
心口如一  xīn kǒu rú yī








  • 我认为他是个心口如一的人。
    He is a man who I think means what he says .

  • 我认为他是个心口如一的人。
    There is not a scrap of truth in what he says .

  • 文祥说:「当然,谁不是这样呢?他只是心口如一而已!」
    Wen Xiang said, "Of course. Who isn't like that? He says what's on his mind! ""

  • 心里牢记“引号”,说话心口如一,待人心胸宽广,做事心安理得;
    Remember well in the heart " quote " , talking frank, the breadth of mind that need a person is broad, work hanging on mouth of;

  • 我又凑近些说,“听着,如果你真的心口如一,为什么不干……为什么不走呢?
    "Listen, " I said, bending still closer to him, "if you mean what you said why don't you do it… why don't you go?

  • 心地善良心口如一心明眼亮 心胸开阔 心直口快 人一辈子总有不顺心也难免遇到不好的人。
    Human life there are bound to encounter one's liking is not a bad person.

  • 当我们能够心口如一地发出这个祈求,并在生活中真正寻求神的意思,我们的人生一定会有截然不同的改变。
    Then we can accept whatever happens that day as being in the will of God for us. That is the way of blessing. That is the way of peace.

  • 当我们能够心口如一地发出这个祈求,并在生活中真正寻求神的意思,我们的人生一定会有截然不同的改变。
    We can say it once and mean it. In doing so, it can make a great difference in our lives.

  • 邓智仁说,我用不着装得谦恭老实,也用不着像明星那样包装自己,我就是我自己,我知无不言,心口如一
    Dengzhiren said, I did have a humility honest, and without a star as its packaging, I was myself, I informative, thinking.

  • 心口如一造句相关
