
特立独行  tè lì dú xíng








  • 但是波顿的想法绝不是特立独行
    But Mr Bolton's thinking is by no means unusual.

  • 他总是特立独行,你不由自主地会钦佩他。
    He was always his own person and you couldn't help but admire that about Charlie.

  • 另外不清楚的就是如何处理那些特立独行的国家。
    Nor was it clear how countries that break ranks (to do or say something different from what a group you belong to does or says) would be handled.

  • 这个少数团体中,有一个人被朋友视为特立独行
    One member of this small minority is regarded as something special by his friends.

  • 但也有不少人一生挣扎,仍不改特立独行的秉性与率真。
    But there are many people struggling with life, not to change maverick mettle and frankness.

  • 这项决策是典型的费尔南德斯风格:打破常规,特立独行
    That decision is typical of Mr Fernandes's willingness to break ranks.

  • 人皆有其特立独行之方式去审视,聆听,触摸,品位及思考。
    Each person has a unique way of seeing, hearing, tasting and thinking.

  • 要认识到,我们每个人都是能力无限,而又特立独行,彼此不同。
    Realize that each person has limitless abilities, but each of us is different in our own way.

  • 可贵的是,他的摄影并不是量的叠加,而是彰显出特立独行的风格。
    Valuable is that he is not the photography of the stack, but rather to highlight independent style.

  • 一般修行人给人的印象就在于他们处处表现出特立独行,与众不同的处世态度。
    The biggest fault of a man of practice is that he means to show his specialty and unique attitude everywhere.

  • 本次会议是对环境不适应者、特立独行者、先锋、主流中思想开放者的一次交谊会。
    The event was a coming-out party for misfits, mavericks and pioneers, as well as open-minded members of the mainstream.

  • 特立独行的态度加上号召力十足的生活乐趣,使她成为极受纨绔子弟们喜爱的同伴。
    Her unconventional attitude and charismatic joie de vivre made her an attractive companion for affluent young playboys.

  • 有多少特立独行的人变了?有多少生命变的陌生了,当我们怒放的时候,你们又在哪儿?
    How many special people change?How many lives are living strange. Where were you while we were getting high?

  • 书房作为工作、阅读、学习的空间,其设计可以特立独行,不一定非要与其他功能空间统一。
    The study serves as the job, read, the space of study, its design can stand to go alone especially, must not unite with other function space certainly.

  • 然而,庄子敲盆唱歌的这种特立独行的举措,看在旁人眼里,无论如何都是太矫情了,实不足取。
    However, it is too weird and unique for him to beat basin and sing, those kind of affected actions are unworthy being followed.

  • 虽然西方的支持者将索尔仁尼琴先生与其他知识界的人放到一起来考虑,但是他确实是特立独行
    Though supporters in the West lumped Mr Solzhenitsyn with the rest of the intelligentsia, he stood monumentally alone.

  • 个性化的北野武电影在极端中徜徉,暴力死亡与温情幽默交相辉映,简单直白与特立独行相得益彰。
    Extreme individuation is his characteristic, which is full of violence and death as well as tenderness. Simplicity and special behavior benefit each other.

  • 在国会山上的共和党的休息室(议会的休息室)里,他们对其特立独行的总统候选人的疏远是相同的。
    Within Republican cloak rooms on Capitol Hill, the coolness toward their maverick presidential candidate is mutual.

  • 但她特立独行的言行和做法不符合女性主义批评的条条框框,因而她没有受到女性主义批评的公证对待。
    But her unconventional opinions and deeds do not accord with the rules of the feminist criticism, and therefore it is natural that feminist critics do not do justice to her.

  • 他的工作室设在英格兰康沃尔郡乡下一个灌木篱笆墙围绕的石头库房里,在那里特立独行地从事科学研究。
    He practiced science as a maverick, working out of a stone barn among the rural hedgerows in Cornwall, England.

  • 他们追求特立独行,鄙视平庸的生活,渴望逃离城市,但又依恋城市生活,越野探险成为他们宣泄激情的方式。
    Their pursuit stands to go alone especially, distain commonplace life, longing escapes city, but attaching city life, cross-country and expeditionary the way that makes their drain passion.

  • 近期一项敌对犹太复国主义的心理史研究声称:“沙龙他到底只是个特立独行者,还是以色列人民灵魂的黑暗使者;
    "THE question then must be asked, " reflected a recent unfriendly psycho-history of Zionism: "Is Sharon an aberration, or does he represent Israel's dark night of the soul?

  • 《英国周日电讯报》曾有幸追踪到这位特立独行的隐士。他因破解了一个被称为庞加莱猜想的百年难题而震惊数学世界。
    The Sunday Telegraph tracked down the eccentric recluse who stunned the maths world when he solved a century-old puzzle known as the Poincaré Conjecture.

  • 另外,萨科齐还公开了自己的私生活,其中不乏特立独行之处,这种行为所引起了广泛的议论,这在过去是不可想象的。
    Moreover, by opening up his private life to public inspection, he has made his own behaviour, with all its quirks, a legitimate subject of debate in a way that would have been unthinkable in the past.

  • 人皆生而能赢。人皆有其特立独行之方式去审视、聆听、触摸、品味及思考,因而都具具独特潜质----能力和局限。
    Each is born with the capacity to win at life. Each person has a unique way of seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and thinking. Each has his or her own unique potentials, capabilities and limitations.

  • 获得新的观点、发现新的知识和形成新的思想除了其他的条件之外,还需要专注、勇气和特立独行的精神这三项基本的素质。
    Among others, the acquisition of new knowledge and the construction of new thought rely on concentration, courage and independence of mind which are the three basic qualities.

  • 另外一个热门人选是拉沙里。哈穆萨,一个特立独行的老牌国阵人士。名列再林开出的“八人名单”,并曾公开就本党中贪腐现象提出劝诫。
    A wildcard candidate is Razaleigh Hamzah, a veteran UMNO maverick minister, who featured on Mr Zahrain's list of eight, and publicly admonishes his own party for its corrupt ways.

  • 不过,《今日美国》的报道说,其他一些研究显示,特立独行的名字会给孩子带来直接影响,让他们在成长过程中因为自己的名字而感到尴尬。
    Other research has suggested, however, that uncommon names can have a direct impact on kids, embarrassing them in their formative years, the USA Today story says.

  • 《豪斯医生》是部美国医学电视剧,由大卫-肖尔和布莱恩-辛格担任制片人,英国名演员休-劳瑞主演特立独行的诊断专家格里高利-豪斯。
    Brought to you by executive producers David Shore and Bryan Singer, House MD is an American medical drama starring renowned British actor Hugh Laurie as the maverick diagnostician Dr. Gregory House.

  • 《魅力》杂志编辑乔•埃尔文评价说:“凯特又杀回来了。她‘特立独行’的时尚态度让我们得到启发,她让我们看到什么叫做敢于尝试以及如何做到更加大胆一点。”
    Kate\s back with a vengeance, \ said Jo Elvin, editor of Glamour. \Her maverick approach to fashion is an inspiration and shows us all how to be a little more daring and experimental.

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