
当头棒喝  dāng tóu bàng hè








  • 当头棒喝成员获得650分。
    Score 650 points in Whack-A-Staff-Member.

  • 今天所读的经文,正好是他们的当头棒喝
    The passage before us is a good antidote for such folks.

  • 缺乏内容,全靠制作。(简直是当头棒喝!)
    it's all production design and not enough content.

  • 我如当头棒喝,恍然大悟:命运在自己的手里!
    Such as wake-up call to me, suddenly: fate in their own hands!

  • 这对于热衷于排行榜的投资人,显然是当头棒喝
    This is keen on the list of investors is obviously a wake-up call.

  • 对身处 21 世纪的我们来说,这无疑是当头棒喝
    This is an alarm to us in the 21 st century.

  • 监管改革提案被认为是“对银行家引人注目的当头棒喝”。
    Proposals for regulatory reform are cast as "headline grabbing banker bashing".

  • “大棒”就是给那些伤害集体利益的行为者以当头棒喝(惩罚)!
    Sticks are negative reinforcement. They are given immediately based on negative behavior that hurts the organization.

  • 虚荣自傲是一种愚蠢的作态:它的下场一定是遭到当头棒喝而醒悟。
    Vainglory is one of the sillier postures: it invariably precedes the rude awakening.

  • 对于当时正积极与苏联开展太空竞赛的美国,这是又一记当头棒喝
    For the time being actively carried out the space race with the Soviet Union, the United States, this is yet another wake-up call to remember.

  • 是一个当头棒喝的提醒,太多事情是无法估计-感情、前途…太多。
    it is much more interesting than everything well-planned beforehand.

  • 如果选手们认为他们可以轻而易举地赢得这场比赛,他们会遭到当头棒喝
    If the players think they can win this match easily, they are in for a rude awakening.

  • 他再追问:请问,命运在哪里?我如当头棒喝,恍然大悟:命运在自己的手里!
    He then asked: What, Where destiny?Me as a wake-up call, suddenly: fate in their own hands!

  • 但是,当头棒喝并非空间使然,有时候刻意寻求存在的本质,反而失去了自己!
    However, 's head space is not nature, the essence of existence sometimes deliberately sought, but lost their!

  • 有时候,当头棒喝远比“时间的教训”要好的多,因为,那样至少还可以弥补。
    In some cases, than a wake-up call "lesson time" to be good because, as can at least make up for.

  • 本案是警方历年来破获最大宗盗版游戏光碟案件,对不肖盗版业者给予当头棒喝
    This case was the most significant pirated game software case uncovered by the police to date, and representing a major blow to the piracy industry.

  • 它揭示了有些数学事实虽然为真,却没有理由。这正是对充份理由原理的当头棒喝
    It reveals that certain mathematical facts are true for no reason, a discovery that flies in the face of the principle of sufficient reason.

  • 我不知道其余十几位听众如何,但是“乏味先生”的结束语却如当头棒喝,让我瞬间醒悟。
    don't know about the other dozen or so people inthe audience, but Mr. Monotone hit me right between the eyes with that shot. It was true.

  • 美国,目前唯一真正能给以色列和巴勒斯坦当头棒喝的力量,却为其他地方的事务焦头烂额。
    The United States, still the only power that can really bang Israeli and Palestinian heads together, has been preoccupied elsewhere.

  • 这个具有宗教使命的“非宗教画家”,其内心颤动的音符至此嘎然停顿,如一记当头棒喝后的宁静与虚无。
    Then the inner vibrating notes suddenly suspend in the missioned "unreligious artist", like the tranquility and nihility after a severe blow.

  • 而在美院上的“服装设计”给了他一个当头棒喝,从小建立的坐标开始被迫面临调整。而这一调整就是十年。
    The course "Costume Design" he received in academy of fine art shook him, making his direction set in his childhood face adjustment and this adjustment has kept for ten years.

  • 为了避免任何潜在投资者错过印度8%增长速度以及十亿计的潜力机会,麦肯锡的顾问提供了当头棒喝的报告。
    IN CASE any potential investor has missed India's run of 8% growth and billion-person potential, the consultants at McKinsey have provided a useful jab in the ribs.

  • 一直紧靠银行“大树”过日子的房地产业是否就此遭遇“当头棒喝”、迅速冷却,一下子成了业内外关注的问题。
    Bank has conducted "trees" live on the real estate industry is experiencing "'s head" and the rapid cooling, the industry has become one of concern.

  • 近年来一直高歌猛进、热度猛烧的中国楼市在今年遭到当头棒喝,国家宏观调控使房地产发展迅猛的态势戛然而止。
    In recent years has been China's robust, went burning heat in the property market this year by China's head of state macro-control of real estate development for the rapid momentum stop.

  • 尽管我们好高骛远(并已负债累累),尽管我们被残酷的现实当头棒喝,但我们知道有一天我们仍会开始新的探索。
    Even though we've overreached (and overborrowed), and been reminded of some home truths, we know that one day we'll reach out once more.

  • 如此说法,对于投资者似乎当头棒喝,对于市场今年来的恶劣情势,似乎都是都可以归结到投资人信心不足的问题上。
    That being the case, seems to be a wake-up call for investors, the market for this year's situation is bad, it seems that all can be attributed to a lack of confidence of investors on the issue.

  • 他说他发现自己唯一能找到的工作就是一个低薪酬的餐馆零工,这件事对他来说无疑于当头棒喝,也促使他醒悟过来。
    He says it was a shock, and a wake-up call when there the only working work he could find was a low paid restraint low-paying restaurant job.

  • 对于这个曾被社会问题研究者称作“千禧一代”、“Y一代”抑或“网络一代”的最年轻的劳动力大军而言,全球性的经济萧条犹如当头棒喝
    The global downturn has been a brutal awakening for the youngest members of the workforce—variously dubbed "the Millennials", "Generation Y" or "the Net Generation" by social researchers.

  • 赛季初输掉两场英超可能有些失望,但是这可能是当头棒喝,因为在输掉切尔西之前,球队已经取得六连胜,而面对切尔西一直都是艰难的比赛。
    Losing two early games was disappointing but perhaps it was a wake-up call because the team then had six straight wins before losing at Chelsea, which is always a tough match.

  • 然而,“后房型时代”的呼声刚一响起就遭到了当头棒喝,某权威的口无遮拦还在其次,众多新户型的闪亮登场说明,户型设计其实还大有可为。
    However, "Fangxing era, " just one voice sounded suffered's head on, a lot of authority in Secondly, many new Huxing on stage on the front, the design is also Huxing promising.

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