
寓意深长  yù yì shēn cháng






  • 这个新剧幽默不够,但寓意深长
    The new play is short on humor and long on message.

  • 公园南端,有寓意深长的五彩世界雕塑。
    Park at the southern end, there are profound moral world of colorful sculpture.

  • 神膏抹大卫一事,为我们带来意味深长寓意
    The story of the anointing of David brings the point home with eloquence.

  • 一幅画寓意深长,或者确切地说,(是)包罗万象。
    One picture speaks volumes. Or rather lies volumes.

  • 在我们的生命消逝以后,历史将作出冷静、公正而寓意深长的定论。
    When our lives have faded, History will pronounce its cool, detached, and shadowy verdict.

  • 近30年的改革开放历程中,“苏南模式”一直是个寓意深长的历史符号。
    Nearly 30 years of reform and opening up process, "Sunan model" has been a history of profound moral symbol.

  • 这些迥然不同的人物被作者排列于一张清单,就已经是寓意深长的艺术创作了;
    Unlike those of his previous portraits, the subjects in this series of figurative paintings are very different in terms of their place in society.

  • 儿童中英圣经。特为五岁至八岁儿童编写。精选64篇圣经故事内容浅白、寓意深长,配有彩色插图。
    Traditional Chinese/English Bilingual children Bible. It is suitable for age 5-8. 64 Bible stories with color pictures.

  • 救主对待彼得的方法,对他和他的弟兄都是寓意深长的︰教导他们要以忍耐,同情和宽恕的爱来对待有过错的人。
    The Saviour's manner of dealing with Peter had a lesson for him and for his brethren.

  • 这的确是一个寓意深长的故事,凸显全球资本集团的先锋们有多么老到高超的反民主的手段。不过,这跟刑求审讯以及高压电击还是相距甚远,不可同日而语
    That's a revealing anecdote of the anti-democratic sophistication of the vanguard of global capital, but it's a long way from torture chambers and electric volts.

  • 寓意深长造句相关
