
山水相连  shān shuǐ xiāng lián






  • 山水与文化息息相关,紧密相连
    Landscape and culture are closely related, closely linked.

  • 老挝与中国山水相连,是友好邻邦。
    Laos and China, mountains and waters, are friendly neighbors.

  • 广西与越南山水相连,拥有较长的边境线。
    Guangxi and Vietnam are joined by common mountains and rivers, and the boundary lines are very long.

  • 广西与广东,山水相连,都属于珠江水系的主要地域。
    Guangxi and Guangdong, landscape is linked together, belong to the main district of Pearl River water system.

  • 中国与越南山水相连,在经济上也有着千丝万缕的联系。
    China and Vietnam are linked by rivers and mountains, and closely tied to each other in economy.

  • 然后我可以飞越山水相连的休息,在一个树干前,您的窗口。
    Then I could fly across mountains and rivers to rest on a bough before your window.

  • 防城港市,西与越南山水相连,是中国西南出海最便捷的门户。
    Prevent city harbor city, with Vietnam landscape is linked together on the west, it is Chinese southwest goes to sea the most convenient portal.

  • 巴基斯坦是中国山水相连的友好邻邦,也是南亚最重要的国家之一。
    Pakistan is China"s friendly neighbor, it is also one of the most important countries of South Asia."

  • 两广山水相连,人缘相亲,两省区之间的友谊与合作源远流长,前景广阔。
    Guangdong and Guangxi are neighbors social connections, friendship and cooperation between the two areas back, and the prospects are bright.

  • 中国和东盟山水相连,文化相通,发展历程相似,人民友好交往历史悠久。
    China and ASEAN countries are close neighbors. We have similar cultures, we have gone through similar stages of development and there is a long history of friendly contacts between our peoples.

  • 不仅同中南半岛山水相连,而且可以通过中南半岛进入南太平洋和印度洋。
    In be the same as not only south peninsula landscape is linked together, and in can be being passed south the peninsula is entered south Pacific Ocean and the indian ocean.

  • 两国山水相依,村寨相连,全市有总人口12万余人,面积842平方公里。
    Two countries' dependencies, landscape, the city has more than 12 million population, area 842 square kilometers.

  • 东与阳泉、平定、昔阳山水相连,西邻太原、榆次,南接和顺,北与盂县、阳曲隔山相望。
    East and Yangquan, Binh Dinh, Xiyang neighbors, next to Taiyuan, Yuci south Heshun, North and Yuxian, yang qu ge shan sea.

  • 而在新区城市特色方面,则提出了构建“城市紧凑低缓-地景山水相连”的新山水城市模式。
    As for the urban identity of the new center, the new urban model of compatible, low landscape with mountain and water is conceived.

  • 如果该水域的海洋,可以移走后,海床及其广泛的山谷,不规则山水相连,在海上将是一个令人难以置信的视线。
    If the waters of the ocean could be removed, the sea floor with its wide valleys, irregular mountains and rivers in the sea would be an unbelievable sight.

  • 从多种角度全面衡量 ,西部大开发的战略重点宜放在四川盆地。重庆和宜昌山水相连,共为四川盆地的门户。
    Measure in the round from a variety of angle, the strategic key appropriate that develops greatly western is put in Sichuan basin.

  • 中国与老挝同属社会主义国家,是山水相连的近邻国家,同时也都在进行了社会主义经济改革,但老挝的改革步伐落后于中国。
    China and Laos are socialist nations t, they are landscape neighbor countries, and at the same time implimenting socialist economic reforms, but the Laos reform as compared to China is a little low.

  • 鄂南,即湖北省咸宁市。该地区与湘赣毗邻,因地处湖北省东南部故通称鄂南。鄂南境内山水相连,河湖纵横,山、丘、泊三种地貌俱全。
    This area and Hunan another name for Jiangxi Province border, because be located in on purpose of department of Hubei province southeast appellative E Na.

  • 也许您正在为堆积如山的产品而慨叹市场的蛋糕越来越小…其实,你只需扬起沉思的头颅,向着南亚与我们山水相连的印度,投过稍稍关注的一瞥,就会收获一丝意外的惊喜。
    Perhaps you perceived that the market space is smaller and smaller for the numerous products…Actually, you just need to pay more attention to India in South Asia, you will acquire unexpected surprise.

  • 山水相连造句相关
