
同心戮力  tóng xīn lù lì







  • 山东艺景集团公司热忱期待与社会贤达、有志之士一道戮力同心,共图伟业!
    Shandong Arts King Corporation enthusiasm look forward to working with community leaders, people with lofty ideals Lulitongxin a total of Figure Wai Yip!

  • 只要现在开始,戮力同心的实行节能减排,co2带来的问题也许就会逐渐软化。
    If only we can pool our efforts to start saving energy and reducing emissions, we may yet see a gradual improvement in the problems associated with CO2.

  • 然而这个观点似乎预设了反向的关系:也许只有组织良好的社会戮力同心,才能兴建、维护大规模的水利基建。
    Yet the inverse also seems implicit: construction and maintenance of an extensive water management infrastructure might require the focused attention of a well-organized state.

  • 而且《资本论》这本巨著上他也和马克思戮力同心,做出了很多贡献——包括思想观点,实际的商业案例,以及不可或缺的编辑审校。
    He also collaborated intensively on the great work, contributing many ideas, practical examples from business and much-needed editorial attention.

  • 人们很容易忘记,当这场战争开始时,我们戮力同心——当时人们对恐怖袭击尚记忆犹新,决心保卫我国国土和我们弥足珍贵的价值观的意志使我们同仇敌忾
    It's easy to forget that when this war began, we were united -- bound together by the fresh memory of a horrific attack, and by the determination to defend our homeland and the values we hold dear.

  • 同心戮力造句相关
