
叶落归根  yè luò huī gēn








  • 我是个欧洲人,总要叶落归根
    I am a European, and one returns to one's roots.

  • 人们常说“叶落归根”。
    People often say" put down roots".

  • 人们常说“叶落归根”。
    The people often said that "returns home".

  • 我是去安徽的上海知青,年纪大了要叶落归根
    I was educated to Anhui, Shanghai, to return home to grow old by.

  • 他游历了许多地方,现在叶落归根又回到了英国。
    He's travelled a lot but he's now come back to Britain once and for all.

  • 渐黄的树木开始宣告季节的变更,很快叶落归根,小草即将枯萎。
    The trees begin to proclaim the change. Soon the leaves will be discarded, the grass will sere.

  • 老年时是冬天的风,是叶落归根的自然法则,也是生命终结的前奏。
    old when the winter wind, is returning to their roots of natural law, but also life-ending prelude.

  • 而在回国买房大军中,人数最多的还是希望叶落归根的第一代移民。
    sales force in the country, it is hoped that the largest number of first-generation immigrants return home to grow.

  • 这就是所谓的回归自然,或者换句中国的古话,,叫叶落归根,是天意如此。
    That's why going natural, or as we Chinese in the habit of saying, returning to the root, is the order of the day.

  • 他写了另一首歌,“叶落归根”,以匡雨明的笔名,这实际是他在《色,戒》中的角色名。
    He wrote another song, Falling Leaves (Luoye Guigen), under the pen name Kuang Yuming, which is actually the name of his character in Lust, Caution.

  • 8000万民工自己花钱培养自己,国家没有花一分钱,叶落归根,哪怕民工回去三分之一,家乡就会起变化。
    Even if only one third of them go back, changes will take place in their home villages.

  • 此间民政部门的知情人士透露﹐如今上海成了境外华人归国养老的首选地之一﹐叶落归根了却了海外老华侨们的心愿。
    S. is too expensive. The Civilian Dept officers now describe Shanghai as the first choice city for expatriate Chinese to spend their retirement.

  • 从树上飘落后,落叶在土壤里腐烂,最终又返回到了树根里。因此谚语说:“叶落归根”。上面这幅图描绘了树叶向根部落去。
    Having separated from a tree, leaves decompose into the earth and eventually return to a tree's original roots.

  • 虽然曼梯·里的遗骸并不在这个墓地里,但他也可说是叶落归根并和这块朴素的花岗岩墓碑以及现在我交还给他家的这枚戒指安眠在一起了。
    Even if ML's bones were not at Old Beaverdam, he was in his place with the simple granite headstone and now the ring I had returned to his family.

  • 有的客户会不经意地谈到小时候住在老洋房时的情景,对于他们来说,这些曾经生活居住过的老洋房,是他们在海外魂牵梦绕的家,期盼能早日叶落归根
    Some clients will actually live in the old villa was referred to the scene for them, had to live in these old villa is the home of their dreams abroad, hopes to see an early return home to grow.

  • 说白了,这些楼宇的9-11楼之间灰尘会逗留其间,稍事休息,然后再慢慢“叶落归根”,在此过程中,居住者会与灰尘“同呼吸共命运”一段时间后再“吻别”。
    " Bluntly, these buildings will stay dust between 9-11, which, short rest, and then gradually "return home to grow", in the process, dwellers with dust "shared their fate, " a period after "kissing".

  • 叶落归根造句相关
