富国强兵 fù guó qiáng bīng
Then Chinese people to set a Hongzhi, to make country rich and strong, Industrial Salvation.
Samuels, Richard J. "Rich Nation, Strong Army": National Security and The Technological Transformation of Japan. Chap. 2 and 8.
Samuels, Richard J. "Rich Nation, Strong Army": National Security and The Technological Transformation of Japan. Chap. 2 and 8.
Yanzhao Wang Fuguoqiangbing the fundamental, and our country's strategic Xixixiangtong of science and technology.
It didn"t enrich the country or strengthen the national deference, but hindered China from the modernization."
Chinese people is in just about of this one theory how-to below, begin new great long march, was on the road of a make one's country rich and build up its military power stage by stage.
Even if after the Opium War, few Chinese saw clearly the real facts of the Western countries: they were both invaders and the example of prosperous and strong country.
Taiwan Nazist Party's chef Xu Naqi said:" Taiwanese people will accept the dictatorship and the loose of freedom of speech if Taiwan can be richer and powerful".
With systematic introduction "law", "technique", "potential" unification government by law theory, it has the simple materialism thought.
In contrast, Chinese universities were set up in perils and developed as tools for country's mightiness and prosperity, so it has no chances to realize autonomy.
道家崇尚自然 ,信奉无为 ,在经济上重视农业而否定工商业的发展。战国时期 ,法家提倡并实行重本抑末政策 ,其实质是重本抑民末 ,追求富国强兵。
Taoist school advocates natural, believe in is do-nothing, be in take agriculture seriously economically and the development of negative industry and commerce.