
生财有道  shēng cái yǒu dào







  • 身为网络广告的中间商和发行商,谷歌生财有道
    As the Internet advertising brokers and publishers, Google proper way to make money.

  • 《天道》中多种挣钱的方式,让你生财有道,坐拥财富!
    "Heaven" in a variety of ways to make money, you make money in a proper way, given the wealth!

  • 他管它叫做“我的休养胜地”;他担心覆盖小岛的椰林会招来生财有道的生意人。
    he called it "my health resort" and he feared that the coconuts that covered it would tempt some enterprising trader.

  • 英国前首相、工党领袖布莱尔生财有道,仰慕者若想与其合影须缴费180英镑。
    Admirers of Tony Blair must each pay £180 to have their photograph taken with the former British prime minister.

  • 财富,在虚拟的游戏世界是身份的一种象征!《天道》中多种挣钱的方式,让你生财有道,坐拥财富!
    Wealth in the virtual world of games is a status symbol! "Heaven" in a variety of ways to make money, you make money in a proper way, given the wealth!

  • 仅仅因为比尔是我们酒店的圣诞储蓄会的司库,他就以为自己是一个生财有道者,可其实他仅仅是个小地方的要人。
    Just because Bill is treasurer of our pub's Christmas savings club he thinks he's a financial wizard, but he's only a big fish in a small pond.

  • 而商人的基本属性就是逐利,在法律道德的范围唯利是图叫生财有道,突破了法律道德的范围唯利是图叫为富不仁
    And the basic attributes of businessmen is believed that the scope of legal ethics is making good profits, in the scope of legal ethics called for the rich heartless mercenary.

  • 生财有道,聚财有度,用财有巧。不同的人、不同的单位、不同的地区、不同的时期,有不同的生财、聚财和用财方法。
    Different person, different unit, different area, different period, have different unripe money, get together money and the method that use money.

  • 生财有道造句相关
