
异乎寻常  yì hū xún cháng







  • 在最近的一个多月里, 她异乎寻常地快乐, 工作也做得勤快。
    For the past month or more, she had been unusually happy and had been really throwing herself into her work.

  • 最近,我们的太阳异乎寻常地平静。
    Recently, our Sun has been unusually quiet.

  • 异乎寻常厚实的冰在北极很早就形成了。
    Ice is surprisingly strong and forms early in the arctic.

  • 这幅画异乎寻常的美使他们感到十分惊讶。
    They were astonished at the extraordinary beauty of the picture.

  • 使我十分惊讶的是所有的学生异乎寻常的安静。??
    What surprised me most was that all the pupils were unusually quiet. ??

  • 他走了,心里还尽想着伐那米那异乎寻常的身世和性格。
    He took himself away, his mind still busy with Vanamee's extraordinary life and character.

  • 在本书中你可以找到异乎寻常多的关于这方面的参考资料。
    You will find an unusually large number of references to the time of writing in this book.

  • 他说中国异乎寻常公开申明承诺改革,为此他表示乐观其成。
    He said China had a remarkable record of delivering on commitments to reform, and he was optimistic.

  • 越来越多的证据显示企业家们都有某种异乎寻常的心理特质。
    A growing body of evidence suggests that entrepreneurs have certain distinctive psychological traits.

  • 今天在看来航行是缓慢的,200年前,这速度是异乎寻常的。
    That seems slow to us today, 200 years ago it was a remarkable speed.

  • 当发现链状的聚焦体时,人们寻求有点异乎寻常的机理来解释它们。
    When chain like aggregates are found, rather exotic mechanisms are often sought to explain them.

  • 碳素需要的这种异乎寻常的变异是微生物学中最引人入胜的生理学现象。
    This extraordinary variation with respect to carbon requirements is one of the most fascinating physiological aspects of microbiology.

  • 专家也是非常重要的人群,因为他们对缺少经验的用户有着异乎寻常的影响。
    Experts are also a vital group because they have a disproportionate influence on less experienced users.

  • 我愿意把我和班卓看做是异乎寻常的亲属关系,一种值得记载和记忆的关系。
    I'd like to think Banjo and I shared an extraordinary kinship, one worthy of being recorded and remembered.

  • 不幸地是,我们的成功是asp为代表客户数据提供的异乎寻常的安全的反映。
    Unfortunately, our success was a reflection of the egregious security the ASP had provided on behalf of the client's data.

  • 异乎寻常的是美联储公布减息是在美国国外股市大跌之后(那天华尔街假日休市)。
    It is striking that the Fed's rate cut came the day after a swoon in stock markets outside America (Wall Street was closed at the time for a holiday).

  • 天还没亮,他就异乎寻常地醒来了,被什么吸引到了他的卧室窗前,内心越发地感到不安。
    Unusually, he wakes before dawn, drawn to the window of his bedroom and filled with a growing unease.

  • 专家认为如果一个孩子的书写异乎寻常的不容易识别,教师和家长应该怀疑这是书写困难。
    Experts say teachers and parents should suspect dysgraphia if a child's handwriting is unusually difficult to read.

  • 芬芳香味,崭新感受,散漫著异乎寻常花果幽香,具诱惑力,使人愉快。专供旅行用限量产品。
    The luscious new feeling in fragrance. Delectable. Tantalizing. Let it tempt you with its sparkling blend of exotic fruits and flowers. A Travel Exclusive Limited Edition.

  • 这么多年来,教育学家们竟然没有制定出比考试更有效、更可靠的方法,这种状况真是异乎寻常
    It really is extraordinary that after all these years, educationists have still failed to devise anything more efficient and reliable than examinations.

  • 通过组织的三个方面可以把它所走的异乎寻常的路线反映出来:使命,评估投资的指标,财务基础。
    Three aspects of the organization shed light on the unusual path it has taken: its mission, its criteria for evaluating investments, and its financial base.

  • 作为有着工程学科(算机科学)练的科学家,我异乎寻常地刚好被置于将这一间隙搭起桥梁的位置。
    As a scientist with a training in an engineering discipline( computer science), I am unusually well placed to bridge this gap.

  • 对红色硫化汞在可溶性金属卤化物溶液、类卤化物溶液及N配体中异乎寻常的溶解现象作了初步探索。
    This paper has probed tentatively into the unusual dissoluble phenomenon of the red mercury sulfide in the solution of the dissoluble metal hands, Pseu-dohalides and the N ligands.

  • 会存在着异乎寻常的情况,即我们拥有力量,以确保给与你们保护,并且为你们的提升提供必须的机会。
    That is rarely the case as we have the powers to ensure that you have protection, and provide you the opportunities that are necessary for your Ascension.

  • 然而,如果那笔迹是一种十分异乎寻常的笔迹,富有显著的特色,在成百个笔迹中都可以辨识出来的呢?
    But what if the handwriting is a very uncommon one, presenting marked peculiarities by which it may be recognized among a hundred?

  • 这一设计的发展受到了候选人理念异乎寻常的启发。像其他图标一样,其意味和影响来自于人们对它的认同。
    The design development was singularly inspired by the candidate's message. Like any mark, the meaning and impact really come from what people bring to it.

  • 琼斯①在他的俱乐部里看这本书看到这些细节,一定会骂它们琐碎、无聊,全是废话,而且异乎寻常的肉麻。
    All which details, I have no doubt, JONES, who reads this book at his Club, will pronounce to be excessively foolish, trivial, twaddling, and ultra-sentimental.

  • 中国一位高级官员在周六说,今年冬天异乎寻常的暴风雪使中国中南部很多地区覆盖在冰雪之中,已造成129人死亡。
    The freakish winter storms that coated much of central and southern China in snow and ice have left 129 people dead so far this year, a senior Chinese official said Saturday.

  • 三种激情,简单却又异乎寻常的激烈,一直支配着我的生活:对爱的渴望,对知识的追求,以及对人类苦难难以承受的怜悯。
    Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life:the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.

  • 计算机网络是世界经济不可或缺的一部分,它为合法贸易及交流提供了无与伦比的机遇,也为犯罪分子提供了异乎寻常的可乘之机。
    Computer network is an integral part of the world economy, it is legal for trade and exchange offers unparalleled opportunities for criminals to provide a Extraordinary opportunity.

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