
席地而坐  xí dì ér zuò







  • 席地而坐,正成为新的生活方式。
    On the ground and sit, making new way of life.

  • 同样,每个人都可能席地而坐
    Again, everyone might sit on the floor.

  • 和室里的摆设都很低矮,大家席地而坐
    And the display room is very low, we sat.

  • 古代席地而坐,原没有椅子,“椅”本是木名。
    Ancient sat on the floor, not the original chairs, "chair" This is a wood.

  • 我们席地而坐,极目宽阔的河床和没有星月的夜空。
    We sit on the ground, looking into the distance of the wide riverbed and the night sky without stars.

  • 舞台沿江搭建、观众或席地而坐,或簇拥在舞台下。
    The stage was built along the Xiangjiang River, and the audience either sat on the ground or clustered around the stage.

  • 无法席地而坐,高跷阵表演者连休息也是「高人一等」。
    With no way to sit down just anywhere, stilt performers "stand tall" even when at rest.

  • 他们就像多年未见的老朋友一样,席地而坐侃侃而谈
    They sat on the ground, and chatted like old friends who haven't seen each other for a long time.

  • 图12:护法大会上,人们三五成群,席地而坐诵经护法。
    Picture 12:At the Dharma meeting, people sat together reciting sutras threes and fours.

  • 全家席地而坐,饮酒、猜拳、行令,一边吃饭,一边互相观摩。
    The whole family sat on the floor, drinking, finger-guessing game, so that line one side to eat, watch each other on the side.

  • 顾客可以体味披荆斩棘的快乐,也可以得到席地而坐的原始感受。
    Customers can appreciate the joy of travel , can also be sat on the floor of the original feeling.

  • 天色一暗,市民王先生携家带口来到榕湖边,找了个空地,席地而坐
    Weather one dark, resident Mr. Wang brings along one's family arrives at the banyan tree bund, has looked for an open area, sits.

  • 集合的时候老师和家长坐在中间的椅子上,孩子们则围着舞台席地而坐
    The teachers and parents sat on chairs while the children watched from the blue carpet that surrounded the small stage.

  • 人们来到郊外,取出美酒佳肴席地而坐,吃饭聊天的同时又能欣赏春色。
    People went out to suburban area, taking out delicious liquor and food and sitting on ground, appreciating scenery of spring while eating and chatting.

  • 书店里的顾客不顾让他们在指定区域内休息的警示而是在楼梯上席地而坐
    Bookstore visitors ignored the signs asking them to rest only in designated areas and sat on in the stairwell.

  • 我有一个梦想,有一天在北极白色的冰原上,我能和爱斯基摩人席地而坐,亲如手足。
    I have a dream that one day on the white ice field of Arctic, I will be able to sit down together with Eskimo at the table of brotherhood.

  • 我有一个梦想,有一天在北极白色的冰原上,我能和爱斯基摩人席地而坐,亲如手足。
    I have a dream that one day on the white ice field of Artic, I will be able to sit down together with Eskimo at the table of brotherhood.

  • 早上我遇见一个羊城晚报的记者,她看到我与两个席地而坐吃白煮蛋喝白酒的人说话。
    This morning I met a reporter from the Yangcheng Evening News. She spotted me speaking with two travelers sitting on a patch of ground eating boiled eggs and sipping wine.

  • 18:30,民主湖报告厅已经座无虚席,更多的同学甚至席地而坐,等待讲座的开始。
    At 18:30, democracy Lake Hall has been packed, and even more students sat on the floor, waiting for the start of talks.

  • 会场入口处及两端的通道站满了慕名前来的学生,更多同学甚至席地而坐,等待着讲座的开始。
    The conference site entrance and the both sides channel station has filled the student who comes in admiration of somebody's fame, more schoolmates even sit, are waiting for the course start.

  • 大家立刻围坐在堆满丰盛食物的桌布上,与餐桌比起来,每个人席地而坐占据的空间要大得多。
    The party forthwith began to seat themselves round the ample tablecloth, but they took up a good deal more room than had it been spread on a table.

  • 唐元和十一年(816),他游绵山,走到这里,疲惫不堪,便席地而坐,不知不觉进入梦乡。
    Tang Yuan and 11 years (816), he tours Mt. mianshan, arrives here, is utterly exhausted, then sits, goes off to sleep unconscious.

  • 在蝉舟瑜伽馆的冥想室里,阿密特席地而坐,身着白色t恤,双腿盘成莲花状,目光和善而纯净。
    In the cicada boat yoga hall contemplates in the room, Arab League dense sits especially, wears the white T-shirt, the both legs plate becomes the lotus efflorescent, the vision is genial and is pure.

  • 工作人员迅速搬来了备用座椅,后来的同学则直接席地而坐,倾听涂健老师的演讲,场面十分火爆。
    The stuff immediately brought some more chairs, and the students came late directly sit on the floor to listen to the speech.

  • 每次随师采药回来时,村民都会在晚上露天席地而坐,帮忙医师把采回来的药材分类、磨碎、捣汁或切碎。
    When the doctor come back, all the villagers are happy to help the doctor clean up the raw plants.

  • 为支持美利坚银行,克莱在参议院席地而坐已经有三天时间了,他坚决支持参议院重新为美利坚银行制定新的章程。
    Clay argued his case on the floor of the Senate for three days. He strongly urged the Senate to re-new the bank's charter.

  • 从她席地而坐,自弹自唱一首《爱的箴言》而成为长沙赛区首位拿到直通卡的超女开始,她就成为了大众关注的焦点。
    Since she sat down singing a song<the ture lauguage of love>with the guitar herself, which made she become the first superstar got the pass card, she come in the public's fouce.

  • 很多学校没有??所,水,甚至没有屋顶,在寒冷的冬天,没有热力供应,在敞开的天空下,那里的孩子们席地而坐
    There are many schools without a latrine, water and even without a roof where little children sit on bare ground under the open sky during winter's freezing cold and summer's severe heat.

  • 上周日,数千人在悉尼海港大桥席地而坐,共进早餐。为举办此次大规模的集体野餐活动,悉尼的这一标志性建筑临时限行,并首次铺上了草坪。
    Thousands sat down to breakfast on the Sydney Harbour Bridge on Sunday after the iconic structure was closed to traffic and carpeted with grass for the first time for a giant picnic.

  • 活动还没开始,会场就挤得水泄不通。本科生,研究生,新生,老生情绪高涨,翘首以待,走道里坐凳子的,站着的,甚至席地而坐的同学也有很多。
    Before the fixed time, the hall was full of people. The students were all have a high spirit, and lots of people hadn't seats.

  • 席地而坐造句相关
