
应有尽有  yīng yǒu jìn yǒu








  • 那家商店卖大号的、小号的、中号的,应有尽有
    The store sells big ones, small ones, medium ones, or what have you.

  • 这家商店日用品应有尽有
    This general store has just about everything you could wish for.

  • 教堂的风格从简朴到宏伟应有尽有
    The church styles range from plain to grandiose.

  • 快投身于本次应有尽有的展销会吧!
    Get Involved in the Expo that has Something for Everyone!

  • 各种按钮控件应有尽有,可作编程学习之参考!
    A variety of buttons control everything and can be used for programming learning reference!

  • 那家商店卖大号的、小号的、中号的,应有尽有
    The store sells big ones, small ones, medium ones, or what have you.

  • 从购物、享受僻静到热闹的节庆,泰国应有尽有
    From shopping to seclusion to amazing festivals, Thailand has it all.

  • 烧烤啤酒花园,温泉宫、餐厅等服务设施应有尽有
    BBQ Beer Garden, Spa Palace, a restaurant and other service facilities, everything.

  • 商业城里从吃的到用的,从穿的到美的,应有尽有
    The city from commercial use to eat, clothes to the United States, everything.

  • 看片子啦,老片,新片,大片,应有尽有,好片请共享!
    You watch films, old films, new film, please share!

  • 而如今,冲浪板由多种材料制成,其形状和大小应有尽有
    Today, surfboards are made from different materials and come in all shapes and sizes.

  • 该馆的收藏包括阿拉伯的帆船及波斯坎查弯刀,应有尽有
    The museum has collections of everything from Arabian sailing boats to the curved daggers known as hangers.

  • 啊,我的这个新房车功能齐全,从小型浴缸到电冰箱应有尽有
    Man, this new van of mine, the full-future one, has everything from a small bathtub to a refrigerator.

  • 他的房子家庭电器一应俱全:冷气、衣机、箱、碗机等应有尽有
    His house is replete with domestic appliances, like air-conditioner, washing machine, refrigerator, dish washer , etc.

  • 市场内有繁华的小吃一条街,特色小吃应有尽有,经济实惠,一饱口福。
    There are bustling market street snacks, special snacks available, affordable, a Sinseong-hoe.

  • 小童设计方案的灵感世界:印花、绣花、标签等图案应有尽有。内附光碟。
    Prints, embroideries, labels all over: a rich box of proposals for the little baby. CD includes .

  • 周围各式各样的酒吧和餐馆应有尽有,同时还汇集了商业大街特有的名牌商店。
    In the immediate locality there is a wide range of bars and restaurants as well as most major high street shops.

  • 「大胆女性游」推荐从周末的迷你度假,到为期一周的国内外旅行,应有尽有
    Gutsy Women Travel offers everything from weekend mini-retreats to weeklong national and international excursions.

  • 这里是位于吉隆坡的一个购物中心,拥有家具、影院……应有尽有,叫KLCC。
    This is a big shopping mall within furniture, cinema… in KL, called KLCC.

  • 公司销售的产品范围从廉价的低档市场上的钢笔到进口的高级奢侈品,应有尽有
    The company sell product ranging from the cheap down - market pen to import luxury item.

  • 没有装修经验,没请设计师,网络给了我们很大的帮助,资料、风格、经验应有尽有
    No experience in fitting-out, please do not designers, the network has given us a lot of help, information, style, experience everything.

  • 数天前我看见伊希丝抱著一堆新衣,各种牌子应有尽有,可能她打算为衣柜添置衣服吧。
    I saw Isis the other day with an armful of new clothes of all makes, perhaps she was going to replenish his wardrobe.

  • 我从一无所有上升为应有尽有,而斯巴塞太太处在优势地位却从万贯家财论为两袖清风
    I've risen from nothing to everything, Mrs Sparset with all her advantages has fallen from everything to nothing.

  • 所以无论您想做什么、观赏什么、或是体验什么,佛罗里达这个美丽的目的地的确应有尽有
    So, no matter what you want to do, see, or experience, Florida really is a beautiful destination that has it all.

  • 为期20天的电影节面向广大观众,今年参展的电影从国产片到进口片以及由学生们自己制作的各类短片应有尽有
    Open to the public, the 20-day film fest this year features everything from the latest Chinese films to foreign classics, aswell as a variety of short films by students.

  • 白云湖,有着著名的名、优、特产品,章丘大葱、黄家烤肉、明水香米等土特产品应有尽有,各种风味小吃比比皆是。
    Baiyun Hu, who has a well-known, gifted, and special products, Zhangqiu green onions, Huang barbecue, rice, and so that the water tou everything, all kinds of Flavor foods abound.

  • 老式的普通民居已经不能满足人民居住的需要,成千上万的新型住宅小区拔地而起,各式各样的楼房鳞次栉比、应有尽有
    Millions of residential zones are mushrooming across the country and people can choose houses and buildings of various styles and functions as they like.

  • 圣安东尼奥具有都市应有尽有的福利设施,另外还有宏伟的德克萨斯希尔乡村中心提供的户外活动,仅几分钟车程就可到达。
    San Antonio has all the amenities of an urban area, coupled with outdoor activities offered by the magnificent Texas Hill Country, just minutes away.

  • 然而就在他庆赞自己伟大的发明之时,他偶然间来到现代化的城市,发现人们家中的锅、碗、瓢、盆等各种器具是应有尽有,一应俱全时;
    As he celebrates happily his great invention, he comes to a modern city and finds pot, bowl, ladle and basin in people's house.

  • 日前,一项旨在为失恋人士带来安慰的“失恋物品”巡回展登陆亚洲,参展物品五花八门,从空的戒指盒、性感内衣到毛绒边手铐等应有尽有
    From an empty ring box to sexy lingerie and a pair of fur-lined handcuffs, an exhibition of the relics of failed love has come to Asia, hoping to bring solace to the heartbroken.

  • 应有尽有造句相关
