
心领神会  xīn lǐng shén huì








  • 心领神会它的情意。
    know it all by heart.

  • 引用的关键是引用适量的内容使对方心领神会
    The key with quoting is to include enough material in the quote so that it will be relevant to the recipient.

  • 当一匹马嘶鸣或以蹄扒地,其它的马心领神会
    When a horse neighs or paws the ground, the other horses get the message .

  • 如果一个中国人去买了月饼,其他的人会心领神会
    Chinese people buys some moon cakes and anyone can understand it.

  • 客居桂林近20年,对漓江山水之神韵已心领神会
    He has settled in Guilinfor about 20 years and has deep feeling of the river.

  • 料是彼此心领神会,结成了一段战略合作伙伴关系。
    The material was each other understands, has formed section of strategy partner relations.

  • 在大家面前不方便用说话的,能心领神会彼此的意思。
    In the face of inconvenience to you to speak, can Xinlingshenhui their meaning.

  • 像武术般,他们之间的爱是心领神会,而不只是身体上的接触。
    " Explains actress Sun Li, "Like wushu, their love is a spiritual experience, rather than the physical kind.

  • 也有听过笑话之后的阵阵笑声,那些笑话只有我俩彼此心领神会
    Barrels of laughter over inside jokes that will never makes sense to anyone but us.

  • 朋友间真正的对话是无声的,并非话语,而靠心领神会才可算是至交。
    Silences make the real conversations between friends. Not saying but the never needing to say is what caonts.

  • 家庭中最重要的不仅是成员之间的心领神会,还需要心有灵犀一点通
    The greatest thing in family life is to take a hint when a hint is intended-and not to take a hint when a hint is not intended.

  • 家庭生活中最重要的不仅仅是成员只见的心领神会,还需要心有灵犀一点通。
    The greatest thing in family life is to take a hint when a hint is intended--and not to take a hint when a hint is not intended.

  • 公开演说时,如何让观众心领神会并一直把注意力放在你身上,是相当重要的。
    When speaking in public, it is important to get your message across and keep the attention of your audience.

  • 能将别人摸不着头脑的问题,让人第一秒就能心领神会,这种起承转合,就是技术!
    Can someone touched the minds, so one can has a tacit understanding of seconds, this rollover effect Hop is the technology!

  • 对他们来说,有礼貌的谈话者应该靠着表示出惊喜、讨厌、吃惊或悲哀的表情来与别人心领神会
    To Americans, polite conversationalists empathize by displaying expressions of excitement or disgust, shock or sadness.

  • 对我们现代人来说,这种安排似乎十分奇怪;然而,一切都有神的心意,而波阿斯立即心领神会
    It all sounds strange to us but God was in it all and Boaz recognised this.

  • 对他们来说,有礼貌的谈话者应该靠著表示出惊喜、讨厌、吃惊或悲哀的表情来与别人心领神会
    To Americans, polite conversationalists empathize by displaying expressions of excitement or disgust, shock or sadness.

  • 对于这点,我已心领神会,现在正忙于烹制美味猪排。事实上,闻着烹煮的香味,我早已垂涎三尺啦。
    Well, I took that post to heart and am working on some pork chops right now…am actually salivating as I smell them cooking.

  • 天地之美虽然真实无妄,但却是不可言喻的。唯有透过对于自然之美的心领神会,人始得以达致真理。
    The saints are those who have mastered the law of the nature originated from the beauty of heaven and the earth.

  • 同时藉由此过程,让欣赏者可深入了解每支舞码背后所蕴含的民族文化,更能心领神会并体验抽象的情感表达。
    Not only to understand the meanings of the national culture involved in each dancing, but also to know without being told the sentimental expression.

  • 比赛的第二个环节是“心领神会”,要求学员用肢体语言来表达单词的意义,所以这也是寓教于乐的一个过程。
    The second is the pupil ", "require students to use body language to express meaning of words, so this is one of them.

  • 韦斯莱夫人心领神会地点点头,“不错,如果他愿意,是可以使自己变得很有魅力的,但亚瑟从来就不太喜欢他。
    Weasley, nodding wisely. "Of course he can be charming when he wants to be, but Arthur's never liked him much."

  • 单凭这种粗疏而又简便的方法,裘德固然没什么机会当上学者,不过他到底按自己的愿望人了门,慢慢做到心领神会
    And though Jude may have had little chance of becoming a scholar by these rough and ready means, he was in the way of getting into the groove he wished to follow.

  • 在这种氛围中,孩子们不知不觉就度过了他们美丽的童年时光,长大后,心领神会的他们又不约而同地成了舞者中新的一员。
    In such an atmosphere, the children had unwittingly on their beautiful childhood days, when they grow up, they have an implicit understanding of the same action to become a dancer in a new.

  • 不是每一个人都以可辨识的声响「听见」我们的声音。很多人透过非文字的方式接受神性讯息,例如视觉,感觉,或心领神会
    Not everyone "hears" our voices as audible sounds. Many people receive Divine messages through nonverbal means, such as visions, feelings, or a knowingness.

  • 教书这件事情我做得比较好,是因为我发现讲解明白是一件相当愉悦的事情,也因为我有能力与那些希望学习物理的青年学生心领神会
    I do it reasonably well because I find explaining things well to be a real pleasure and because I do have the ability to empathize with the students who are trying to learn.

  • 艺术的真实是观众心领神会的重要关键,无联繋的、模糊不清的舞蹈表现,是脱离真实自然的情境,无法触动观众的内在情感而作良好的互动。
    The truth conveyed through the dance will then be revealed to the participants of dance as the ambiguous dance imagery becomes clear and present for choreographers, performers, and audience.

  • 我想是四目相对的时候,就心领神会,接下来的就只是进一步地证实,从最初的那一刻你就是对的。你会突然发现自己一直残缺,而此时你终于完整…
    I think you know immediately. As soon as your eyes…then everything that happens from then on, just proves that you had been right in that first moment.

  • 本场比赛唯一的进球来自于杰拉德的助攻,红军队长禁区内头球将球顶向球门,埋伏在球门远门柱的加西亚心领神会左脚捅射将球射送进罗宾逊把守的大门。
    The only goal of the game came when Steven Gerrard directed the ball goalwards with his head, and Garcia was in the right place at far post to prod home left footed under Paul Robinson's body.

  • 译时应注重散文的文学美感与韵味,参考译文供大家欣赏:然而要参透数学、物理或棋弈之美,欣赏树之有形、鸟之翼趣,乃至对长笛奏出的悠悠颤音心领神会,则必经专门训练方可体味。
    You need training, however, to perceive the beauty in mathematics or physics or chess, in the architecture of a tree, the design of a bird's wing, or the shiver of breath through a flute.

  • 心领神会造句相关
