned anything of the kind to mother he'd skin me alive .

  • 尽管人们故意装作不屑一顾,认为它滑稽可笑,但是,当他们听到了这支歌,便怒不可遏
    The human beings could not contain their rage when they heard this song, though they pretended to think it merely ridiculous.

  • 怒不可遏,径直找到了汉娜,对她宣布我们俩以后再也不是朋友了,因为她不能信守诺言。
    I was so angry that I went straight to Hannah and told her we weren't going to be friends any more because she couldn't keep her word.

  • 《今日美国报》头版图片描述AIG商标被掷西红柿,这些都反映了美国人怒不可遏的民情。
    "USA Today" front-page picture described AIG trademarks are throwing tomatoes, which are a reflection of the American people furious.

  • 欧足联说他又说了不该说的话,他们对穆帅在利物浦赛后关于球并未越线的评论已经怒不可遏
    UEFA say he's been talking out of turn again, agitated over his post-match comments at Liverpool about the ball not crossing the line.

  • 但若在他还没来得及与他的卑怯的对手交锋之前就被其用机关枪扫倒,你又会怒不可遏地为他复仇。
    Michael if he kills Lucifer, or burn to avenge him if his dastardly adversary mows him down with a machine-gun before he can get to grips with him.

  • “他们(媒体)对曼联怀有一种憎恨,”弗格森在新闻发布会上怒不可遏地说:“他们总是喋喋不休。
    "They [the press] have a hatred of Manchester United, " Ferguson claimed. "It's always been there.

  • 但现在,如同电影《电视台风云》[注2]中的场景再现,瑞士人也都怒不可遏,无法再忍气吞声了。
    But now, to recall the movie "Network" (featuring a different UBS), the Swiss are mad as hell and they are not going to take it any more.

  • 霍亚告诉记者他对此事怒不可遏,同时觉得很恶心。他说,马加里托必须清楚:试图掩盖它是最愚蠢的行为。
    De La Hoya tells the publication that he is outraged, disgusted and says Margarito must have known, stating it was baloney for Margarito to deny it.

  • 丈夫到家时又热又累。他慢慢踱进房间,看见妻子这副打扮,停下了脚步,怒不可遏地大叫:“你今晚打算上哪儿去?”
    When he arrived, he was hot and tired. He walked slowly into the house, saw his wife and stopped. Then he shouted angrily, "And where are you going this evening?""

  • 一些家长对此怒不可遏是可以理解的:他们为服务付费(管是通过间接的方式)却突然发现这种服务要以类似抓阄的方法来进行分配。
    Some parents are understandably livid: they paid for a service( albeit indirectly) and suddenly discover it's being handed out like a raffle prize.

  • 一些家长对此怒不可遏是可以理解的:他们为服务付费(尽管是通过间接的方式),却忽然发现这种服务要以类似抓阄的方法来进行分配。
    Some parents are understandably livid: they paid for a service and suddenly discover it's being handed out like a raffle prize.

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