
牵强附会  qiān qiáng fù huì







  • 他的笑话有些牵强附会
    His jokes were somewhat farfetched.

  • 他的笑话有些牵强附会
    His jokes were somewhat farfetched.

  • 这最后一点有些牵强附会,你说是不是?
    that last one's a bit far-fetched, isn't it?

  • 你不能为你自己而牵强附会解释这些规章。
    You can't stretch the rules to suit yourself.

  • 他的笑话有些牵强附会
    His jokes were somewhat farfetched.

  • 前述的理论上的例子无论如何不是牵强附会
    The preceding theoretical example is not as far-fetched as it may seem.

  • 这是事实,但作为乐观理由未免太牵强附会了。
    That is true, and a small reason for optimism.

  • 他们的隐喻变为一系列孤立而贫乏的牵强附会
    Their metaphor degenerates into a series of isolated and barren conceits.

  • 怕就怕为了面子,牵强附会,诡辩却无法自圆其说。
    Fear of fear in order to face and far-fetched, but could not justify sophistry.

  • 说斯密照抄了孟子 ,太牵强附会,太“阿Q”。
    Say Si Mi copy word for word Mencius, too draw a forced analogy, too " A Q " .

  • 奥斯威辛和橡树岭之间的相似之处似乎是牵强附会的。
    The analogy between Auschwitz and Oak Ridge seems forced.

  • 有人牵强附会地认为这就是品牌,实际从理解上是有偏差的。
    It was far-fetched to think that this brand is actually a deviation from the understanding.

  • 各国不愿共享其信息是情有可原的,尽管这些理由有些牵强附会
    The reasons for countries' reluctance to share information are understandable, though hardly defensible.

  • 该县声称征用是为了公共利用,但其“公共”的性质实在牵强附会
    It claimed the taking was for public use, but it was public in only the most tenuous sense.

  • 而关于他的那些牵强附会的故事也不应该用今日苛刻的标准来评判。
    Yet Vespucci's enterprising life was never boring and his far-fetched tales ought not to be judged by today's exacting standards.

  • 如果说这些人的存在得到了一定的官方默许,也不是牵强附会的想法。
    It is not far-fetched to believe the groups behind them enjoy some official connivance.

  • 说影片结局是胡编滥造和牵强附会都不为过,因为那确实不能使人信服。
    The sequels fudged the fable with too many sappy clichés, but the original lays it on the line.

  • 想永葆安宁,时时顺心,事事遂心,就难免有些牵强附会,想入非非了。
    Would like to always maintain the peace, keep to one's liking, everything, it is inevitable that some far-fetched, had indulged.

  • 我自然而然想到的词语,很少有恰当的, 不是牵强附会就是陈词滥调。
    Nature seldom provides me with the word that is appropriate without being far-fetched or commonplace.

  • 中国境内存在组织性很强的东突分支组织,我觉得这个说法太牵强附会了。
    I find it very far-fetched that there would be a very organised ETIM branch in China.

  • 铺天盖地的广告中,当然有真情告白,也少不了牵强附会甚至故弄玄虚者。
    Most advertising, a true story, of course, also will be indispensable fetched even deliberately.

  • 因此,与其让它游离于刑法理论之外,或牵强附会加以解释,不如名正言顺地加以承认。
    So we should acknowledge it openly rather than let it dissociate from the criminal law theory or interpret it irrelevantly.

  • 想当然耳,电影情节还会出现更多戏剧性转折,但我得承认,故事的缘起并不尽然是牵强附会
    The film's plot will undoubtedly take many more dramatic turns from there, but its early premise is, sadly, not entirely far-fetched.

  • 通常,品牌的精神,也就是它的独特性,可能会在极度的使用和牵强附会的连带作用中丧失殆尽。
    Usually, brand spirit, it is the unique nature of the use and may be fetched in the extreme role associated lost.

  • 但是有人认为这样的防御系统一旦建成就能依靠本身保证美国的安全,这种想法始终有点牵强附会
    Yet any idea that such a shield, if it can be constructed at all, would be enough by itself to guarantee American security, was far-fetched all along.

  • 多年来学术界对许地山的《空山灵雨》,多侧重于“宗教”视角来解读,不可避免地出现牵强附会的诠释。
    Since many years the academic circles have laid particular emphasis on the view of religion to explain Xu Dishan's The Rain in a Vacant Mountain, and inevitably strained it.

  • 周日(10月25日)抗议高房价的过程中,一些香港民主党立法会议员对这种牵强附会的编号方案表达了不满。
    At a protest Sunday against high housing prices, Hong Kong Democratic Party legislators expressed dissatisfaction with the numbering scheme's tenuous relationship to reality.

  • 其评点文字认为《西游记》“原是证圣贤儒家之道”,把《西游记》看成是儒家经典著作《大学》,不免牵强附会
    His comments on it are hardly convincing that A Journey to the West was an interpretation of Confucianism and it equaled to the Confucian classics Great Learning.

  • 只有历史学家才能非常牵强附会地把那样的推测强加在拿破仑和他的将帅身上,把那样的计划强加在俄国军事将领身上。
    and only historians with a great bias can ascribe such reflections to Napoleon and his marshals, or such plans to the Russian generals.

  • 许多开发商联合媒体也举行过不少讨论会,但是由于缺少必要的理论支撑,对豪宅的论述总有些牵强附会,给人留下广告之嫌。
    Many developers have also held many joint media seminars, but because of lack of the necessary theoretical support, the total number of residential exposition fetched, gives a suspected advertising.

  • 牵强附会造句相关
