
牵肠挂肚  qiān cháng guà dù








  • 尽量多给家里写信, 免得你母亲牵肠挂肚
    Write home as often as possible so as to relieve your mother from anxiety.

  • 她对她的猫未免太牵肠挂肚了。
    She's too sentiment al about her cat.

  • 她对她的猫未免太牵肠挂肚了。
    She's too sentimental about her cat.

  • 约翰有不少牵肠挂肚的心事。
    John has a number of nagging worries.

  • 金燕与儿子失散二十多年,经常牵肠挂肚
    Jin Yan has been searching for her long-lost son for years.

  • 尽量多给家里写信,免得你母亲牵肠挂肚
    Write home as often as possible so as to relieve your mother from anxiety.

  • 除你之外,谁还能让我终生牵肠挂肚,我的小宝贝!
    Who can I have to remember with concern throughout my life except you, my little baby!

  • 当他生病时,他需要有人守侯在身旁,为他牵肠挂肚
    He needs to be watched and worried over when he's ill.

  • 一段牵肠挂肚的残忍切割,渐渐扭曲他端整的五官与骨骼。
    A series of cruel, sick cuts, slowly twisted his tidy face and bones.

  • 很自然地,天气总让新英格兰人,特别是乡村的人牵肠挂肚
    Not surprisingly, the weather preoccupies the thoughts of New Englanders, especially in the country.

  • 日复一日,人们牵肠挂肚,但始终没有两个小伙子的任何消息。
    Day after day passed by, and no news came of the much-loved missing ones.

  • 然后,你就可以放心地娱乐,而无须对你的学习成绩牵肠挂肚”。
    Then, you can spare enough time for leisure without jeopardizing your academic results.

  • 不是每个人都能如此被人牵肠挂肚,不是每个人都会这般被人在乎。
    Not everyone was so worry about, not everyone will care about such a being.

  • 妻子是和你没有一点血缘关系的女人,却为你深夜回家而牵肠挂肚
    And your wife are not blood relatives of the woman that, but for you go home late at night and worry about you;

  • 妻子是一个和你没有一点血缘关系的女人,却为你深夜不回家而牵肠挂肚
    The wife is one does not have a blood relationship relations woman with you, late at night does not go home actually for you is very anxious about;

  • 妻子是一个和你没有一点血缘关系的女人,却为你深夜不回家而牵肠挂肚
    Is a wife and you do not have blood ties that the woman, but you do not go home late at night and worry about;

  • 妻子是一个和你没有一点血缘关系的女人,却为你深夜不回家而牵肠挂肚
    The wife is a woman who is not kin to you , but worries about you when you still do not back home till the midnight;

  • 因为你一向这样聪明可爱,又这样叫人牵肠挂肚,所以这张贺卡真是非你莫属!
    Youh ave always been so special and so warmly thought of, too, that it is really for you.

  • 我觉得只有当你真的爱一个人,并为这个人牵肠挂肚的时候,才可以发生关系。
    you should only sleep with someone if you really love and care about them.

  • 我之所以谈论耶鲁大学四年级学生,是因为他们正是眼下最让我牵肠挂肚的人。
    I'm talking about Yale seniors because they are the ones who are most on my mind right now.

  • 有人说,每一次告别,天上便有一颗星要陨灭。牵肠挂肚?离人会不会挥霍眼泪…
    Some people say that every time farewell, the sky will be a satellite to Yuanmie. Qianchangguadu? People will spend from the tears …

  • 很多时候,爱你的人近在咫尺,可让你柔肠百转、牵肠挂肚的却往往是另外一个人。
    Very often, people who love you close at hand, will allow you to Sophie, or worry about, but often a person is another.

  • 自上市以来多次进行了增发的这家公司,其命运和前途将令不少投资者“牵肠挂肚”。
    Since listing on many occasions had additional company, and its fate and the future will be a lot of investors, "or worry about."

  • 难道她没有自己的恐惧,自己的牵肠挂肚的困惑?它们不是堵塞了她动得出脑筋来的一切思路吗?
    Had she not her own terrors, her own soul-absorbing perplexities to usurp every thought of which her brain was capable.

  • 无论你是前往赛场,还是观看比赛,你都会为了你所支持的球队牵肠挂肚,为你热爱的球员呐喊助威。
    You take your worries to the game, and you leave 'em there. You yell like crazy for your guys.

  • 怎料彼得竟在第二天失去踪影,牵肠挂肚的娜姐决定与死党一起出发寻找彼得,竟然发现彼得结婚了,新娘不是她;
    She and her best friend decide to break the rules and go on a road trip to find him, encountering wild and hilarious misadventures along the way.

  • 这么多同胞在为你祈祷呢,一定会平平安安的,一定~~~!有消息了药第一时间告诉大家哦,省得大家都为你牵肠挂肚的。
    Everyone here pray for you! ! ! Tell us you are safe at once if  possible. You will be all right! ! ! ! ! !

  • 在巴基斯坦,我听到的是,外国人或许在为恐怖主义为穆沙拉夫总统担心,而叫巴基斯坦平民百姓牵肠挂肚的,却是小麦价格的暴涨。
    In Pakistan I was told that, while foreigners might worry about terrorism or President Pervez Musharraf, ordinary Pakistanis were much more concerned by the soaring price of wheat.

  • 谨以这些琐屑的文字,送给和我一同风餐露宿的“战友”,送给一直在家里牵肠挂肚的父亲母亲,送给那些为梦想而不断努力的可爱的人们。
    To write these peddling words, for my bro. Who braved the wind and dew with me, for my parents missing me all the time, and the cute persons who are trying their best for dream.

  • 20年来我第一次如些深刻地感觉到一个人的存在,习惯想着你入睡,也同样习惯半夜惊醒后第一个想到的人是你。虽然没有一日不见如隔三秋的感觉,却也会为你牵肠挂肚
    20 for the first time I feel that if more deeply the existence of a person, think of your sleep habits, habits also woke up after a night of the people you thought.

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