
应付裕如  yìng fù yù rú







  • 对外界事务均能应付裕如,从容而不迫。
    He deals with all affairs freely and easily.

  • 泰国与远方的帝国打交道时可以应付裕如
    Thailand could be adaptable in its dealing with distant empires.

  • 泰国与远方的帝国打交道时可以应付裕如
    could be adaptable in its dealing with distant empires.

  • 无论是海水、淡水或含盐的冲洗水,本系统都应付裕如
    The Super Trident will operate satisfactorily on salt, fresh or brackish flushing water.

  • 它就不再是能“同其尘”,对万事万物、任何环境均应付裕如的完人了。
    Therefore, a man like this can no longer deal freely with his surrounding and live freely with others.

  • 就这样,若干个夜晚中,对死亡的恐惧笼罩着他。但在早上他又能应付裕如
    Some nights he was in blank terror of death, but in the morning he could deal with it.

  • 平时冷眼旁观,充分的瞭解到四周环境的真实情况,因而遇事应付裕如、轻松自在。
    Standing by and aloof, he knows well real situations around him, so he takes it easy to deal with them.

  • 凯瑟琳夫人盛气凌人,要求伊丽莎白放弃达西。然而,伊丽莎白对这一挑衅完全应付裕如
    Haughtily she demands that Elizabeth give up Darcy. Elizabeth, however, is more than adequate to the challenge.

  • 此后,西欧、日本、中国的力量和影响不断增强,美苏都不可能像过去那样应付裕如地扩张争霸。
    Since then, Western Europe, Japan, China's growing power and influence, the Soviet Union is impossible as in the past to cope with expansion of hegemony.

  • 钱夫人目前仍任职中央银行,平时需兼顾工作与家庭,还得陪伴丈夫参加酬酢场合或出国访问,她一向都能应付裕如
    Julie Tien works at the Central Bank of China as well as looking after the family. She enjoys attending social gatherings and traveling abroad with her husband.

  • 宗凯毫不惧怕即将面临的挑战,因为他在高中的经验,曾经将他的体能和心理经由严格的训练和意志力的培养而能应付裕如
    He is up for the challenge though, having learned discipline and mental strength from pushing himself both physically and psychologically in high school.

  • 应付裕如造句相关
