
就地正法  jiù dì zhèng fǎ






  • 让他就地正法,正义得以伸张!
    Let justice be done upon him.

  • 原刀主肯定已经被革命委员会就地正法了。
    The former owner must have been executed by revolution committee.

  • 妻子指着门铃上的一小块贴纸:推销员和闲杂人等要就地正法
    His wife points to a small sticker above the doorbell that reads: Salesmen and miscellaneous freeloaders will be summarily executed.

  • 绝地议会接著将注意转而让那位生化人将军就地正法,这任务则交给了肯诺比。
    The Jedi Council next focused their attentions on bringing the cyborg general to justice. That task fell to Kenobi.

  • 但就在云度得以自己的双手就地正法之前,安纳金以自己的光剑削掉云度的武器;
    Before Windu could take justice into his own hands, though, Anakin sprung into action. He cut off Windu's weapon hand with his lightsaber.

  • 意大利北方的两头大肥猪因身体已经沉重到无法被运往屠宰场的地步,其主人不得不将它们“就地正法”了。
    MILAN (Reuters) - Two pigs must die in situ in a village in northern Italy after getting too fat for their trip to the butchers.

  • 义大利北方的两头大肥猪因身体已经沉重到无法被运往屠宰场的地步,其主人不得不将它们“就地正法”了。
    MILAN (Reuters) - Two pigs must die in situ in a village in northern Italy after getting too fat for their trip to the butchers.

  • 就地正法造句相关
