
开卷有益  kāi juàn yǒu yì




晋·陶潜《与子俨等疏》: “开卷有得,便欣然忘食。”



  • 大学生:古人云:“开卷有益。”
    Student: People in ancient times said, "Reading is always beneficial."

  • 希望下面这篇文章能够使你开卷有益
    This article can make your open a book good below the hope.

  • 人们教育我们说开卷有益
    We are taught that it's helpful to read books.

  • 人们教导我们说开卷有益
    We are taught that it's helpful to read books.

  • 人们教诲我们说开卷有益
    We are taught that it's helpful to read books.

  • 读书有益。(开卷有益。)
    It is helpful to read many books.

  • 所以虽说“开卷有益”,要读的是正当的书;
    Therefore, although "It's beneficial to open up a book, " you must peruse appropriate books.

  • 所以虽说「开卷有益」,要读的是正当的书;
    Therefore, although "It's beneficial to open up a book, " you must peruse appropriate books.

  • 记者:你是怎样看待“开卷有益”这句古训的?
    Reporter: How do you consider such an ancient motto as "Reading is always beneficial"?

  • 开卷有益)一本好书打开带希望,闭上带收获。
    That os a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit.

  • 一本没有打开的书就是一团纸。是不是“开卷有益”啊?
    A book tightly shut is but a block of paper.

  • 读者诸君不管来自何方,信仰什么,相信必定开卷有益
    Readers will benefit from this book no matter where they come from and what they believe in.

  • 开卷有益
    Open Books Open Minds.

  • 于专业学习用书、于优良人文读物,均秉持「开卷有益」之精神。
    We have upheld the idea of benefiting our readers and have kept improving on this field.

  • 书有好坏之分,读书也有有益与有害的不同,不能简单地说“开卷有益”。
    of good and bad, and studying also have differences between benefits and harm, one can't simply say "open a book and have benefits. ""

  • 书有好坏之分,读书也有有益与有害的不同,不能简单地说“开卷有益”。
    Books have a division of good and bad, and studying also have differences between benefits and harm, one can't simply say "open a book and have benefits. ""

  • 开卷真的有益吗许多书籍既不适合儿童阅读,同样也不适合成年人阅读。
    But is it really helpful to read all books Many books are not suitable for children, neither are they for adults.

  • 开卷真的有益吗?许多书籍既不适合儿童阅读,同样也不适合成年人阅读。
    But is it really helpful to read all books?Many books are not suitable for children, neither are they for adults.

  • 开卷真的有益吗?许多书籍既不适宜儿童阅读,同样也不适宜成年人阅读。
    But is it really helpful to read all books?Many books are not suitable for children, neither are they for adults.

  • 我们向当代和未来的人类,隆重推荐这本《新菜根谭》。我们坚信,开卷有益
    We sincerely recommend this book to the modern and future mankind, firmly believing that it will benefit you as soon as you start to read it.

  • 《会计之友》格调高雅而内容扎实,解惑传经而不流于说教,只有认真阅读,苦心钻研,总会开卷有益
    " the friend of the accountant " style is decorous and content is solid, dispel doubts pass via do not flow at preaching, read seriously only, pains is studied, total meeting open a book is good.

  • 有些题目只能写议论文,如:《小议“开卷有益”》、《×××读后感》、《虚心使人进步》、《不能惧怕压力》、《学习贵在×××》等。
    " Topics of discussion can only write some text, such as: "On the" Read to Achieve ", " "Starting XXX", "open-minded people in Progress, " and "not afraid of pressure", "learning in your XXX.

  • 好的内容总是有自己的特点,他可能表达一个声音,一种观点,他也可能是见多识广,开卷有益,或仅仅是好玩,总之,他总会让你想要更多。
    Good content takes a stand. It has a voice, a point of view. It may be informative, useful, or funny but it always leaves you wanting more.

  • 好的内容总是有自己的特点,它可能表达一个声音,一种观点,它也可能是见多识广,开卷有益,或者仅仅是好玩,总之,它总会让你想要更多。
    You can tell it's been developed for the Web because it's clear and concise and it works in the medium. Good content takes a stand. It has a voice, a point of view.

  • 好的内容总是有自己的特点,它可能表达一个声音,一种观点,它也可能是见多识广,开卷有益,或者仅仅是好玩,总之,它总会让你想要更多。
    Good content takes a stand. It has a voice, a point of view. It may be informative, useful, or fu y but it always leaves you wanting more.

  • 好的内容总是有自己的特点,它可能表达一个声音,一种观点,它也可能是见多识广,开卷有益,或者仅仅是好玩,总之,它总会让你想要更多。
    Good content takes a stand. It has a voice, a point of view. It may be informative, useful, or funny but it always leaves you wanting more.

  • 开卷有益: 灯 具 “开卷有益”这个成语出自宋太宗,意思是说只要能和书本接触,总是有益的。中国古代真正的书籍形式是从竹简和木牍开始的。
    Chinese Book : Lamp Chinese Book comes from an old Chinese proverb What Can We Get from Good Books, which means it is beneficial as long as books can be read.

  • 开卷有益。书籍有两种特效:一是丰富知识,二是消除无知。我们之所以读书,是为了让新思想和伟大的智慧注入到我们的机体以增添活力;让高尚的人格与情趣渗透骨髓以提升我们的思想境界。
    We read to have ourselves entirely exposed to new ideas and great wisdom so that we can have more vitality, to noble personality and fine tastes so that we can have an elevated mind.

  • 开卷有益造句相关
