
屁滚尿流  pì gǔn niào liú







  • 他忽然心里一沉,吓得屁滚尿流
    Suddenly his heart seemed to turn to ice and his bowels to water.

  • 是什么把杰克吓得屁滚尿流?
    What is it that has Jack spooked?

  • 这就是说该片布满了巨大的机器人把对方打倒屁滚尿流
    Which means it's a movie full of giant space robots beating the crap out of each other.

  • 很简单,因为今天的NBA已经让白人吓得屁滚尿流了。
    Simple. Because todays NBA scares the unholy shit our of white people.

  • 你必需得和那些已经急得屁滚尿流的人共用一间厕所 …
    you have to share the toilet with some people who pee on the seat…

  • 很简单,因为今天的NBA已经让白人吓得屁滚尿流了。
    Simple. Because today's NBA scares the unholy shit out of white people.

  • 这就是说该片充满了巨大的机器人把对方打倒屁滚尿流
    Which means it´s a movie full of giant space robots beating the crap out of each other.

  • 用这些相机给奥巴马拍照:FBI保镖们将吓得屁滚尿流
    Use these cameras to be taken photo by Aobama: FBI bodyguard will scare such that the fart rolls urine stream …

  • 第三个男人吓到屁滚尿流起来,于是他真的放了一个响屁。
    The third man was totally freaked out, that a large fart sped roaring out his butt .

  • 没人相信你,所以大家把你轰炸得屁滚尿流然后入侵你的国家。
    No one believes you, so they bomb the crap out of you and invade your country.

  • 那帮强盗屁滚尿流地逃跑了,但醋先生一直等到天大亮才敢露脸。
    Away scampered the thieves, but Mr Vinegar dared not quit his retreat till broad daylight.

  • 刹那间,只听得“嗷”的一声惨叫,狐狸满嘴是血,屁滚尿流地逃走了。
    Almost at the same time the fox howled painfully and ran away with a mouthful of blood.

  • 你们只准喝啤酒。别的什么也不许喝。看叫我逮住,不揍你们个屁滚尿流才怪。
    Let me catch you drink anything but beer I beat the hell out of you.

  • “我说,鲁宾教授,”有一个男低音说,“你这一脚可把我们踢得屁滚尿流咯。”
    "I say, Professor Rubin, " came a bass voice, "you are kicking us downstairs pretty fast, aren't you?"

  • 托马斯屁滚尿流地逃走了,但我却志满意得,我命令那玩意帮我通过下周的考试。
    Thomas freaked and ran, but me, feeling cocky, I commanded the entity to help me pass my exams in the coming week.

  • 当年以美国为主的所谓的联合国军队在朝鲜就被当时还刚比较落后的中国打得是屁滚尿流
    That the so-called mainly to the United States of the United Nations in the Korean army also has been relatively backward China is Pigunniaoliu play.

  • 铁人艾蒙特说道“大人,希望这不代表下一次我们比试的时候我不能将你打得屁滚尿流。”
    Iron Emmett said, "I hope this don't mean I can't beat the bloody piss out of you next time we train, my lord. ""

  • 他们还把我吓得屁滚尿流……”我大笑起来,卡尔正是一个把自己置于这种狼狈境地的人。
    They scared the shit out of me too…" I began to laugh. It was like Carl to get himself into a mess like that."

  • 我喜欢这部电影,因为从头至尾,加里。库珀都吓得屁滚尿流,却总能选择去做正确的事。
    I loved the movie because from start to finish Gary Cooper is scared to death but does the right thing anyway.

  • 卡尔吓得屁滚尿流,给一个陌生女人写信是一码事,去拜访她、同她***却完全是另一码事。
    It's one thing to write letters to a woman you don't know; it's another thing entirely to call on her and make love to her.

  • 小偷被这突如其来的情景吓的屁滚尿流,他惊恐万分地说:“这户人家的房子到底是怎么了?”
    Thief by this unexpected scene scared Pigunniaoliu, he frightened, said: "This was a family house in the end is how it?"

  • 他们从星期六和黄蜂的惨败后的第二场比赛中就走了出来,然后把他们应该击败的球队打得屁滚尿流
    They come out against NOOK and lay an egg sat. night, but it doesn't carry over at all, they come out the next game and are beating the sh! t out of a team they are supposed to beat.

  • 没有人能够搅乱他,他走他自己的路,他跃过绳子,把竞技场上敢与他较量的对手打个落花流水,屁滚尿流
    Nobody messed with him. He walked the walk. He skipped with the rope. And he beat the crap out of anybody who dared to meet him in the ring.

  • 中文介绍:欢迎您玩“帅小子打鬼子”这个小游戏,WASD控制方向,鼠标点击射击,快把日本鬼子打得屁滚尿流
    English Introduction: WASD controls direction , the mouse punctuation strikes shooting, the Japan devil is stricken quickly such that being frightened out of one's wits.

  • 他杀的人数以百计,如果他在这里,他就能从眼中喷出火球,把英国佬打的屁滚尿流。(全体轻松的笑声)我就是威廉姆。
    He kills men by the hundreds, and if he were here he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lightning from his arse.

  • 那些为了金钱不惜去抢去偷,然后就有了潇洒的资本之人,活的开心吗,自在吗,不,看到警官,听到警笛声还不吓得屁滚尿流
    To those who hesitate to try to steal money, steal, and then there will be a graceful capital who do live happy, comfortable do not see police officers, heard the siren is not scared Pigunniaoliu.

  • 这就是说该片布满了巨大的机器人把对方打倒屁滚尿流。再怎么说,它都是一部不会让你觉得“啊,被骗了”然后失望透顶的片子。
    Which means it's a movie full of giant space robots beating the crap out of each other. That is no matter what happens you won't be set up for disappointment.

  • 在他们面前,站着一个家住美国西南部的下士,这个下士粗暴无礼、好斗成性,他对他们说,他可以把他这一中队里的任何士兵打得屁滚尿流
    Before them stood a tough and belligerent sergeant from the Southwest. He told them he could beat hell out of any man in his fit.

  • 我想要说自己对窘境不屑一顾,拉上牛仔裤拉链,就这么地跑到外头,将那四个小鬼揍得屁滚尿流,但我们现在谈到的是亚历克斯,而不是亚历山大。
    I'd like to say that I shrugged it off, zipped up my jeans and ran outside to kick the shit out of those four little punks, but this is Alex we're talking about, not Alexander.

  • 然后他们邀请了一支菲律宾的职业篮球队来比赛,而菲律宾队把他们打的屁滚尿流,而这支从菲律宾来的职业篮球队在菲律宾的职业篮球队伍中还不是强队。
    Then they invited a PRO team from the Philippines and the filipinos beat their asses and the pro team from the philippines is not even one of the better teams in the PBA.

  • 屁滚尿流造句相关
