
寒来暑往  hán lái shǔ wǎng








  • 寒来暑往几时休, 光阴逐水流。
    As summer goes and winter comes, time flows like water.

  • 寒来暑往,斗转星移,但爱不变。记得我的肩膀永远都是你的依靠。
    Everything comes and goes, but love stays. When you need someone, remember that I'd be there.

  • 寒来暑往,冬去春来,一年四季仿佛围绕着乔舒亚旋转。(扩大概念)
    The seasons came and went and they revolved around Joshua.

  • 寒来暑往,弹指一挥间,《中国改革》伴随改革进程,已经走过了20年。
    With the passing of time, a snap of the fingers between one brandish, " China is reformed " accompany reform process, had gone 20 years.

  • 寒来暑往,风雨八年,我不曾为我的早出晚归而后悔,也不曾为我的挑灯夜战而遗憾。
    wind and rain for eight years, I did not spare any of my regret, I do not have the regret of burning the midnight oil.

  • 爱,装满二十四番花信封,寄到每个节气,寒来暑往,花开花落、都痴情依旧,情怀风柔。
    Love, filled with Fanhua 24 envelopes, sent to each cycle, , are infatuated remains the same, feeling the wind Sophie.

  • 不久前,只有极少数的爱斯基摩的猎手和探险家才能深究到冻土带上的寒来暑往,冬去春来。
    Until recently, the changing seasons on the tundra were seen only by a few Eskimo hunters and explorers.

  • 多年前有一个鞋匠,在小城一条街的拐角处摆摊修鞋,寒来暑往,也说不清有多少个年头了。
    Have a shoemaker before New Year more, in small town the turning point of a street places booth to mend shoes, with the passing of time, also say not clear have how many long time.

  • 不同款式的自行车载着不同阶层的人,寒来暑往,日复一日地飞驰在各自不同的命运之路上。
    Different kinds of bicycles carry different stratum of people on everyone's life road day by day.

  • 不久前,也只有极少数的爱斯基摩的猎手和探险家才能深究到冻土带上的寒来暑往冬去春来。
    Until recently, the changing seasons on the tundra were seen only by a few Eskimo hunters and explorers.

  • 尽管四季交替,寒来暑往,风雨交加,一次又一次对树进行摧残,但是,树对这一切毫不在意。
    Although the seasons turn, Hanlaishuwang, wind and rain, time and time again to destroy the tree, but the tree not care about all this.

  • 寒来暑往,弹指一挥间。当1997仍在人们的心中回旋,1998年已静静地来到我们的身边。
    When 1997 still be in the heart of people whirly, already came stealthily to the side of our 1998.

  • 想当年你我天南地北,相距千里之遥,曾经过几多寒来暑往,曾迎来多少花开花落,心升无数的浓浓牵挂。
    I remember when you and I have something away from thousands of miles away, have few more more Hanlaishuwang, has ushered in the number of blossom heart worried about rise numerous thick.

  • 四十岁更是男人的黄金季节,寒来暑往春去秋来,日月如梭青春已逝,要抓住青春的尾巴,尽情享受丰收的喜悦。
    year-old man's gold is the season Hanlaishuwang spring and autumn, the Riyuerusuo youth passed away, we must seize the youth of the tail, and enjoy the joy of harvest.

  • 百姓生活总也抹不开衣食住行,这四者中数“住”最为牵动人心。工薪阶层寒来暑往七省八扣,熬到相当长的时间,总算攒够了买间屋的钱。
    With the passing of time of labour firewood estate 7 provinces 8 buckle, boil quite long time, at long last save money became enough the fund that buys a house.

  • 不久前,只有极少数的爱斯基摩的猎手和探险家才能深究到冻土带上的寒来暑往,冬去春来。那么,是什么东西把男男女女都吸引到这块环境十分恶劣的土地上来的呢?答案就是:石油。
    Until recently, the changing seasons on the tundra were seen only by a few Eskimo hunters and explorers. What would draw men and women to live in such a hostile land?The answer is oil.

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