
含情脉脉  hán qíng mò mò







  • 那儿来了一个富有的证券经纪人, 他含情脉脉地看着这位漂亮的姑娘。
    There came a wealthy stock broker who cast sheep's eyes at the beautiful girl.

  • 含情脉脉地看了男朋友一眼。
    She gave her boyfriend a tender look.

  • 用你含情脉脉的眼神告诉我你的爱。
    Show me you love me by the look in your eyes.

  • 含情脉脉地看了他一眼。
    She gave him a tender look.

  • 晚饭后,女人含情脉脉,楚楚动人的躺到床上。
    After dinner, woman cooed some suggestive little sighs and slipped invitingly into bed.

  • 汤姆整个晚上都在含情脉脉地注视着他的女友。
    Tom's been making sheep's eyes at his girlfriend all night long.

  • 爱不在于含情脉脉地对视,而在于同视一个方向。
    Love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking together in the same direction.

  • 含情脉脉的这样结束道:“哈罗德,给我电话啊!”
    and which ended with her cooing: "Harold, call me."

  • 相爱不表现在含情脉脉的对视,而表现在在同一个方向向前看。
    Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but looking forward together in the same direction.

  • 爱不表现在互相含情脉脉地对视,而表现在朝着同一个方向向前看。
    Love does not consist in gazing at each other but looking foward together in the same direction.

  • 它们含情脉脉,如果你仔细观察它们可以告诉你这个女人想要什么。
    They are very expressive and can be used to tell you exactly what a woman wants if you just care to look.

  • 相爱不表现在互相含情脉脉地对视,而表现在朝着同一个方向向外看。
    Love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same  direction.

  • 相爱不表现在互相含情脉脉地对视,而表现在朝着同一个方向向前看。
    Love does not consist in gazing at each other but looking forward together in the same direction.

  • 爱情不在于互相含情脉脉地凝视,而在于携手朝着共同的目标向前看。
    Love does not lie in gazing at each other but in looking forward together in the same direction.

  • 相爱不表现在互相含情脉脉地对视,而表现在朝着同一个方向向外看。
    Love does not c**ist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction.

  • 那儿来了一个富有的证券经纪人,他含情脉脉地看着这位漂亮的姑娘。
    There came a wealthy stock broker who cast sheep's eyes at the beautiful girl.

  • 春天来了,一对春天的使者,踏着婚礼进行曲正含情脉脉立在大家面前。
    Now spring coming, a couple, bride and bridegroom, like a spring emissary is standing happily before us with the wedding music playing on.

  • 这位可怜的仙女羞红了脸,迅速退到遮阴处,含情脉脉地凝望着心上人。
    The poor fairy maiden's face turned redquickly withdrew to a shady spot , following the object of her love with her longing eyes.

  • 爱情的内涵并不只是含情脉脉的对视,而是站在同一个角度展望外面的世界。
    Love does not consist is gazing at eath other but is looking out world together in the same direction.

  • “在我们国家,”法国人说,“年轻人向姑娘求爱都是彬彬有礼、含情脉脉的。
    "in our nation, "Frenchman say, "young man to all of miss courtship is well-mannered, full of silently conveyed tenderness of.

  • 选角不错,香港阿sa活泼生动,含情脉脉,台湾偶像吴尊很靓仔又忠直,成为悦目的青春情侣。
    It is true casting, the Arab-Israeli sa lively and vivid, tenderness Feelings, Taiwan idol Wu Zhong Zhi Zun also very handsome, beautiful young lovers become.

  • “我更爱你皮肤的黑色,不过月亮也不错。”他笑道。她的眼睛闪动着光芒,含情脉脉的回头看着他。
    "I love the darkness of your skin more, but the moon is nice, too. " He smiled. Her eyes glinted back at him.

  • 后来,太阳公公把半边脸藏在山后,像一位怕羞的大姑娘似的,含情脉脉地望着无边的大地,不忍离去。
    Later, father-in-law to the sun half hidden in a mountain face, like a shy girl like, Feelings looked boundless tenderness of the earth, can not bear to leave.

  • 因为相距太远无法交谈,王子和公主又是微笑又是点头,又是鞠躬,就这样含情脉脉地对视了一个小时。
    For a whole hour, they smiled, bowed, and curtsied, being too far apart to communicate in any other way.

  • 相反,它是一种深切的情爱,令你赏识外人无谓的独特气质而含情脉脉,领会无人能懂的幽默笑话而前仰后伏。
    Instead, it is the kind of profound affection that makes you smile at idiosyncrasies that anyone else would find pointless, or get the joke that nobody else will understand.

  • “只要能通过这次考试,我愿意做任何事。”她向他倚靠过去,甩一甩她的秀发,含情脉脉地注视着他的眼睛。
    "I would do anything to pass this exam. " She leans closer to him, flips back her hair, gazes meaningfully into his eyes.

  • 在好莱坞的爱情大片中,你总能目睹人们坠入爱河的片断:情意绵绵的音乐、镜头突然切换、俊男靓女含情脉脉
    In a Hollywood romance, you can always tell when someone's tumbling into love: the music builds, the camera closes in, and the beautiful people get a beautiful look in their eyes.

  • 所以接吻前,向他含情脉脉的抛抛媚眼、放放电,同时用手指轻轻磨擦他的面颊,接下来的热吻肯定令人回肠荡气。
    Therefore, before kissing, you can turn on your charm and touch his face softly with your fingers, and then, the kiss will be more soul-stirring.

  • 达什伍德太太高兴地看了玛丽安一眼,她美丽的眼睛正含情脉脉地注视着威洛比,这明显表示出,她完全能理解他的意思。
    Mrs. Dashwood looked with pleasure at Marianne, whose fine eyes were fixed so expressively on Willoughby, as plainly denoted how well she understood him.

  • 老虎飞奔出树林,看到绵羊站在一片草地中间吃草/老虎含情脉脉地靠近她,单膝跪地,深情地望着绵羊,说,嫁给我好吗?
    So the tiger ran as fast as he could through the woods /The sheep was standing in the middle of a field, chewing on grass / the tiger approached, got on one knee and said, / "Will you marry me?"

  • 含情脉脉造句相关
