
开怀畅饮  kāi huán chàng yǐn







  • 大家开怀畅饮,忘记日间的劳苦。
    Everyone having a good drink and forgetting about the toils of the day.

  • 中秋佳节,让我们大家开怀畅饮吧!
    Let's go carousing during this Mid-autumn Festival!

  • 在宴会上大家开怀畅饮,酒如流水。
    The wine flew like water at the party.

  • 在宴会上大家开怀畅饮,酒似流水。
    The wine flowed like water at the party.

  • 在宴会上大家开怀畅饮,酒似流水。
    The wine flowed like water at the party .

  • 尔后连续端上酒菜,猜拳行令,开怀畅饮
    After consecutive last-end wine, so that line of finger-guessing game, to lift the spirits drink.

  • 啤酒节上,每个人都手拿大酒杯,开怀畅饮
    At the beer festival, everyone was holding big cups and swigging down beers.

  • 他们开怀畅饮香槟酒。
    They imbibed freely of champagne.

  • 他每逢假期回到镇上,就在当地一些朋友家中开怀畅饮
    He visited the little town during his vacations, and enlivened the tables of his friends there.

  • 客人可以在这自成一统的悠雅环境中,纵情歌唱,开怀畅饮
    Guests can self-unification of the Ya-death environment, heartily singing, happily drink.

  • 孤独是一瓶没有调和的原味酸奶,任我们徘徊其中,开怀畅饮
    loneliness is a non-proportioned yogurt without flavor, in which we drink merrily reluctant to leave;

  • 不会开怀畅饮,不穿俱乐部球衣,不戴防水球帽,或者金项链。
    No beer guts, replica jerseys, Burberry ball caps, or gold chains.

  • 不会开怀畅饮,不穿俱乐部球衣,不戴防水球帽,或者金项链。
    supporters. No beer guts, replica jerseys, Burberry ball caps, or gold chains.

  • 一阵雷鸣电闪之后,暴雨倾盆而下,千川万壑尽在开怀畅饮这来自天河的甘泉。
    After a shower of thunderstorm, rain pours down. All mountains and rivers open their bosoms to embrace the spring stream from Heaven.

  • 举起你那水晶酒杯开怀畅饮吧,不要吝惜你最好的香水,只要想用就尽情地用吧;
    Use your crystal goblets. Do not save your best perfume, and use it every time you feel you want it;

  • 你倒不如去快乐地吃你的饭,开怀畅饮你的酒,因为天主早已嘉纳你所作的工作。
    Go, eat your bread with joy and drink your wine with a merry heart, because it is now that God favors your works.

  • 描述:节日狂欢:周一,一名男子在西班牙潘普洛纳举行的圣佛明节上开怀畅饮
    Caption :DRINKING REVELER: A reveler drank during the start of the San Fermin festival in Pamplona, Spain, Monday.

  • 举起你那水晶酒杯开怀畅饮吧,不要吝惜你最好的香水,只要想用就尽情地用吧。
    Use your crystal goblets. Do nots****e your best perfume, and use it every time you feel you want it.

  • 举起你那水晶酒杯开怀畅饮吧。不要吝啬你最好的香水,只要想用就尽情地用吧。
    Use your crystal god lets. Don't save your best perfume, and use it everytime you feel you want it.

  • 尽管传唱传统圣诞颂歌并不多,但人们仍旧在腊月廿五块来到的一周里开怀畅饮
    Though traditional caroling is not done as frequently some people still go wassailing in the weeks leading up to December 25.

  • 举起你那水晶酒杯开怀畅饮吧,无所不能吝惜你最好的香水,只要想用就尽情地用吧。
    Use your crystal goblets. Do not save your prime perfume, and use it eVery abundance time you feel you require it.

  • 敖罗斐乃见她如此,喜极狂欢,遂开怀畅饮;有生以来,没有一天,喝过这么多的酒。
    And Holofernes was made merry on her occasion, and drank exceeding much wine, so much as he had never drunk in his life.

  • 收获时节,大多数的村民在天黑以后都会开怀畅饮、大吃大喝,甚至还唱起山村民歌。
    At the harvest time, most of the villagers would abandon themselves to wining, eating and even singing the folk songs after dark.

  • 当您在酒店聚会时,您的皮包尽可以放在窗台上,按下“防丢失”键就可以开怀畅饮
    When you meet in the hotel, your bags may be placed on every windowsill, press the "anti-lost" keys can be happily drinking;

  • 敖罗斐乃见她如此,喜极狂欢,遂开怀畅饮;有生以来,没有一天,喝过这麽多的酒。
    20And Holofernes was made merry on her occasion, and drank exceeding much wine, so much as he had never drunk in his life.

  • 开怀畅饮就是挨家挨户地串门,并高唱颂歌以获酒肉,甚至可能从慈善机构获得慷慨资助。
    To wassail specifically refers to going house to house, singing carols in order to receive food and drink, or possibly money to be donated to charity.

  • 人们一致认为饮酒和吻抱是通向欢乐之路,于是他们开怀畅饮,根本不在乎同伴如何讨厌自己。
    It is held that drink and petting are the gateways to joy, so people get drunk quickly and try not to notice how much their partners disgust them.

  • 一项研究表明,我们更倾向于在与朋友外出游玩或在炎炎夏日里参加大型体育运动时开怀畅饮
    A study finds we are more likely to turn to the booze when we are set outside with friends and during big summer sporting events.

  • 在最受欢迎的“施洗约翰节”这天,可以看见许多芬兰人在乡村自己的家里,点燃篝火,开怀畅饮
    Its most popular Midsummer Day finds many Finns lighting bonfires and drinking enthusiastically at their country homes.

  • 啊,美妙的胡椒和爱情果的味道。你尝到了吗?如果葡萄酒看上去好,闻起来可爱,尝起来味美,就开怀畅饮吧。
    Ah the wonderful pepper and passionfruit. did you smell it. If the wine looks good, smells lovely and seduces your palate then drink it and enjoy!

  • 开怀畅饮造句相关
