
哀而不伤  āi ér bù shāng








  • 它们并谨守儒家诗教“哀而不伤” 的传统尺度。
    The poems didn't keep to the Confucian criterion that "sorrow without self-injury" originated by Confucius.

  • 哀而不伤是一种镜界,大于痛苦中挣扎,大于快乐中被蒙蔽。
    Sorrow without hurt is favorable which is better than struggle in pain and disguise in gay.

  • 成功的甜点很能拿捏好“结束”的火候,让一餐结束得乐而不淫,哀而不伤
    A successful dessert can put the right cap on the dinner, giving way to the melody of nightlife.

  • 她的小说总是充盈着强烈的真实感,形成了一种纯净明朗哀而不伤的独特艺术风格。
    Her novel is always full of the intense third dimension, has formed the unique artistic style which one kind pure bright is sad but not overly distressing.

  • 迟子建小说中的神话、梦及苦难叙事,展示给读者以纯净、明朗、哀而不伤的艺术世界。
    Chi Zijian constructs in the novel the myth, the dream and the misery narrates, demonstrated for the reader by the artistic world which pure, bright, is sad but not overly distressing.

  • 本身是美丽的,多了则是害。哀而不伤是一种镜界,大于痛苦中挣扎,大于快乐中被蒙蔽。——郭敬明。
    Sorrow itself is beautiful, but it's not good to be hurt in it. Sorrow without hurt is favorable which is better than struggle in pain and disguise in gay.

  • 流行乐坛有两个人是颇有底气的,一个是前面提到的王菲,个性独特且去说它,单讲歌,制胜处在于哀而不伤
    In the pop music circle are two guys with much strength. One is Wang Fei mentioned above. Besides her unique characters, her songs are of grief but of no sadness.

  • 哀而不伤造句相关
