
大煞风景  dà shā fēng jǐng








  • 当我们正在举行野餐的时候, 忽然大雨倾盆, 未免大煞风景
    We were having a picnic, when suddenly there came a downpour, which was rather a fly in the ointment.

  • 戈登在聚会中是个大煞风景的人。
    Gordon is known for being a party poop.

  • 狮子林里的水泥船真是大煞风景
    That cement boat in Lion Grove is a blot on the landscape.

  • 资本不仅冷酷无情,它还大煞风景
    Capital not only callous, it felt great.

  • 这醉汉不仅大煞风景,而且妨碍交通。
    The drunkard was not only a blot on the landscape but a block in the traffic.

  • 那新工厂的烟囱大煞风景
    That new factory chimney is a blot on the landscape.

  • '戈登'。''在聚会中是个大煞风景的人。
    Gordon is known for being a party poop.

  • 天气预报有雨,使我们的野餐计划大煞风景
    The forecast of rain cast a wet blanket over our picnic plan.

  • 但再看看山上树枝上挂着的塑料袋真是大煞风景
    But when we saw the plastic bags in the top of the trees, we felt rather disappointed.

  • 当我们正在举行野餐的时候,忽然大雨倾盆,未免大煞风景
    We were having a picnic, when suddenly there came a downpour, which was rather a fly in the ointment .

  • 可是让一些阉人参加唱诗班却大煞风景。他们唱出什么调调呢?
    Still, having eunuchs in their choir that was coming it a bit thick .

  • 这个声明真是大煞风景,因为它等于承认他们的计划已经失败了。
    The announcement was in a sense of anticlimax, since it implicitly recognized the failure of their plan.

  • 后者是国会的忠实代表,他们被科威特的自由主义认为是大煞风景的人物。
    The latter are well represented in parliament, and have gained the reputation of killjoys among more liberal Kuwaitis.

  • 然而大煞风景的是资金困难。新政府已经表示,它已没有钱支付重返月球计划的奖金。
    Against this backdrop, however, is a struggle for cash, and the new administration has already indicated that it has not got the money to pay for a return to the moon with prizes.

  • 确保车内座椅和地板都比较清洁,因为残留的食物或不小心挤碎的物品都可能会大煞风景
    Be sure that the seats and floors of the vehicle are relatively clean. The mood can be dampened by rotting food and other debris being jostled during the act.

  • 确保车内座椅和地板都比较清洁,因为残留的食物或不小心挤碎的物品都可能会大煞风景
    Be sure that the seats and floors of the vehicle are relatively clean. The mood can be dampened byrott ing food and other debris being jostled during the act.

  • 有的地方竟然“弃土求洋”,一反城镇故有的风土人情和建筑风格,追求所谓的“欧陆经典”,大煞风景
    Some localities even "recreational seeking foreign, " and one is anti - Some local towns and architectural style, pursuit of so-called "Euro classic" big heart.

  • 比如在娱乐室,选用了高档的电视和音响,放个古朴典雅的沙发却大煞风景,新锐、金属感强的沙发更适合。
    For example, in the entertainment room, a choice of high-grade television and audio, or a simple but elegant sofa big heart, new cutting-edge, metal sofa strong sense more suitable.

  • 喝茶之时,旁有啼哭之婴儿,或咆哮之悍妇,或大谈政治之汉子;抑或,喝茶之日恰逢下雨或多云天,此皆大煞风景之事也。
    It would be as disastrous to drink tea with babies crying around, or with loud-voiced women or politics-talking men, as to pick tea on a rainy or cloudy day.

  • 拉利:是呀,那笼子很重,因此,我的腿伤可伤得不轻。那次腿伤对整个捕鱼季节,才真是大煞风景。不过,或许等明年我会再去。
    Larry: Yeah, they're heavy and it hurt pretty bad. It's really kind of too bad about the season, though. But maybe next year.

  • 他仍穿着那天来和我们谈判时穿的那套漂亮的绒面呢礼服,但衣服上沾满了泥土,好几处还被灌木丛中的荆棘挂破了,结果大煞风景
    He still wore the fine broadcloth suit in which he had fulfilled his mission, but it was bitterly the worse for wear, daubed with clay and torn with the sharp briers of the wood.

  • 他仍穿着那天来和我们谈判时穿的那套漂亮的绒面呢礼服,但衣服上沾满了泥土,好几处还被灌木丛中的荆棘挂破了,结果大煞风景
    suit in which he had fulfilled his mission, but it was bitterly the worse for wear, daubed with clay and torn with the sharp briers of the wood.

  • 因此,地质公园内有一个骨灰「墓园」的可能仍然存在,不仅使地质公园大煞风景,甚至会影响本港把8个地质公园景区申请成为国家级地质公园;
    Not only would it be an eyesore. Its existence may make it harder for Hong Kong's application for listing its eight places with unique geological features as a national geological park to succeed.

  • 大煞风景造句相关
