
奉为圭臬  fèng wéi guī niè








  • 我经常听到「神灯系列」被奉为圭臬
    I frequently hear the Magic Lanterns described as rules.

  • 被我们奉为圭臬的英国模式,是纯粹不能持久奉行的。
    The British model, presented to us all as exemplary, simply could not last.

  • 她所写的《护理札记》一书,成为女性奉为圭臬的医学书籍。
    Her book, Notes on Nursing, became the primary book about medicine for women.

  • 道路安全专家盛赞K53考照制度,奉为防卫性驾驶的圭臬
    Road safety experts hail the K53 as a textbook lesson in defensive driving.

  • 亚历山大?葛理翰?贝尔一生都将“天无绝人之路”的哲学奉为圭臬
    Alexander Graham Bell always lived by the philosophy that when one door closes, another one opens.

  • 西方媒体奉为圭臬的「新闻自由」原则,在中国大陆如何呈现,颇耐人寻味。
    Press freedom is the criterion theorem of the western press, but what indeed intensely interesting is that how the press freedom being displayed in China.

  • 当赞美变为崇拜,你就成了神明──人们将你的话奉为圭臬,模仿你,视你如圣人。
    When adoration turns into worship, you've become a god or godless – people hang on your every word, emulate you, canonize you.

  • 在我年轻的时候,有一本非常棒的杂志叫《全球目录》,它被我们那一代人奉为圭臬
    When I was young, there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalogue, which was one of the bibles of my generation.

  • “典型宜多,综合宜少”这条指导典型报道的工作方针,曾经被奉为我国新闻工作的圭臬
    The work policy that guides the typical model report—"typical models shoud be more , comprehension shoud be less"— is regarded as the model of our country's journalism.

  • 两种被奉为圭臬的概念是:第一,税收减免将实现经费自给,第二,经济市场能够自我约束。
    Two concepts were sacrosanct: first, that tax cuts would be self-financing, and second, that financial markets could be self-regulating.

  • 自由贸易一直被主流经济学家奉为圭臬,是经济学能够提供给我们的最令人信服的原理之一。
    Free trade has long been regarded by mainstream economists as the golden rule, and is one of the most convincing theories that economics has to offer.

  • 保守党一直将公民行动主义奉为圭臬,明显违背了它的另一口头禅“英国社会已化为齑粉”。
    Indeed, his party's faith in an imminent frenzy of civic activism rather contradicts another of its mantras—that British society is "broken".

  • 中国的国家干预曾被视为不成熟经济的坏习惯,现在却获西方国家奉为圭臬,视之为稳定的堡垒。
    Interfere with China's national economy has been regarded as immature bad habit, but now they have been regarded as the western countries圭臬as a bastion of stability.

  • 诚然,我们一向强调新闻专业主义,公共,独立,客观,真实,这些专业的价值确实一向被我们奉为圭臬
    Certainly we have always emphasized journalistic professionalism, commonality, independence, objectivity and truthfulness. Indeed we have always held these professional values as our standards.

  • 为了实现大资产阶级利益的最大化,美国总是将贸易保护政策奉为圭臬,这一政策才是无条件的、绝对的。
    The American government regarded the protectionism policy as the guide line at all times in order that the great bourgeois obtained the most interest. This trade policy was unconditional and absolute.

  • 对那些近一个世纪以来将“卧室与商店应当分开”的分区制奉为圭臬的当地居民来说,这无疑是一场噩梦。
    To local residents schooled by almost a century of strict zoning to believe that bedrooms must be separated from shops it is anathema.

  • 对那些近一个世纪以来将“卧室与商店应当分开”的分区制奉为圭臬的当地居民来说,这无疑是一场噩梦。
    To local residents, schooled by almost a century of strict zoning to believe that bedrooms must be separated from shops, it is anathema.

  • 但对那些近一个世纪以来将“卧室与商店应当分开”的分区制奉为圭臬的当地居民来说,这无疑是一场噩梦。
    To local residents, schooled by almost a century of strict zoning to believe that bedrooms must be separated from shops, it is anathema.

  • 但“共识”也并非被奉为圭臬,例如美联储就从未明确公布一个目标通胀率(虽然它的确有一个不公开的目标)。
    The consensus was not absolute. The Fed, for instance, has never adopted an explicit inflation target (though it has an implicit one).

  • 争鲜立志以第一流的服务来回馈所有爱好者的支持,所以我们不仅将「顾客第一」奉为圭臬,更落实成每日的具体行动。
    At Sushi Express, we insist in providing top-class service by upholding the "Customer First" concept, which we carry out in concrete terms on a daily basis.

  • 在未来岁月里,这本书必然成为钟爱自然与自然史人士、以及那些对亨利。梭罗生命和研究投以回眸目光的人奉为圭臬
    For years to come, this book will be must reading for lovers of nature and natural history, and for anyone interested in the life and work of Henry D. Thoreau.

  • 然而,他附带表示,肝脏切片也可能有遗漏诊断的时候,所以当肝脏切片仍然被奉为圭臬时,这个检验仍然不是绝对可靠的。
    " However, he added that liver biopsy can also miss disease, "so while biopsy is the gold standard, it is not infallible.

  • 然后新的理论又被奉为圭臬,至少一段时间内如此,直到它们自身也变得僵化并对后起的异常事物麻木不觉,最后自己也被赶下神坛。
    The new ideas reign, at least for a while, until they too become ossified and insensitive to the squawks of new anomalies, and are eventually overthrown themselves.

  • 传统的翻译理论与实践一直将“信”、“忠实”奉为圭臬,重视有佳,然而翻译实践中更为常见的却是译文对原文在内容或形式上或多或少的偏离。
    Though the traditional notion of "faithfulness" has been highly valued, translations with certain deviation from the original are actually more frequent in translation practice.

  • 王国维先生提出的二重证据法,被研究古史的学者奉为圭臬,但是对二重证据法的理解却各有不同,甚至有些学者在运用二重证据法时还出现偏差。
    Whereas the hypothesis Mr. Wang Guowei has proposed of dual attestation is usually considered as a signpost, there are quite a few different viewpoints among scholars.

  • 贺贻孙对独标的“化境”说所包含的审美意蕴作了深入地发掘与丰富,成为其诗歌美学思想的重要组成部分,后来的诗歌作者将其奉为诗歌创作的圭臬
    Aesthetic connotation in his perfectionism was deeply studied and improved by him, has become an important part of poetic aesthetic ideas, and is viewed as guiding principles for poetic creation.

  • 张仲景《伤寒杂病论》是我国第一部理、法、方、药比较完备的医学专著,开创了中医辨证论治之先河,一直被后人奉为圭臬,书中所载方剂被誉为“经方”。
    Treatise on Cold Damage and Miscellaneous Diseases by Zhang Zhongjing is the first complete medical monograph on theory, therapy, prescription and materia medica.

  • 1651年,托马斯•霍布斯(ThomasHobbes)宣称:只有在善意的中央集权帮助下才能产生合作。这一传统政治推论曾经在几个世纪里一直被奉为圭臬
    For centuries, the orthodox political reasoning originally articulated by Thomas Hobbes in 1651 was dogma: that cooperation could only develop with the help of a benign central authority.

  • 跟著元智大学校长彭宗平学习的两名导生施凯钧、黄怀萱,从校长身上学会时间管理、生活过得有规律,凡事认真看待,拓展国际观,校长鼓励多听演讲,快速萃取别人的精华,更被导生奉为圭臬
    My comments: Listening to speeches is also what I encourage my students to do. Just in two or three hours, we get what would take us ten years or even longer if we insist on experiencing it ourselves.

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