
狼狈为奸  láng bèi wéi jiān







  • 这个法官被发现和贼狼狈为奸进行偷窃活动。
    The judge was found hand in glove with the thieves to steal.

  • 反动派同帝国主义狼狈为奸,镇压民族解放运动。
    The reactionaries work hand-in-glove with the imperialists to suppress the national liberation movement.

  • 据传一些警官一直与那些赌棍互相勾结,狼狈为奸
    It is rumored that several police officers have been working hand in glove with the gamblers.

  • 狼狈为奸”这个成语比喻坏人互相勾结起来干坏事。
    This idiom is used to describe doing evil things in collusion with others.

  • 自从40年代以来,政府就一直和整个电信业狼狈为奸
    Brill: The government's been in bed with the entire telecommunications industry since the '40s.

  • 狼狈为奸”“这个成语比喻坏人互相勾结起来干坏事。
    This idiom is used to describe doing evil things in collusion with others.

  • 他们为达目的不择手段即使与他们国家的敌人狼狈为奸
    They may do anything to achieve that end even if it is to cooperate with the very enemies of their country.

  • 如果我没有误解你的话,我听你说过她一直与那个骗子狼狈为奸
    I heard you say, if I didn't mistake your speech, that she had all along worked hand in glove with the cheat.

  • 村民:谣言还说您和绝奴部狼狈为奸,密谋买凶杀死高句丽的先皇。
    Disciple:  They say that you and the Jeollo tribe united, and hired killers to kill the previous King of Kokuryo.

  • 而日本的监管者很长一段时间以来则与银行狼狈为奸,共同隐藏坏帐。
    But Japan's regulators for a long while were in cahoots with banks over hiding their bad loans.

  • 与 ( 共产党 )狼狈为奸, 为 ( 共产党 ) 虎作账!
    With the (Communist Party) acted, for the (Communist) accounts for the tiger!

  • 另一种形式则是互惠型的利他行为,或称为“狼狈为奸,唯利是图”。
    The second form is reciprocal altruism, or "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours".

  • 不要允许你们的政府掩盖真相,不要让他们在对你们的奴役中狼狈为奸
    Do not allow earthly authorities to whitewash the truth and their complicity in your enslavement.

  • 在反对狼狈为奸的地主和资本家的斗争中,工人和农民团结一致(或亲如手足)。
    The peasants and workers were hand in glove with one another in the struggle against the landlords and capitalists who worked hand in glove with each other.

  • 在反对狼狈为奸的地主和资本家的斗争中,工人和农民团结一致(或亲如手足)。
    one another in the struggle against the landlords and capitalists who worked hand in glove with each other.

  • 这里有一个根本的问题是利益问题,是林业部门和造纸部门之间“狼狈为奸”的权钱交易。
    A foundational problem comes from the profit that based on a disgusting exchange between the forestry department and the paper-making industry.

  • 哼,谁想得到联邦政府竟然跟魔鬼狼狈为奸。好了,不管他是谁,他正在穿越地狱之门来…
    Yeah, who'd have thought the city federal government was in bed with the devil? Well, whatever it is, this guy's coming through the inferno gate for…

  • 原来,狼和狈“狼狈为奸”。狼和狈一起来到羊宝宝的窗户外,窗户很高,狼和狈都不能爬进去。
    The truth is that the two Wolves ganged up and kidnapped Baby Sheep. When they got to the house, they found the windows were too high for them.

  • 他们指责罪犯分子和腐败官员狼狈为奸,吸取民脂民膏。与此同时,恐怖分子又在破坏重建工程。
    They charge criminals and corrupt officials have been working together to siphon off wealth while terrorists are sabotaging reconstruction.

  • 老夫虽才疏学浅,但也是一名堂堂正正的男子汉,(有身份证为证),岂能与这些宦官狼狈为奸
    Old lady, although little talent and less learning, But it is also a proud man, (With ID card for card), How can they act in collusion with these eunuch!

  • 自六十年代以来通过不断地揭露,福特基金会与中情局狼狈为奸为美国寻求世界霸权的历史已为世人熟知。
    The Ford Foundation's history of collaboration and interlock with the CIA in pursuit of U. S. world hegemony is now a well-documented fact.

  • 而与他狼狈为奸的诺丁汉郡长也趁机强占了忠心于理查王的罗宾汉家的领地,更试图染指他的心上人玛丽安。
    He acted with the sheriff of Nottingham, also took the opportunity to forcibly occupied loyal Robin King Richard's territories, but also trying to encroach on his sweetheart Marian.

  • 然而,媒体得到的有关丁克以及马拉蒂亚案件的蛛丝马迹却证明了凶手和警方以及军队中的一些败类之间狼狈为奸
    Yet evidence leaked to the media in the Dink and Malatya cases points to collusion between the perpetrators and rogue elements in the police and the army.

  • 狼狈为奸」这句成语的意思,是指两人同流合污做坏事,使其奸计达到目的,正像狼和狈二种动物常合作使奸一样。
    What this shows us is that two people following each other's bad example can collaborate in their cunning and achieve their aims.

  • 在当今这种对环境的普遍污染中,化学制品与辐射狼狈为奸,改变着地球的自然状态,也就是改变着地球上生命的自然状态。
    In this now universal contamination of the environment, chemicals are the sinister partners of radiation in changing the very nature of the world the very nature of its life.

  • 在当今这种对环境的普遍污染中,化学制品与辐射狼狈为奸,改变着地球的自然状 态,也就是改变着地球上生命的自然状态。
    In this now universal contamination of the environment, chemicals are the sinister partners of radiation in changing the very nature of the world the very nature of its life.

  • 不幸的是,这样的竞争结果不是降低价格,提升网速,而是成了狼狈为奸的两强垄断,这使得带宽非常有限,现有市场分崩离析
    Unfortunately, the result has not been competition to beat down prices and boost speeds, but cosy duopolies that keep bandwidth scarce and carve the market up between incumbents.

  • 不幸的是,这样的竞争结果不是降低价格,提升网速,而是成了狼狈为奸的两强垄断,这使得带宽非常有限,现有市场格局分崩离析。
    Unfortunately, the result has not been competition to beat down prices and boost speeds, but cosy duopolies that keep bandwidth scarce and carve the market up between incumbents.

  • 这次狼和狈合作偷羊,他们是一只用长的前脚,一只用长的后腿,互相利用才成功的。后人就把两个互相合作做坏事,称为「狼狈为奸」。
    Today, when two people work together to accomplish something bad, we can say that "the wolf and the bei are making mischief. ""

  • 他(老调新唱)说,这次事件后,出现了一种“不同层面的风险”,此种情况下,伊拉克等无赖国家可能同恐怖分子狼狈为奸,是可忍,孰不可忍?
    This, he said (as he has done previously), created a "different calculus of risk", in which the possible collusion of rogue states such as Iraq and terrorists could not be tolerated.

  • 狼狈为奸造句相关
