
甘苦与共  gān kǔ yǔ gòng






  • 他是与我甘苦与共的朋友。
    He was my companion in joy and in sorrow.

  • 或许,爱就是心甘情愿的付出,甘苦与共的分享。
    Perhaps, love is willing to pay, through thick and thin-sharing.

  • 或许,爱就是心甘情愿的付出,甘苦与共的分享。
    Perhaps, love is willing to pay the share, close-knit.

  • 或许,爱就是心甘情愿的付出,甘苦与共的分享。
    Perhaps, love is willing to pay, stand by the community of sharing.

  • 因为、爱情是需要甘苦与共,而不是将爱附加条件、加了条件的爱,还算爱吗?
    Since, love stand by the community are necessary, rather than impose conditions with love, add a condition of love, still love it?

  • 真实的爱是二个人是能甘苦与共,在最坏的处境下,不强求对方为你做任何事情。
    True love is when two people are able to withstand the worst times, yet not demanding anything from each other.

  • 真实的爱是二个人是能甘苦与共,在最坏的处境下, 不强求对方为你做任何事情。
    True love is when two people are able to withstand the worst times, yet not demanding anything from each other.

  • 真正的家庭并非依赖于姓氏或血缘,家庭成员间甘苦与共,相互扶持才是亲情凝聚的源泉。
    The real family is not dependent on the name or blood, among family members stand by the community, mutual support is a source of family cohesion.

  • 接着,我向她解释,我们是老朋友,多年的甘苦与共,浪迹江湖和同谋关系,已经使我们的友谊牢不可破。
    And then I explained to her how we were friends cinctured by years of embarrassment and travel and complicity.

  • 在今后的工作中,我们将继续不断提升自己的技术水准,真诚地与广大新老客户积极合作,甘苦与共,共求发展。
    In future work, we will continue to upgrade their technological standards, in good faith with the majority of old and new customers active cooperation, and stand by the community so as to develop.

  • 在那儿他遇到了弗里德里希·恩格斯,相同的政治观点使两人结下了真切的友谊,甘苦与共,直至生命的最后一天。
    Where he met Friedrich Engels, the same political views so that the two forged a real friendship, stand by the community until the last day of life.

  • 在华北的两个解放区,他与普通的人民和士兵一起,甘苦与共,艰险饱尝,甚至参与了极其危险的武工队敌后捕俘除恶行动。
    In two liberated areas in north China, he shared the dangers hardships of the troops and people, and accompanied small" armed work group" in extremely perilous sallies far behind the enemy lines.

  • 由籍籍无名到大红大紫,名声财富全都降临到了这个快乐的莫德纳小伙子身上,而身为妻子的阿杜瓦一路扶持爱护,可谓甘苦与共
    Nationality unknown to the membership amid revelers, the reputation of all wealth come to this happy-lad who, as a way to support his wife's love Aduwa, is stand by the community.

  • 甚么是真正的爱?能够甘苦与共的夫妇,他们的爱是一种不离不弃的感情,无论面前是顺境抑或逆境,双方都会互相支持、共同面对。
    What is true love?To stand by the community of husband and wife, and their mutual love is a feeling does not leave, no matter good or the face of adversity, the two sides will support each other face.

  • 您仅仅随时知道,在好心情或坏心情的时候,您想要这个人由您的身边;真实的爱是二个人是能甘苦与共,在最坏的处境下,不强求对方为你做任何事情。
    You oly know at any moment, in good mood or bad, you just want this person by your side; True love is when two people are able to withstand the worst times, yet not demanding anything from each other.

  • 随著人气扶摇直上,压力也随之而来,而每当感受到身为一家之长的责任时也出现了想要找个可以依赖的人的想法。“只要是辛苦的时候也可以甘苦与共的男生就好了。
    As her popularity increased and so did her stress levels, and whenever she felt the pressure of being the head of a household, she has begun to crave having someone near to lean on.

  • 甘苦与共造句相关
