
富可敌国  fù kě dí guó








  • 既然富可敌国,何不为王!
    Since rich may the enemy, why not is a king!

  • 要说富可敌国的金钱是奥巴马所向无敌的动力这并不确切。
    Nor is it clear that money has been an overwhelming boost to Mr Obama so far.

  • 盖茨成为第一个富可敌国,且有资格、有兴趣谈论“国富论”的人。
    Gai Cicheng is the first rich but enemy state, and qualified, have fun at talk about " the wealth of the nations " person.

  • 职业难免受伤,可伤掉半支球队,即使阿布富可敌国,也不免要哭穷。
    Occupational injury is inevitable, injury and a half away teams, even if Abu wealthy, but also can not avoid Kuqiong.

  • 无论其最初宗旨如何,骑士团逐渐富可敌国,并开设欧洲最早银行体系。
    Despite their origins, the order became hugely wealthy and operated the first banking system in Europe.

  • 无奈之下,曾经富可敌国的美国三大汽车巨头只能伸手向美国国会求救。
    In desperation, the wealthy have the three major U. S. auto giant can only ask the U. S. Congress for help.

  • 一个可以让人变得富可敌国的把戏是让身体感到自己在受饿而其实没有。
    The billion-dollar trick would be to persuade the body it is starving when it is not.

  • 即便他有中国福布斯排名第二的地位,也难以与富可敌国的曼城和切尔西抗衡。
    Even if he has the Forbes China ranked the second position, it will be difficult and Fukediguo of Manchester City and Chelsea match.

  • 并不是鞭子使他们畏惧,是我超凡的能力但我是个慷慨的神,我能让你富可敌国
    It's not the lash they fear. It is my divine power. But I'm a generous god. I can make you rich beyond all measure.

  • 他们中的大多数很富有,有些富可敌国,相对来说他们比任何其它阶层纳税都少得多。
    Most of them were affluent, some of them were very rich, and proportionally to their means they paid far less than any other class.

  • 哈佛大学可以称得上“富可敌国”,因为它所获得的捐赠比世界上很多中小国家年生产总值都要高。
    Harvard can be called "rich" because it was donations than many of the world's countries, and the GDP higher.

  • 古斯塔夫•克利姆特是一位伟大的肖像画家,主要描绘二十世纪初的那些富可敌国的维也纳资产阶级。
    GUSTAV KLIMT was a great portrait painter whose subjects were the prosperous Viennese bourgeoisie at the start of the 20th century.

  • 和一位美艳绝伦,富可敌国,并且认为我是自从面包片问世之后最伟大的人的金发国际明模在巴哈马生活。
    Living in the Bahamas with a fabulously wealthy dumb sexy blonde super model who thinks I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread.

  • 商业软件使得一批软件公司暴富起来,真正出现富可敌国的巨型企业,但这一切并没有给黑客们真正想要的。
    Business software make one software company become rich suddenly and violently, appear rich really but huge enterprise of the enemy state, But all these have not really want for the hackers .

  • 和一个富可敌国,性感无比,并且认为我是自面包片发明以来最棒的人的金发超级模特一起生活在巴哈马群岛。
    Living in the Bahamas with a fabulously wealthy dumb sexy blonde super model who thinks I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread.

  • 经济总量相当于全球第八大经济体的加州,从“富可敌国”到州政府“囊空如洗”,加州“蜕变”中的警示颇令人深思。
    The total economic volume of California used to equal the eighth economy of the world. From "as rich as a country" to "empty purses", its "metamorphosis" was a mind-wracking warning.

  • 哈登英年早逝后,鲁斯继续前进,成为时代公司富可敌国的老板,出版《时代》、《财富》、《生活》和《体育画报》。
    After Hadden's early death Luce went on to become the autocratic and fabulously wealthy boss of Time Inc, publisher of Time, Fortune, Life and Sports Illustrated.

  • 无论你是只负责某个部门、某个规模不小的公司的分部还是某个富可敌国的跨国公司,引导你作出决定的领导原则都应是相似的。
    Whether you're running a department, a large corporate division , or a multinational with a market cap, the leadership principles that guide your decisions are much the same.

  • 无论你是只负责某个部门、某个规模不小的公司的分部还是某个富可敌国的跨国公司,引导你作出决定的领导原则都应是相似的。
    Whether you're running a department, a large corporate division, or a multinational with a market cap, the leadership principles that guide your decisions are much the same.

  • 即使是富可敌国的绝世宝藏,在家族遗留下来的荣誉和名声面前,也变得微不足道起来,毕竟,对于有些人来说,名望大于一切。
    Even the peerless treasure becomes valueless under the glory and reputation bequeathed by the family. After all, fame is the most important thing for someone.

  • 富可敌国造句相关
