
奋不顾身  fèn bù gù shēn








  • 充满崇拜的爱与奋不顾身的爱不停加剧着。
    Worship is full of love and selfless love non-stop exacerbating.

  • 玛利的勇敢,奋不顾身的救自己的主人,让我感动。
    The courage and selfless which Mary showed when she rescue her masters make me moved.

  • 人世间,仅此一朵,迷醉众人,所以我们如此奋不顾身
    Ren Shijian, only this one, Mizui people, so we so personal danger.

  • 要虏获她,挚爱、敏感、果决和奋不顾身,一样都不能少。
    If they want to get her, true love, sensitive, resolute, regardless of danger, no one can less.

  • 一名英国警官奋不顾身从悬崖上救下了一名企图自杀的男子。
    British constable hurled himself off a cliff after a suicidal man, catching him in mid-air and saving his life.

  • 那些奋不顾身微笑冲向炮火中的人儿,想必是看到另外一个家了吧!
    Those who risked their safety in the fire were rushed into a smile children, presumably to see another house of the bar!

  • 毫无疑问日本军官和大英帝国以及美国步兵打仗的时候是奋不顾身的。
    Unquestionably Japanese officers do fight against British Empire and U. S. troops furiously.

  • 反过来也是对的:当市场到达新高时,你会受到诱惑奋不顾身的想进入。
    The inverse is also true: When the market is reaching new highs, you'll be tempted to jump in with both feet.

  • 又如若你是疯狂的小唯,当你遇到惊鸿恋人,你会不会奋不顾身横刀夺爱?
    Also if you are a little crazy but, when you encounter Jinghong lover, you will not be rushed away Hengdao love?

  • 他们不再是奋不顾身投入政治生活,而是关注自己的生活状态和生活质量;
    They no longer put into political life totally, but pay close attention to themselves life condition and life quality.

  • 太爱一个人,你无异于一支蜡烛,奋不顾身地燃烧,只为求得一时的光与热。
    Too much love a person, you would be tantamount to a candle, to burn himself, but for the moment to seek the light and heat.

  • 如果一个男孩喜欢你,他会在你遇到危险的时候奋不顾身,在你痛哭的时候手足无措。
    If a boy loves you, he will be a dangerous time for your selfless in a loss when you cried.

  • 如果一个男孩喜欢你,他会在你遇到危险的时候奋不顾身,在你痛哭的时候手足无措。
    If a boy likes you, he will be in danger when you encounter personal danger, in your tears when Shouzuwucuo.

  • 你会想去改变过去吗 如果 我说如果 你想过 我愿意奋不顾身用英语怎么翻译?
    Do you want to alter the past?What if, I mean if you ever thought about it, I would do whatever cost.

  • 如果一个男孩喜欢你,他会在你遇到危险的时候奋不顾身,在你痛哭的时候手足无措。
    if a boy loves you, he will be your super hero when you are in danger and be all at sea when you shed tears.

  • 换句话说,尽管他们为了别人奋不顾身,但真正的英雄不会从超级英雄的事业中获得报酬。
    In other words, though they've risked everything for others, real heroes don't get paid for the super hero stuff.

  • 从别人的角度(张轶注:此处英文缺失)……和狗,看起来似乎这个小孩的态度是奋不顾身
    From the perspective of someone who … fi with a dog, it will seem as if this child has an attitude of reckless abandon.

  • 如果你去看电影,我推荐《机器侠》,写的是一个机器人爱上人类,为爱情奋不顾身的故事。
    If you go to see the film, I recommend you to watch this film, < Kungfu Cyborg> . It is about a robot falling in love with a human and devoting himself for their love.

  • 可是在山区,在公园里的蚊子则不同了,牠们奋不顾身,毫无顾忌的往你身上飞去,叮了就走。
    However, the mosquitoes in mountain or park are different. They go all out to approach your body dauntlessly, biting and flying away.

  • 2008年5月15日,北川县城,奥地利兽医专家凯蒂奋不顾身地抢救一只被压在废墟中的小狗。
    May 15, 2008, Austrian veterinarian Kati Loeffler rescued a dog buried under the bubbles in Beichuan.

  • 他时而想到,他的仇敌此时故意派遣骑兵连队奋不顾身地去发动进攻,目的是在于惩罚他罗斯托夫。
    Then the thought struck him that his enemy was now sending the squadron to a hopeless attack on purpose to punish him, Rostov.

  • 我们看到人民不分年龄大小,均在奋不顾身地请愿,要求他们的选票得到承认,他们的意见得到表达。
    We've seen people of all ages risk everything to insist that their votes are counted and that their voices are heard.

  • 但婚礼当天,小家乐亲眼目睹了小阿姨的情人,为了爱情,奋不顾身的挡下一整排礼车的那个英雄姿势!
    But the wedding day, a small family of small aunt witnessed the lover, in order to love himself the next row of the block of the heroic limo posture!

  • 综合鉴证智慧、逻辑推理及医学知识,三人为追凶寻证奋不顾身,但在相知相遇中却挣脱不了感情的牵绊;
    Integrated the laboratory techniques, logical reasoning and forensic knowledge, the trio strive to fight against crimes tremendouly.

  • 他是一名伟大的中国人民解放军军人,孟祥斌同志因奋不顾身搭救一跳江女青年而壮烈牺牲,年仅28岁。
    He is a great Chinese People's Liberation Army, Mengxiangbin by Comrade Jiang jump selfless rescue young women and heroic sacrifice, at the 28-year-old.

  • 大路化的主体故事是,过去20年来,在央行奋不顾身避免通胀的纵容政策下,美英消费者借了太多的贷款。
    The common narrative is that consumers in Britain and America were allowed to build up too much debt over the past 20 years by central bankers who were desperate to avoid recession.

  • 勇敢的消防队员为了安全救出被困火场的儿童而随时准备牺牲自己。勇敢的男孩每年夏天会奋不顾身拯救落水同伴。
    Brave firemen stand ready to die to bring little children safely out of burning buildings. Brave boys every summer risk their lives to save their comrades from drowning.

  • 在你的生命中一定有那么一次你因为某个人奋不顾身,不要结果,不要陪伴,不求拥有甚至不必有爱情。只是希望在最美丽的日子里遇见你。
    In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for some one, asking for no result, no company, no ownership nor love. Just ask for meeting you in my most beautiful years.

  • 我们都是曾经沧海的男女,所以,都学会了对爱情退避三舍,学会远离生命里那些原本可以躲避的伤害,我们已经失去了对于爱情,奋不顾身的勇气。
    All of us, male and female, experence love. So,  everyone learns to l avoid love,  to flee the bitter sweet hurts that we can avoid.

  • 遵守单位的规章制度,忍受着同事们的闲言碎语和嫉妒,还有老板,主管就像层层大山压得你喘不过起来…好不容易熬到了下班一身轻松却又要冲锋陷阵奋不顾身的投入到回家的人海中。
    Dealing all day long with work-place politics, gossiping and jealous co-workers, bosses and supervisors…… and all day looking forward to another stressed out ballet with rush hour on the way home.

  • 奋不顾身造句相关
