
头头是道  tóu tóu shì dào








  • 该名男童在数学方面头头是道
    The boy is making headway in his mathematics.

  • 对于”新经济“的走向讲得头头是道
    is articulate about the trend of the so-called "New Economy".

  • 演讲者头头是道地论述了一系列问题。
    A series of marks grilled or embossed on a surface.

  • 一位金融分析师在电视上讲得头头是道
    Financial analyst who spoke on television clearly and logically.

  • 能说得头头是道固然好,但做得天衣无缝则更好。
    Say well is good, but do well is better.

  • 处女座的人善于分析,能将一件事整理的头头是道
    Virgo is good at analytical , can put in order, clear and logical for everything.

  • 丹尼尔:爸爸,你说得头头是道,但你能欣赏那种艺术吗?
    Daniel: Dad, you talk well, but can you appreciate that kind of art?

  • 他说得头头是道,但我觉得有些可疑,于是拒绝了他的建议。
    He spoke a very persuasively but I smelled a rat and refused his offer.

  • 金河珍说得头头是道;星期天﹐伍兹用球杆子说话﹐说得更好。
    But while Kim said all the right things, Woods spoke louder with his clubs on Sunday.

  • 不少专家谈起理论头头是道,可在培养自己孩子的问题上却一塌糊涂。
    Many experts are clear and logical in theory, but they are completely confused in cultivating their children.

  • 他对普天万物,素食主义和政治也好,戏剧和音乐也罢,都头头是道
    He had theories about almost any subject under the sun, including vegetarianism, the drama, politics, and music;

  • 他把病树备得滚瓜烂熟,谈起打仗来头头是道,似乎它的父亲也比不过他。
    He could recite military texts by heart, and when discussing warfare he spoke so clearly and logically that it seemed that even his father was not his match.

  • 也有人从市场供求、国际国内经济形势甚至“9?11”入手说得头头是道
    It was also from the market supply and demand, international and domestic economic situation and even "9, 11, " make an impressive start it.

  • 张军,你的分析真是头头是道。我现在告诉你,那只是所谓外汇期权的本来意义。
    You are really smart, Zhang Jun. Let me tell you, that's just the original idea of currency options.

  • 虽然航海技术的细节会使读者如堕云雾,但是船上生活的其它方面却写得头头是道
    Though the details of seamanship might confuse the reader, shipboard life was in other respects sharply defined.

  • 斯:张军,你的分析真是头头是道。我现在告诉你,那只是所谓外汇期权的本来意义。
    S:You are really smart, Zhang Jun. Let me tell you, that's just the original idea of currency options.

  • 革命的理论倒是头头是道,革命的行动却很迟缓,到底哪个环节出了问题,外人还真看不透。
    Revolutionary theory but make an impressive, revolutionary actions are very slow, which is a link, outsiders really fail.

  • 这样启而不发的教学方法势必形成如此的课堂气氛:老师讲的头头是道,学生听来陈词滥调。
    The teaching method certainly will that such opening and does not send forms such classroom atmosphere: Bright  refute is able to bear or endure bark student of fat chasm? listens come truism.

  • 我分析人家的感情问题说的头头是道的,怎么碰到自己的感情,却总也说不清楚、处理不好呢?
    I say analysis of the feelings of others make an impressive, and how they own feelings, but also that the total is not clear, are not handled properly?

  • 战争的学问拿在讲堂上,或在书本中,很多人尽管讲得一样头头是道,打起仗来却有胜负之分。
    Many people appear impressive when discoursing on military science in classrooms or in books, but when it comes to actual fighting, some win battles and others lose them.

  • 尽管“癌干细胞”理论说得头头是道,都只是基于动物试验,与人体有多大相干,还没得到证实。
    The cancer-stem-cell theory, though plausible, was based on animal experiments and its relevance to humans was untested.

  • 航行的许多学生,对现今政客对于气候变迁问题讨论的头头是道,却对遭遇的议题做的很少感到失望。
    Many students in the voyage feel let down by the current generation of politicians who talk eloquently about the problems of climate change but do little to really confront the issue.

  • 队友们都说布鲁克斯在训练当中的组织进攻头头是道,然而到了正规中,小布鲁就像没头苍蝇一样乱窜。
    Brooks said his teammates are in training them to attack the organization clearly and logically, but to the regular, small Bruton did not like the first Luancuan like flies.

  • 评论文章可以分析得头头是道,可以充满智慧,甚至很抽象很深奥;但有一点却是万万不可,那就是沉闷。
    Reviews can be analytical, they can be clever, they can even be abstract; the one thing they should never be, however, is boring.

  • 真正的尊敬,既不属于那些批评别人头头是道的人,也不是属于给强人指出过错、指点别人哪里做的不好的人。
    It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could h**e done them better.

  • 第四步:至此,你已具备对任何一副抓到手的牌,都可以分析的头头是道的能力了,并且做到不再出勺子牌了。
    Step 4: So, you're now capable of analyzing every hand and not doing anything stupid.

  • 亲爱的獾,你口若悬河,那么感人,那么有说服力,把你的看法摆得头头是道,在那屋,你可以任意摆布我,这你知道。
    You're so eloquent, dear Badger, and so moving, and so convincing, and put all your points so frightfully well—you can do what you like with me in THERE, and you know it.

  • 我很喜欢英国女作家弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙的作品,刚工作时特别崇拜公司的一位前辈,他对弗吉尼亚所有的作品都能分析得头头是道
    I like the British writer Virginia Woolf's works, just work at a special worship of the older generation, all of Virginia's works can be analyzed in the Toutoushidao.

  • 不过嘉玲透露伟仔曾经煮饭给她吃,反而自己从不煮饭,亦不会做家务,她只会教导家中的佣人如何处理家务,把这个家打理得头头是道
    Carina says that Tony had once cooked for her, although she doesn't cook herself and does not do chores at home. She says that recently she's been learning to make desserts.

  • 看得出来,关于俄国的不幸她能谈得头头是道,装出关心的样子,但是她的哥哥是另一码事,与她太贴心了,她不想也不能轻率地去谈论。
    It was evident that of the troubles of Russia she could speak artificially, but her brother was a subject too near her heart, and she neither would nor could speak lightly of him.

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