
反戈一击  fǎn gē yī jī




《尚书·武成》:“前徙倒戈,攻于后以北。” 明·罗贯中《三国演义》第十七回:“吾与杨将军反戈击之。但看火起为号,温侯以兵相应可也。”




  • 在经济上,上帝将随时反戈一击
    In finance the gods will always find a way to strike back.

  • 他随时都会反戈一击
    He would turn around and strike at any moment.

  • 他希望在周末的德比中面对旧主完成反戈一击
    He hoped that completes in weekend's Derby facing the old host is a traitor.

  • 他在战斗中有过无数次反戈一击的机会,但他从没这么做过。
    He's had numerous opportunities to turn on us in battle and has never done so.

  • 业内对此形成两派,一派认涨,而另一派则反戈一击,认为房价肯定会降。
    Industry to form factions, faction pledged up, and then turned around and struck another that the prices will fall.

  • 出乎意料的是,它们将农具和工具改造成武器,对它们的压迫者反戈一击
    Unexpectedly, they fought back against their oppressors, turning simple farming implements and tools into weapons.

  • 在这样的节骨眼上,诺基亚反戈一击,彻底走向开放和免费,不能不说是一大高招。
    In such a Jiegu Yan, Nokia Fangeyiji, to completely open and free, we can not but say that is a big tactics.

  • 前日多头主力金融股反戈一击,成为最大做空力量,近期活跃的热点也开始大幅降温。
    The day before long the main financial stocks turned into the largest force in short, the recent active hot spots began to cool significantly.

  • 吉斯扬基认为他们的银剑是神圣的信物,凯吉拉知道,他们更不会容忍她用银剑向他们反戈一击
    The githyanki considered their silver swords a sacred trust, Kejira knew, and would not tolerate her wielding one against them.

  • 如果大部台军不决死抵抗,甚至反戈一击,那就可做到速战速决,外部势力干预的可能性也会较小。
    If most of Taiwan not to resist the Daredevil, and even turned on, it can be a quick end, and the possibility of intervention by external forces will be smaller.

  • 就在美国食品联合企业卡夫公司主动示意希望收购英国糖果制造商卡百利一周后,后者予以反戈一击
    One week after Kraft, an American food conglomerate, made an unsolicited bid for it, the British confectioner hit back on September 12th.

  • 经常会发生这样的情况,你看着觉得这一分他已经彻底没戏了,突然他就反戈一击,一个致胜球让你目瞪口呆
    It is not rare to see Federer be completely out of the point, then suddenly turn the tables at whim and hit a winner.

  • 我喜欢骑士队,也希望他们能卧薪尝胆反戈一击,但魔术队已经掌控了这个系列赛的主动权,骑士已难逃出局的命运。
    I would love for the Cavs to make a comeback, but Orlando has dictated the series in games the Cavs should have closed out.

  • 而在此后的讨论中,他突然反戈一击,运用了当今最流行的“中国扩大内需论”来支持房地产的价格上涨是理所应当的。
    In the subsequent discussion, he suddenly turned around and struck, the most popular use of the "China to expand domestic demand theory" to support real estate prices is as it should be.

  • 他们只能在经济衰退时期反戈一击,因为在危机和变化莫测的时代,尤其是通货膨胀期间,欧洲早期绘画大师的作品更受青睐。
    They take their revenge during economic recessions; Old Masters hold up better in times of crisis and uncertainty, and especially during periods of inflation.

  • 反戈一击造句相关
