
强人所难  qiǎng rén suǒ nán








  • 如此刁钻的问题简直是强人所难
    Such trappy questions are meaningless and pushing us to nowhere.

  • 如此刁钻的问题简直是强人所难
    To let us solve such a difficult question is totally against our will.

  • 牵马河边易,逼马饮水难。不要强人所难
    A man may lead a horse to the water but he cannot make him drink.

  • 英语准确的音节对于他来说是有些强人所难
    He knew what he wanted to say, but the actual articulation was difficult for him.

  • 既然他不愿意和我们去购物,就不要强人所难
    Since he was not willing to go shopping with us, we shouldn't force him.

  • 既然他不愿意和我们去购物,就不要强人所难
    Since he did not want us to go shopping, do not asking.

  • 主任要求吉姆寒假不要回家,这真有点强人所难了。
    The dean is coming it rather strong by asking Jim not to go home in the winter vocation.

  • 带马到河边容易,逼马饮水难。(不要强人所难。)
    You may take a horse to the water, but you can't make him drink.

  • 这在中国追求稳定发展之际无疑是强人所难,此其一。
    But this is obviously an outrageous demand given China's stable development strategy.

  • 你可以把马牵到水边,但不能强迫其饮水。不要强人所难
    You can take a horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink.

  • 强人所难强迫(某人)接受或者把(如自己)强加于别人头上。
    To obtrude or force(oneself, for example) on another or others.

  • 要约翰管理这个系,又要他上满工作量的课程,这是强人所难
    Asking John to run the department and teach a full load of courses is piling Pelion upon Ossa.

  • 你可以把马牵到河边,但是你不能强迫它喝水(不可强人所难)。
    You can take the horse to the river, but you can't make him drink.

  • 至少,政府会要求这项强人所难的投资能够带来让人欣慰的回报。
    That will require, at a minimum, a positive return on the coerced investment.

  • 为了相处融洽,不要强人所难,要求别人办些超出能力范围之外的事。
    To lice happily with other people, ask of them only what they can give.

  • 有些人经常强人所难---不断询问,过分苛求,反复查问直至遭到搞拒。
    Some individuals constantly push at others --- asking, demanding, probing until they meet resistance.

  • 发达国家要求中国一步到位地与欧美实行同步的环境政策,是强人所难的。
    Now China is expected to fall in line with the environmental policies of the developed world.

  • 而在西方国家,人们讲求尊重个人权益和个人隐私,所以他们不会做强人所难的事。
    In Western countries, people stress respect for individual rights and privacy, and therefore they will not do Jiangrensuonan thing.

  • 而在西方国家,人们讲求尊重个人权益和个人隐私,所以他们不会做强人所难的事。
    In Western countries, it emphasizes respect for individual rights and personal privacy, so they will not do Qiangrensuonan matter.

  • 吴宗宪说自己酒量还好,“每个人酒量不同,不用强人所难拼酒,真的推不掉我也会用唱歌挡酒”。
    Wu said that those who have their own good, "those who have each person different, imposing no drinking, I can not really push the block will be used to sing of wine."

  • 这样在第二个五分钟内出现等量的推动力就显得强人所难了,但很可能经过一定盘整震荡孕育出加速。
    An equal thrust in the next time period is difficult to manage, but a general drift in the direction of the first five minutes is likely with an acceleration after further accumulation has occurred.

  • 我深知,那天随我一起站起来并走出教室对其他同学来说实在是强人所难了。但是他们的内心还是受到了某种触动。
    It was too much of a stretch for them to stand up and walk out with me that day, but I knew something had clicked inside of them.

  • 也许要求奥巴马学中文有点强人所难,但是澳大利亚总理陆克文那口流利的普通话却为诸国首脑树立了一个好榜样。
    It is, perhaps, ambitious to ask Obama to learn Chinese, but Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's decent Mandarin has set a formidable standard for heads of state.

  • 漂亮、诚实、开朗、大方、热情、善解人意、平易近人、爱抄持家务、不强人所难。喜欢浪漫、旅游、逛街、摄影 。
    Attractive, honest, open and bright, natural, is warm, goods intention, the amiable near person, Likes copying holds the housework, the strong person is not difficult.

  • 因为他对女人的热情就是远不如事业,叫他面对一个没感觉的“摆饰”付出时间并投以关注的眼神,实在太强人所难了!
    Because of his enthusiasm for women's cause is far inferior, that he did not feel the face of a "decoration" for their time and attention to the eyes, too Jiangrensuonan!

  • 何塞•穆里尼奥重申:他希望留下赫尔南•克雷斯波和迪迪尔•德罗巴。但如果他们执意迫离开切尔西,他不会强人所难
    Jose Mourinho insists he wants to keep Hernan Crespo and Didier Drogba, but won't stand in their way if they are desperate to quit Chelsea.

  • 那天要他们站起来并跟我一起走出教室是有点强人所难,但我知道,他们的内心已经受到了某种触动,至少他们最终大胆地说出了自己的想法。
    It was too much of a stretch for them to stand up and walk out with me that day, but I knew something had clicked insides of them. At least they finally spoke up.

  • 对于那些认为加里波第好强人所难的早期历史学家所做出的批判,Riall女士急于展示出加里波第在其自身的传奇中其实是一位足智多谋的领军人物。
    Critical of earlier historians who tended to treat Garibaldi with condescension, Ms Riall is anxious to display him as the resourceful manipulator of his own legend.

  • 此外,即便这种模型建构得成,要想在实验室之外的环境里进行人脑扫描,还要解决两个棘手的难题,那就是强人所难的唐突如何规避,个人隐私如何保护。
    Moreover, even when it does so, there are knotty problems of obtrusiveness and privacy to be resolved before one could perform brain scans outside the laboratory.

  • 强人所难违背客观性;不正当的迟延或不作为;不正当的步骤和方式。第三章分析了行政自由裁量权滥用造成的危害:滋生腐败不利社会稳定和破坏社会秩序。
    In Chapter 3 it analyzes the harm caused by the abuse of Administrative Discretion that leads to corruption, endangers social establishment and destroys social order.

  • 强人所难造句相关
