
天渊之别  tiān yuān zhī bié






  • 像罪犯般认罪与像儿子般认罪两者之间有天渊之别
    There is a wide distinction between confessing sin as a culprit, and confessing sin as a child.

  • 在沿海的富裕教会与内陆贫穷的教会之间的资源也如有天渊之别
    The disparity between the wealthy churches on the coastal provinces and the poor churches inland is dramatic.

  • 当他认识到自己和上帝有天渊之别,他便追求与上帝能有一种合宜的关系。
    He seeks a relationship with God appropriate to the profound difference between the two parties.

  • 细想,什么是美,就是两三秒的时间里,为什么会有那样天渊之别的感受?
    thinking deeply, what is beauty? it is only one and two minutes, such feeling appearing in my head as sky and land…

  • 他每天无时无刻都可以发现他所采用的表达方式与周围人所采用的有天渊之别
    He notices a thousand times a day the difference between the language he uses and the language those around him use.

  • 他的饭菜永远是黑黑的豆豉,我的便当却经常装著火腿和荷包蛋,两者有著天渊之别
    His meal was usually a bowl of rice with black fermented bean, but in strong comparison, mine was full of hams and poached eggs.

  • 他的饭菜永远是黑黑的豆豉,我的便当却经常装著火腿和荷包蛋,两者有著天渊之别
    His meal was usually a bowl of rice with black fermented beans, but in strong comparison, mine was full of hams and fried eggs.

  • 南洋理工大学和南洋大学有天渊之别,南洋理工大学不应该企图利用改名来混淆并共享南洋大学天下无双的传奇历史。
    NTU and NU are very different universities. NTU should not attempt to use name change to mix up and share the unique and legendary history of NU.

  • 最自豪的一次旅游感觉是在曼谷,因为以前自己也去过曼谷,和参加公司的旅游研讨会相比,更加有天渊之别的感觉。
    The trip to Bangkok gave me the greatest sense of pride. I had been to Bangkok before joining this leadership seminar, but this was such a different experience!

  • 比起四隣国家,这种做法实在是天渊之别,因为居住在其它国家的外人,没有任何权利可言,他们只有任人欺压和漠视。
    This was in stark contrast to the customs of surrounding nations, in which aliens had no rights whatsoever and were oppressed and neglected at will.

  • 比起四邻国家,这种做法实在是天渊之别,因为居住在其它国家的外人,没有任何权利可言,他们只有任人欺压和漠视。
    This was in stark contrast to the customs of surrounding nations, in which aliens had no rights whatsoever and were oppressed and neglected at will.

  • 这些羊实在太乾净了,与在牧场所见到的羊实在有天渊之别,这些像宠物羊多一点。这只羊一点都不怕人,还爬上来与小孩玩。
    These sheep were too clean to be called farm animals, they looked more like pets. This sheep was so keen to play with the children.

  • 他们有一种异常焰目、超乎自然的美,这使它们跟灰白色的小鳕鱼和黑线鳕相比,不啻天渊之别,然而后者的名誉,却传遍了街道。
    They possess a quite dazzling and transcendent beauty which separates them by a wide interval from the cadaverous cod and haddock whose fame is trumpeted in our streets.

  • 天渊之别造句相关
