
富国强兵  fù guó qiáng bīng








  • 那时候中国人就立下一个宏志,要富国强兵,实业救国。
    Then Chinese people to set a Hongzhi, to make country rich and strong, Industrial Salvation.

  • 《「富国强兵」:日本的国家安全与科技转型》第二及八章。
    Samuels, Richard J. "Rich Nation, Strong Army": National Security and The Technological Transformation of Japan. Chap. 2 and 8.

  • 《“富国强兵”:日本的国家安全与科技转型》第二及八章。
    Samuels, Richard J. "Rich Nation, Strong Army": National Security and The Technological Transformation of Japan. Chap. 2 and 8.

  • 燕昭王富国强兵之根本,与我们国家科技兴国之战略息息相通。
    Yanzhao Wang Fuguoqiangbing the fundamental, and our country's strategic Xixixiangtong of science and technology.

  • 非但不能达到其富国强兵的目的,反而会阻碍中国近代化的进程。
    It didn"t enrich the country or strengthen the national deference, but hindered China from the modernization."

  • 中国人民正是在这一理论的指引下,开始新的伟大的长征,逐步走上了一条富国强兵之路。
    Chinese people is in just about of this one theory how-to below, begin new great long march, was on the road of a make one's country rich and build up its military power stage by stage.

  • 即使是鸦片战争后,很少有人看清西方列强的真实面目:他们既是侵略者,又是富国强兵的榜样。
    Even if after the Opium War, few Chinese saw clearly the real facts of the Western countries: they were both invaders and the example of prosperous and strong country.

  • 台湾纳粹党负责人许娜绮声称,即使是高压统治,即使会失去言论自由,只要能“富国强兵”他们都愿意接受。
    Taiwan Nazist Party's chef Xu Naqi said:" Taiwanese people will accept the dictatorship and the loose of freedom of speech if Taiwan can be richer and powerful".

  • 该书系统地介绍了“法”、“术”、“势”统一的法治理论,表达了韩非朴素的唯物主义思想和富国强兵的政治理想。
    With systematic introduction "law", "technique", "potential" unification government by law theory, it has the simple materialism thought.

  • 中国大学的建立和发展是国家在面临巨大危机的情况下进行的,作为富国强兵的工具,大学不可能摆脱政府的影响而发展成为自治实体。
    In contrast, Chinese universities were set up in perils and developed as tools for country's mightiness and prosperity, so it has no chances to realize autonomy.

  • 道家崇尚自然 ,信奉无为 ,在经济上重视农业而否定工商业的发展。战国时期 ,法家提倡并实行重本抑末政策 ,其实质是重本抑民末 ,追求富国强兵
    Taoist school advocates natural, believe in is do-nothing, be in take agriculture seriously economically and the development of negative industry and commerce.

  • 富国强兵造句相关
