
同床异梦  tóng chuáng yì mèng








  • 照普通流行的说法,他们同床异梦
    In the accepted and popular phrase, she had her ideas and he had his.

  • 无可置疑,政治和科学总是同床异梦
    There is no doubt that politics and science make uncomfortable bedfellows.

  • 在心中充满无尽痛苦时,你还在与人同床异梦吗?
    Are you cooking with another one with the endless pain from your heart?

  • 中日战争使国民党和共产党成了同床异梦的伙伴。
    The Sino-Japanese War made strange bedfellows of the KMT and the CCP.

  • 北京,中国(CNN)---腐败和情妇在同床异梦
    BEIJING, China (CNN) -- Corruption and mistresses don't make good bedfellows.

  • 纠纷的积累,夫妻从隔阂而戒备,俗称“同床异梦”。
    The accumulation of the dispute, the husband and wife and estrangement from the alert, known as the "Strange Bedfellows."

  • 进了监狱之后,麦克不得不和一个流氓建立同床异梦的联盟。
    Once inside, Michael must form alliances with a rogue's gallery of felons with their own sometimes unsavory motives.

  • 该党是一个充斥着分别来自左翼和右翼的同床异梦者的大杂烩。
    The party is a collection of unlikely bedfellows from right and left.

  • 那对同床异梦的夫妻,如果不是考虑到他们的孩子,早就离婚了。
    That odd couple would have been divorced if they didn't think of their kids.

  • 袁绍取河北,曹操图河南,两人同床异梦却又紧密携手,共图发展。
    Yuan Shao from Hebei, Henan Caocao map, both separately but closely together and develop together.

  • 你知道,这是真的,出于某种原因,爱情和金钱能够使人同床异梦
    You know, it's true, and for some reason, romance and money make very uneasy bedfellows.

  • 同床异梦是什么意思?是不是只有欲望上的满足,没有情感上的交流?
    What meaning is be strange bedfellows? What only the desire goes up is contented, emotionless the communication that go up?

  • 天长地久有时尽-副范畴包括:同床异梦、冷淡与疏远、冲突与危机;
    decline in couple's interaction, with subjects including diversity in thoughts, coldness with distance, and conflict with crises;

  • 同床异梦的新注解:我们必须互不信任。这是我们防御背叛的唯一办法。
    We have to distrust each other. It is our only defense against betrayal.

  • 这样,中央政府、地方政府、房地产商在三年的同床异梦后,终于又似乎达成一致目标了。
    Thus, Central authorities, Local authority, real estate business after three year being strange bedfellows, finally as if achieved the consistent goal.

  • 合资企业失败的主要原因,你们中文有一句很好的描述,我们英文也有,那就是同床异梦
    What's the main reason for the failure of a joint venture?You have an expression_r_r in Chinese which we also have in English. That is 'same bed, different dreams.

  • 然而今天的很多家庭却明显有问题:夫妻同床异梦,父母子女离心离德,兄弟姐妹反目成仇。
    Yet many families today are clearly troubled. Alienation often exists between husband and wife, between parents and children, or among brothers and sisters.

  • 无论是心心相印,还是同床异梦,都要经得起历史和时间的考验,经得起理性和忠贞的考验。
    whether it is affiliated, or separately, must stand the test of history and time, can stand the test of reason and loyalty.

  • 但分歧依旧。无论谁执掌着白宫。爱丽舍和唐宁街10号--尽管有着共同目标。双方仍将同床异梦
    But differences will surely persist. no matter who is in the White House. the Elysée or Number 10-continuing to keep the two sides apart despite their common goals.

  • 但分歧依旧,无论谁执掌着白宫、爱丽舍和唐宁街10号——尽管有着共同目标,双方仍将同床异梦
    But differences will surely persist, no matter who is in the White House, the Elysée or Number 10—continuing to keep the two sides apart despite their common goals.

  • 中国在本土地对空导弹方面的努力成果非常有限,甚于在上世纪70年代至80年代,中国与西方国家同床异梦联手对付前苏联的期间引入西方技术之后也是这样。
    Chinese attempts at indigenous SAMs were somewhat poor even after an injection of Western technologies during the 1970s and 80s when China was an awkward bedfellow of the West against the USSR.

  • 同床异梦造句相关
