
天造地设  tiān zào dì shè








  • 说不定你们是天造地设的一对呢!
    You guys could be a match made in heaven!

  • 简直根本那是天造地设的一对嘛。
    This is truly a link did in heaven.

  • 简直就是天造地设的一对嘛。
    This is truly a link made in heaven.

  • 简直那是天造地设的一对嘛。
    Tinstant is truly a link doll in heaven.

  • 你们俩真是天造地设的一对。
    For a special couple: Congratulations on your wedding.

  • 这一对才是真正的天造地设
    We Can Be Heroes - Just For One Day! !

  • 取此谛以说诗中理趣,大似天造地设
    Matisse said that in order to take this poem interesting arguments, like Tianzaodeshe.

  • 真是天造地设的下手之地,他对自己说。
    It was exactly the spot, he said to himself.

  • 我们是天造地设的一对。
    We're a match made in heaven.

  • 童话中的王子与公主永远都是天造地设的一对。
    The prince and princess in the fairy tales are always perfectly matched.

  • 每个人都觉得她和那年轻人是天造地设的一对。
    Everybody had the impression that she was a good match for the young man.

  • 童话中的王子与公主永远都是天造地设的一对。
    The prince princess in the fairy tales are always perfectly matched.

  • 你会看到天造地设的两个人,却始终没能在一起。
    You see two people, they belong together, but nothing happens.

  • 人说婚姻是天造地设的,但打雷和闪电又何尝不是。
    They said marriages are made in heaven, but so are thunder and lightning.

  • 若我俩不是天造地设的恋人为何我的心深深认定了你?
    If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?

  • 你们是天造地设的一对,在此衷心祝福你们一生幸福。
    You two are a perfect match. Here's wishing you both a lifetime of happiness.

  • 是的,不过,你爸爸和我是天造地设的一对,我们有什么可等的?
    "Yes, well, your father and I were made for each other, what was the point in waiting?" said Mrs. Weasley.

  • 佛的整个体态十分逼真、自然,犹如天造地设,毫无人工刀斧痕迹。
    Buddha's entire body is very realistic, natural, as if Tianzaodishe, there is no trace of Daofu.

  • 妳们难道就不知道每个人都是天造地设,都是独一无二,彼此不同的吗?
    Don't you know that you were each made for a special purpose, unique and different?

  • 在生活和金钱问题上,你俩有着同样的看法。这绝对是天造地设的一对。
    You both have the same regard for quality and money. This is almost a match made in heaven.

  • 你们难道就不知道每种颜色都是天造地设,都是独一无二,不一样的吗?
    Don't you know that you were each made for a special purpose, unique and different?

  • 深遂神秘、情感炽烈的蝎子让你为之倾倒。你俩绝对是天造地设的一对。
    e# rm affection that the Scorpion can provide. Truly a match made in heaven.

  • 双鱼-天蝎:深遂神秘、情感炽烈的蝎子让你为之倾倒。你俩绝对是天造地设的一对。
    PISCES & SCORPIO: You love to be possessed and cared for with the deep, warm affection that the Scorpion can provide. Truly a match made in heaven.

  • 青春少女的初涉电视剧《玫瑰雨》人世,天造地设的爱情故事,令人痛惜的无奈结局。
    The youth young girl initially fords the soap opera "Rose Rain" the world, the created by heaven and earth love story, makes helpless result which one deeply regretted.

  • 大家都认为他俩是天造地设的一对,机缘巧合的般配,尽力撮合他俩,想成就一段网络情缘。
    Everybody thinks they are a pair of created by nature, the match of good luck coincidence, endeavor to match them, want to make predestined relationship of situation of a paragraph of network.

  • 天造地设的先天资源,似乎是为着一座别墅区的打造而预设,为之铺陈下如此优越的地脉基础。
    Tianzaodishe the inherent resources, seems to be the creation of a zone of a villa set, which offers so superior to the pulse of the foundation.

  • 这种情况下,心痛是必然的,而更悲哀的是,似乎天造地设的两个人眼睁睁地看着所有的希望与梦想化为泡影。
    In which case, heartache is a certainty, and , tragically, two people who seemed so right for each other see all their hopes and dreams disappear.

  • 所以,我宁可说,爱是没有天造地设的老师的,爱又是无法无师自通的。爱很艰巨,爱要我们在时间中苦苦摸索。
    Therefore, I would rather say that love is not the teacher's ?love is not the self-taught. Very difficult love, love in the time that we find hard.

  • 在生活和金钱问题上,你俩有着同样的看法。这绝对是天造地设的一对。如果性生活和谐,你们一定能够白头到老。
    You both have the same regard for quality and money. This is almost a match made in heaven. * ally adequate and certainly a long lasting alliance.

  • 在生活和金钱问题上,你俩有著同样的看法。这绝对是天造地设的一对。如果性生活和谐,你们一定能够白头到老。
    You both have the same regard for quality and money. This is almost a match made in heaven. Sexually adequate and certainly a long lasting alliance.

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