
生生不已  shēng shēng bù yǐ






  • 易道的基本原理就是「生生不已」,即无终止的创造过程。
    The principle of Change is the endless process of creativity.

  • 技术创新是企业生生不已的不竭源泉,文化是技术创新的不竭动力。
    The technological innovation is the vigorous source of enterprise's vitality, and the culture is the ever impetus of technological innovation.

  • 如此流转循环、生生不已。呈现“蛹动”前进和“盘旋”上升的循环曲线。
    Such a cycle continues unceasingly, shown as a curve "rolling" forward and "spiraling" upward.

  • 我经常提醒你,天国因着你的创造而生生不已,你只能按照自己的真相去创造。
    I have spoken often of the increase of the Kingdom by your creations, which can only be created as you were.

  • “命”的“生生不已”促成了“性”的积极有为,进而引领出一种乐观向上的人生态度。
    The ceaseless creativity of destiny promotes the progressive activity of nature and leads to an optimistic attitude to life.

  • 是形意拳全体用法套路之一,熟练后可以生生不已,变化无穷,达到无形无象,随心所欲的境界。
    It is one of the usage of the whole routine of Xingyi Quan. After you are getting good at it, it has many changes, invisible, casual realm.

  • 究竟来说,一切事物,包括所有的形式,都只是真知生生不已的活动而已,也就是自性的生生不已
    Absolutely everything, all form, is simply the expression of the movement of Knowing, the movement of Self.

  • 它把宇宙间的一切现象都放在生生不已的变化运动过程中来解释,认为包括人类在内的一切生命的发展都是创造变化的结果。
    it to all the phenomena of the universe, the changes are put Shengshengbuyi course of the campaign to explain that, including humans the development of all the creation of all life changing results.

  • 本文主要从毕淑敏的五篇小说《红处方》、《阿里》、《预约死亡》、《生生不已》、《女人之约》)着眼探寻作家笔下死亡意象独到的精神蕴涵。
    This article chiefly tries to approach the unique spiritual implication of the death imagery under her pen from her five novels.

  • 生生不已造句相关
