
犬牙交错  quǎn yá jiāo cuò








  • 冰封海岸沿岸都是犬牙交错的冰。
    Description: The Frozen Coast is a treacherous coastline of ice.

  • 使凹进或犬牙交错状的空间。
    a space set back or indented.

  • 在南海有犬牙交错的海岸线。
    He died in a shipwreck off the south coast.

  • 在南海有犬牙交错的海岸线。
    There are long indented coastlines in the South Sea.

  • 从外面看,四面犬牙交错,不显呆板单调。
    Look from outside, all around interlocking, do not show inflexible and drab.

  • 这种犬牙交错的形态,表现在下述的几种情况上。
    Its jig-saw pattern manifests itself as follows.

  • 小帆船翻滚起伏在犬牙交错的灰绿色礁石中间的水道里。
    The little sailing vessel rolled and swung down the center of the passage between the jagged rows of green grey rocks.

  • 欧洲一体化因此表现出一种“犬牙交错的国家转型”进程。
    European integration thus reveals a process of "jigsaw pattern state transformation".

  • 他将一堆巨大复杂犬牙交错的问题简化为一个万恶之源:共产党。
    He reduces a vast, complicated tangle of problems to a single point source of evil: the Communist Party.

  • 地缝峡――此处为地壳运动形成的地层断裂地带,其形犬牙交错,峥嵘怪异。
    Slot Valley: here is the ruptured stratum due to crustal movement, where is interlocked each other.

  • 现在,从这个角度看下去,底下只是遥不可及的地面,布满了犬牙交错的巨砾。
    Now, at this angle of vision, there was nothing but the ground, far, far below, and jagged boulders set there like teeth.

  • 之所以人不会陷入普通的沙子,是因为普通的沙粒之间呈一种犬牙交错的要和状态。
    The reason you don't sink into ordinary sand is because the sand grains rest against each other in an interlocking pattern.

  • 犬牙交错的战争,在历史上也是有过的,俄国十月革命后的三年内战,就有过这种情形。
    There have been other wars of jig-saw pattern in history, the three years' civil war in Russia after the October Revolution being a case in point.

  • 甚至连一排排一层层的窗户、犬牙交错的烟囱和屋顶、泥泞路面的微弱反光也都看不见。
    Not even the long rows of windows and stores, the indentations of the chimneys, and the roofs, and the vague reflections, which are cast back by the wet and muddy pavements, were visible.

  • 今天的再度碰撞双方打得异常胶着,比分也犬牙交错,最终还是大赛经验决定了胜负归属。
    Today's collision both sides once again hit the unusual rubber, the score jig-saw patterned, finally the big game experience has also decided the victory and defeat ownership.

  • 新闻权和隐私权之间是一种呈犬牙交错咬合状态的关系,两种权利之间没有空隙和缓冲地带。
    News right and private right form a jagged, interlocking pattern, between which haven't gap and buffer zone.

  • 站在垭口向前望去,便是木扎尔特冰川了,雪山下冰川的隆起犬牙交错,点点冰河闪烁其间。
    Standing at narrow mountain pass, looked forwards, I found the Muzart Glacier, looked like interleaving of canines, water flickered between the glaciers.

  • 大不列颠的海岸线犬牙交错,有着无数的海湾,周围长达两千余英里,还不包括爱尔兰在内。
    The British coastline, indented with innumerable inlets, is over two thousand miles in circumference, without including Ireland.

  • 激战至上午10时左右,村周围阵地已多被解放军突破,两军犬牙交错,混战一处,已分不清明显的战线。
    00 to fierce fighting around the village around the position has been more breakthroughs in the People's Liberation Army, the armed forces Quanyajiaocuo, a melee that has to tell a clear front.

  • 莱茨的加速器卡住时,这个小宇宙人撞上了洞中犬牙交错的钟乳石,将他华丽的赛车变成一个致命的火球。
    When Ratts' accelerator jammed, the little alien collided with the jagged cave stalactites, turning the imposing vehicle into a deadly fireball.

  • 玛贵斯群岛在法属波利尼西亚群岛的最大的一个岛群中。犬牙交错的群山和陡峭的悬崖构成了这里大部分的地貌。
    The Marquesas are among the largest groups of islands in French Polynesia. Jagged mountains and steep cliffs make up most of the landscape.

  • 估计到敌后斗争的犬牙交错此起彼落的特点,决定了公开工作与秘密工作、合法斗争与非法斗争具有很大的变动性。
    With the struggle behind enemy lines rising here and subsiding there, there must be constant adjustment in the balance between overt and covert work and the legal and illegal struggle.

  • 在军事方面,这里既有清政府的绿营兵、淮军,还有团练,在太平军中,也存在着不同的派系,犬牙交错,互相争斗。
    In the military field, there were the conflicts in armed forces of Qing government and factional conflicts in Taiping army .

  • 常规赛交锋变得史无前例的犬牙交错,而伴随着季后赛的展开,甚至球迷们摆着电视的客厅也能直接感受到剑拔弩张的气息。
    Season games have become more nail biting than ever, and with the playoffs underway, the intensity is really felt right through the television sitting in your living room.

  • 估计到敌后斗争的犬牙交错此起彼落的特点,决定了公开工作与秘密工作、合法斗争与非法斗争具有很大的''。'变动性'。''。
    With the struggle behind enemy lines rising here and subsiding there, there must be constant adjustment in the balance between overt and covert work and the legal and illegal struggle.

  • 犬牙交错造句相关
