
独当一面  dú dāng yī miàn








  • 你喜欢独当一面,还是团队合作?
    Do you enjoy working by yourself or as part of a team?

  • 幼狮要到一年之后才能独当一面
    It will be another year before the cubs can hunt for themselves.

  • 整体的大结构中可以独当一面的模式。
    a pattern forming a unity within a larger structural whole.

  • 在这段时期里,姚明还不足以独当一面
    During his period, Yao can't be a dominant player.

  • 绝对的;独当一面,不为人所控制的东西。
    something that does not depends on anything else and is beyond human control .

  • 他做事总是犹豫不决,缺乏独当一面的能力。
    He is always hemming and hawing over things; he is lacking in the ability to take charge.

  • 即使是拉希德有伤,大本依然能够独当一面
    Even with Rasheed Wallace out, he would have been there to do the job.

  • 如今,华为emt成员都成长得能够独当一面
    Now, China is the emt members grows can assume sole responsibility for an important task.

  • 复杂的职业经历使唐欣获得了独当一面的能力。
    Complex duty already all previous makes Tang Xin obtained the capability of take charge of a department alone.

  • 他们怀抱著信仰的热忱,他们彼此鼓舞又能独当一面
    they encourage one another while working to carry the loads individually, with enthusiasm of faith.

  • 优秀的客户服务人员必须能独当一面,具备工作的独立处理能力。
    The excellent customer service personnel must do by themselves, which should be with ability for dealing with the job independently.

  • 因为它全程与数以千条支流交接,支流中很多还是独当一面的大河。
    Because throughout her journey, she's joined by thousands of tributaries, many of them large rivers in their own right.

  • 毕竟不能独当一面的他们把决定权推给他人比自己做决策容易很多。
    They find it easier to pass the decision to the next fellow, because they cannot make a stand.

  • 也许你还会想到它的存储,它的笔记本等等,也都能独当一面,引以为荣。
    Perhaps you still can think of its memory, its jotter is waited a moment, also can take charge of a department alone, feel honored.

  • 能吃苦耐劳,积极进取,踏实肯干,有很强的抗压能力,业务工作能独当一面
    able to work-hard under the pressure , i'm enthusiastic , aspirant , steady . i can deal with business independently.

  • 现在已经能够独当一面的亚利山卓发誓要为创造一个人类和平共处的新世界而尽自己所能。
    Now able to stand up on his own, Alessandro pledges to direct his efforts toward a new world of peaceful coexistence.

  • 在新生说明会中,威得尔告诉家长,大学岁月是放手的时期,该让这些年轻学子学习独当一面
    At orientation sessions, Waddell tells parents the college years are a time for emancipation, when young adults learn to handle matters on their own.

  • 掘金有很多天才球员,阿伦-艾弗森之所以未能当选,是因为他来到丹佛时,安东尼已经能够独当一面
    Nuggets have a lot of talented players, Allen - Allen Iverson was not elected because he came to Denver, Anthony has been able to star.

  • 后来一个下午,我就在公园里看着有无比勇气的小女孩克服了恐惧,我恭喜自己成了独当一面的单身家长。
    I spent the rest of the afternoon at the park watching a very brave little girl overcome a fear, congratulating myself for being a self-sufficient single parent.

  • 但更重要的是不断引进后起之秀,加以磨练成才,可以独当一面,甚至青出于蓝胜于蓝,成为强有力的接棒者。
    More importantly, the team must keep on recruiting young and romising people who will become even better players to defend the crown.

  • 后来一个下午,我就在公园�看著这个有无比勇气的小女孩克服了恐惧,我恭喜自己成了可以独当一面的单身家长。
    I spent the rest of the afternoon at the park watching a very brave little girl overcome a fear, and congratulating myself for being a self-sufficient single parent.

  • 专业和非专业上不懂的问题虚心向同事学习请教,不断提高充实自己,希望能尽早独当一面,为公司做出更大的贡献。
    Whenever there is a question, I never fail to understand it. I will learn it from my colleagues to improve and enrich myself, hoping that I can contribute more to the company I work in.

  • 真正爱你的女孩,很容易被你感动,哪怕是一件极小的事情。真正爱你的女孩,即使能独当一面,在你面前也会娇滴滴。
    Love your girl truly, do not like you to have what thing oneself a person is assumed, in that way she will be more afraid.

  • 我们承认发展中国家往往缺乏在谈判中独当一面的实力背景,为此,我们现在的目标是增加他们技术支持方面的资源输入。
    We recognize that developing countries often do not have the resources to play a full part in the negotiations so we are aiming to increase the resources devoted to technical assistance.

  • 我们(公司)发展非常快,不管是从本行业的产业链角度还是从公司本身发展需要来说,我们都急求一位能独当一面的人才。
    We are growing very fast and we need to have a stronger presence at the factories and with our supply chain.

  • 他们告诉他说他看上去有点儿“老掉牙”了,说他的那个女同事可以独当一面了,她已经证明不用两个小时就可以处理完货单了。
    They told him he looked "beat up. " She could handle it on her own. She'd already proven that in less than two hours of processing shipments.

  • 公爵现阶段对大都会而言更具意义,因为在PedroMartinez因伤缺席的这段期间,他几乎能独当一面的撑下整场比赛。
    Hernandez means more to the Mets now, much more, because he is a pitcher who, in the absence of Pedro Martinez, is apt to take a losing streak personally and almost single-handedly win a game.

  • 后来唯一下午,我就在公园里看着那个有无比勇气的小女宝宝克服了恐惧,我恭喜本人成了没出国疑问独当一面的单身国际学生学生父母。
    I spent the rest of the despitenoon at the park watching a Very abundance brave less girl overcoming a fear, and congratulating myself for be a self-sufficient single pare notnt.

  • 要很好地胜任技术支援工程师(维护工程师),你必须是能独当一面的,应变能力强,目标导向型的人才,具有良好的沟通能力和人际交往能力。能适应经常性的出差。
    To succeed in the role of Service Engineer, you must be highly independent, resourceful and results driven with strong communications and interpersonal skills, Frequent travel is expected.

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