
嘘寒问暖  xū hán wèn nuǎn






  • 却在适当的场合对女士嘘寒问暖
    But be caring and attentive the lady at the appropriate situation.

  • 是谁对你嘘寒问暖,时刻给予你无私的奉献;
    who after their well-being of your time and selfless dedication to you;

  • 你不曾对我嘘寒问暖
    you never ask me what I want.

  • 亲爱的,你再也不会陪我整天聊天,嘘寒问暖了。
    Dear, you won't chat with me and inquire after my health the whole day any more.

  • 何况领导人们去哪里嘘寒问暖也问不到俺家里啊。
    Besides, where leaders after their well-being are less than asking span ah home.

  • 亲爱的,你再也不会陪我整天聊天,嘘寒问暖了。
    Dear, you can't accompany me to chat whole day any further, being caring and attentive.

  • 事过之后,她也很愧疚,于是又嘘寒问暖加以补偿。
    After the matter passes, she is also very guilty, therefore also inquires after the well being of compensates.

  • 秦警官平日里对我嘘寒问暖,经常找我谈心、开导我。
    Chin weekdays where police officers told me after their well-being, often to find my heart, enlighten me.

  • 朋友之爱可能逐渐消失,所以我们要记得对友人嘘寒问暖
    love between friends may vanish gradually, so we remember to regard them freguently.

  • 挂点滴需要2个小时,在这2个小时里,母亲对我嘘寒问暖
    Needed 2 hours hanging bit by bit, in that two hours, the mother of my greetings with their relatives.

  • 斯蒂芬-亨特将不会在周三对切尔西的比赛中对切赫嘘寒问暖
    Stephen Hunt will not be offering Petr Cech any words of comfort when Reading clash with Chelsea on Wednesday.

  • 可仔细观察,嘘寒问暖、煲汤送水的老婆又没有红杏出墙的蛛丝马迹。
    But observes carefully, the clues or traces which inquires after the well being, the hot pot soup to supply water the wife who has not had an affair.

  • 我们拥抱在了一起,互相的嘘寒问暖,此刻的感动,和友谊突显而出。
    Together, we hug each other after their well-being of at the moment of moving, and friendship out highlights.

  • 此时和朋友的互动良多,来自友情的闲话家常和嘘寒问暖会让你倍觉温馨。
    At this point, and a friend of his interaction from the friendship and had a nice chat and greet will allow you to become far more warmth.

  • 老年女士猜想着,像这样物质上如此匮乏的人是如何做到对陌生人嘘寒问暖的。
    The old lady wondered how someone who had so little could be so giving to a stranger.

  • 气得他猛推着我说,人家老公生病了老婆都是嘘寒问暖的,你倒好,竟烦我,什么人啊!
    Enrage so that he is jerking I say, family husband fell ill wife is inquire after sb's health, you are good, unexpectedly irritated I, what person!

  • 我可为了找你跑了半个时辰,看到你嘘寒问暖,你嘛,非但不领情,还冷嘲热讽……哼!
    I can find you in order to run a half hour, see you after their well-being, you do not only do not appreciate, but also cynical …

  • 在这个马云所称的“ 冬天”里,自己穿厚点才不会感冒,哪有多余的被子去别人家嘘寒问暖
    What weigh in this Ma Yun " in the winter " in, oneself wear large drop to just won't catch a cold, which have redundant quilt to fasten family inquire after sb's health.

  • 演出结束,领导上台拉住漂亮的蒙古族女演员的手嘘寒问暖不放手,还一个劲地问叫什么名字?
    2 show ends, the hand that the leader appears on the stage to play actress of pretty the Monggol nationality inquire after sb's health does not let go, still ask persistently what to call the name?

  • 路过的很多市民都对玉龙小学学生嘘寒问暖,对灾区孩子,每一个达州人都表现出亲人的关怀。
    Passed by many residents inquired after the well being to the Yulong elementary school students, to the disaster area child, each Dazhou people displayed family member's concern.

  • 李菊花是一个很朴实的女孩子,在上海工作的男友对她疼爱有加,每天晚上都要打电话嘘寒问暖
    Lee Chrysanthemum is a very plain girl, the boyfriend of her work in Shanghai loved a plus, telephone visiting every night.

  • 丈夫太忙了,这种爱的仪式已经被他忽略了,被他一同忽略的还有她对他的爱,对他每天的嘘寒问暖
    The husband is too busy, the ceremony of this kind of love already by him oversight, by him together of oversight still she loves to his, to him everyday inquire after sb's health.

  • 因为孩子需要独立的空间,没有妈妈在旁边嘘寒问暖,让他们自己在犯错误中学习吸取经验教训而成长。
    They need the room to make mistakes and learn from them without mom always hovering nearby.

  • 可是没想到,一见面你非但没有嘘寒问暖,反而劈头就说出如此拒人于千里之外的话,你实在太令我失望了。
    But to my surprise, on meeting me you utter the unapproachable words that refuse me far, even without small talk. You really disappoint me.

  • 上周,尹志强病情反复住院抢救,不过和过去十几年一样,在他的病床前,始终有一个女人陪着他,嘘寒问暖
    Last week, Wan Chi-kung, repeatedly hospitalized illness rescue, but in the past ten years, in his bed, there is always a woman accompanied him, after their well-being.

  • 万建华、万广方两个家庭都因艾滋病致贫,李新民走进他们家里,亲切地拉起他们的手嘘寒问暖:“身体怎样?”
    Wan Jianhua, million-Canton between the two families due to AIDS-induced poverty, Li Xinmin into their home, affectionately pulling their hands after their well-being: "What body?"

  • 我们每天睁开眼、洗脸、刷牙、穿衣服、运动、吃早点等无一不是为身体的健康而努力,嘘寒问暖,照顾的无微不至;
    To maintain our health, everyday we waken up in morning, clean face, dress, do sport and have breakfast. We take close and considerate care of our body.

  • 当然,所有这些事情都必须在身体健康的情形才有可能会做得好,为此我们应该勤加锻炼、注意营养、不走危墙,并且时常嘘寒问暖
    Of course, all the activities must be based on a healthy body. We hence often do excises, take in nutrition, and don't do harm to our health.

  • 我们人每天早上一睁开眼睛,无论是洗脸、刷牙、穿衣服、运动、吃早点等无一不是为著身体的健康而努力。对自己的身体,我们真可说是处处嘘寒问暖,照顾得无微不至。
    To maintain our health, everyday we waken up in the morning, clean face, dress, do sport and have breakfast. We take close and considerate care of our body.

  • 当让他举例说明柯林斯照顾他人的一面,“发现”号航天任务专家斯蒂芬·鲁宾逊笑着摇摇头。鲁宾逊说:“如果你感冒了,她就会给你家里打电话,嘘寒问暖,让你一定不要出门。
    "If you have a cold, she'll call you up at home to see how you're feeling, and tell you to be sure you don't go outside, " Robinson said.

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